
  • 网络The Philosophy of Science;Philosophy of Natural Science
  1. 科学哲学和西方经济学之间存在着内在一致性和思想方法论关联。

    There are inherent consistencies and relations of ideal methodology between philosophy of science and western economics .

  2. SARS与科学哲学

    SARS and philosophy of science

  3. 在科学哲学的历史中一直有逻辑经验主义和历史主义两种传统,前者主张科学的哲学(ScientificPhilosophy),后者主张有关科学的哲学(PhilosophyofScience)。

    There are two sorts of tradition in history of Philosophy of Science : one is logical empiricism , the other is historicism The former is Scientific Philosophy , the latter is Philosophy of Science .

  4. 但PI程序毕竟为计算科学哲学的研究提供了一个开端,是可接受的,值得引起哲学家的普遍关注。

    But we should know that PI suggests an outset for computational philosophy of science . It is acceptable and should arise a vital consideration for philosophers .

  5. 根据科学家卡尔.波普尔(KarlPopper)的科学哲学观,任何科学理论都有其可证伪性。

    According to the scientific philosophical view of Karl Popper , any scientific theory has its " falsification quality " .

  6. 因此运用科学哲学方法来分析糖尿病性黄斑水肿(diabeticmacularedema,DME)的诊断和治疗显得尤为重要。

    The pathogenesis 、 diagnosis and treatment of diabetic macular edema is a dialectic and developmental course , therefore , it is of great importance to analyze it in a scientific and philosophy method .

  7. 科学哲学方面的专家Papineau先生同意这样的观点,即第一只鸡是鸡蛋孵出的并且是先有鸡蛋后有鸡。

    Mr Papineau , an expert in the philosophy of science , agreed that the first chicken came from an egg and that proves there were chicken eggs before chickens .

  8. 科学哲学视野中的风水实践及其理论研究

    Study of Fengshui Practice and Theory in the Scientific Philosophical View

  9. 解读科学哲学与技术哲学的界面

    Analyzing the Interface between Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Technology

  10. 门捷列夫元素周期律的科学哲学研究

    Study of Mendeleev Law From the View of Philosophy of Science

  11. 卡尔·波普的科学哲学对进化生物学的影响

    Evaluating Karl Popper 's Philosophy of Science Influence on Evolutionary Biology

  12. 证伪原则:波普尔科学哲学的精华

    False Theories : the Soul of Popper 's Philosophy of Science

  13. 对于中医基础理论的科学哲学思考

    Some Thoughts on TCM Basic Theory Based on Philosophy of Science

  14. 首先,在系统科学哲学分析的基础上构建起界面分析平台。

    First , the dissertation sets up the interface analysis platform .

  15. 阴谋理论,科学哲学,可证伪性,社会。

    Conspiracy Theory , Philosophy of science , Falsifiability , Society .

  16. 科学哲学后现代思想的内生性

    The Post - Modernism of Historical School in Philosophy of Science

  17. 科学哲学既包括学科哲学,也包括跨学科的哲学。

    Philosophy of science includes philosophy of discipline and philosophy of inter-discipline .

  18. 它们构筑起了马克思科学哲学的基本框架。

    They constitute the fundamental framework of Marx 's philosophy of science .

  19. 正确评价西方科学哲学&兼论我们哲学研究中存在的问题

    Proper Evaluation of the Philosophy of Science in the West

  20. 科学哲学的演变与信息系统认识论

    The Evolution of Philosophy of Science and Information System Epistemology

  21. 马克思主义科学哲学范式探析马克思哲学与存在论范式的转换

    Switchover of Marxist Philosophy and the Paradigm of the Doctrine of Being

  22. 从人工智能看科学哲学的创新

    Innovation of Philosophy of science from the Viewpoint of AI

  23. 科学哲学在中国&历史、现状与未来

    Science and Technology Philosophy in China-Yesterday , today and tomorrow

  24. 科学哲学应该清除科学语言中的迷雾。

    Philosophy of science should eliminate confusion from scientific language .

  25. 批判学派科学哲学的后现代主义意向

    Post-Modernist Intentions in Philosophy of Science of the Critical School

  26. 尼采的科学哲学述评

    Review of and Comments on Nietzsche 's Philosophy of Science

  27. 百年西方科学哲学研究的主要问题

    The main problems in the study of western scientific philosophy in the century

  28. 在西方医药审判中的一个亮点&科学哲学

    A Brightened Dot in the Judgement of Medicine and Drugs in West-Scientific Philosophy

  29. 论苏联自然科学哲学的历史地位

    On the Historical Place of the Philosophy of Natural Science in Soviet Union

  30. 作为科学哲学概念的创新&发现与创新的关系辨析

    Innovation as the Concept of the Philosophy of Science