
  • 网络Colorado;the colorado river
  1. 我们到科罗拉多河湍急的河水中划皮划艇。

    We went white-water rafting on the Colorado River .

  2. 他们的街区正被科罗拉多河上涨的河水淹没。

    Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River .

  3. 他们买了两英里科罗拉多河沿河的土地。

    They bought two miles of river frontage along the Colorado .

  4. 博和它的主人罗布和劳里罗伯茨乘坐一艘16英尺长的船沿科罗拉多河而下。

    Bo and his owners , Rob and Laurie Roberts , were going down the Colorado River in a 16-foot boat .

  5. 现在他可能成功跨越斯内克河峡谷,但他真正的目标是飞跃美国亚利桑那州西北部科罗拉多河的大峡谷(GrandCanyon)。

    He might clear the Snake River now , but his real aim was to leap the Grand Canyon .

  6. 沿BrightAngelTrail一路跨过科罗拉多河欣赏沿途美景令人心生向往,但出发前应问问自己是否有完成旅程的本事。

    It 's tempting to want to climb from the rim down the river along the Bright Angel Trail , but you have to consider your realistic ability to complete the hike .

  7. 骡子火车穿越科罗拉多河黑大桥。

    A mule train crosses the Black Bridge over the Colorado River .

  8. 是的,我曾去科罗拉多河上漂流过,

    Yes . I 've kayaked on the Colorado River ,

  9. 是的,我曾去科罗拉多河上漂流过。

    Yes . I 've kayaked on the Colorado River .

  10. 科罗拉多河流经的低峡谷。

    The lower gorge where the Colorado River runs .

  11. 科罗拉多河流域是美国西南部的一个地方。

    The Colorado River basin is a region in the Southwest United States .

  12. 所以让我们看看在科罗拉多河流域发生的事。

    So let 's look at what 's happening in the Colorado River basin .

  13. 我们将攀岩科罗拉多河旁边的一座悬崖。

    B : We are going to climb a cliff on the Colorado River .

  14. 科罗拉多河是世上,水流最湍急的河之一

    The Colorado River is one of the most powerful rivers in the world .

  15. 现在他把目光投向了更大的目标,科罗拉多河

    And now he has his eye on something even bigger : the Colorado River .

  16. 科罗拉多河穿越大峡谷。

    Colorado River through the Grand Canyon .

  17. 科罗拉多河起源于落矶山脉,朝西南流入加利福尼亚湾。

    The Colorado River rises in the Rockies and flows southwest into the Gulf of California .

  18. 为了让水流湍急的科罗拉多河改道

    To divert the raging Colorado ,

  19. 对于科罗拉多河流域未来水资源管理计划,教授的态度是什么?

    What is the professor 's attitude toward future water-management plans in the Colorado River basin ?

  20. 乘筏渡过科罗拉多河。

    Raft the Colorado River .

  21. 生活在美国科罗拉多河出口周围的北美印第安族人。

    A member of a North American Indian people living around the mouth of the Colorado river .

  22. 这条古道下降到峡谷内,露出新的颜色在我们接近科罗拉多河。

    The trail descends into the inner gorge , revealing new colors as we approach the Colorado River .

  23. 峡谷照片美术馆。水流匆匆在岩石的周围同样的科罗拉多河继续凿出它的道路穿过大峡谷。

    Water rushes around rocks as the Colorado River continues to cut its way through the Grand Canyon .

  24. 位于公园的中心的两个峡谷是由格林河和科罗拉多河侵蚀成的。

    At the center of the park are two deep canyons carved by the Green and Colorado Rivers .

  25. 今天,格兰德河与奔腾强劲的科罗拉多河在其入海口处都只剩一条缓缓流淌的细流。

    Neither the Rio Grande nor the mighty Colorado is more than a trickle at its mouth today .

  26. 亚利桑那州的别名是“大峡谷之州”,该名称源于这里著名的由科罗拉多河雕刻而成的蜿蜒的峡谷。

    Arizona is the Grand Canyon State because of the famous winding canyon carved by the Colorado River .

  27. 该凯巴布步道通往尖客点,然后急剧下降到把我们的科罗拉多河。

    The Kaibab trail leading to tip-off point , which then takes us sharply down to the Colorado River .

  28. 在美国,围绕科罗拉多河水位不断下降的问题,该国与墨西哥之间的争议不断加剧。

    In the US , there are increasing disputes with Mexico over the sinking levels of water in the Colorado River .

  29. 发源于怀俄明州西部的一条河流,向南流经犹他州,最后成为科罗拉多河的一条支流。

    A river that rises in western Wyoming and flows southward through Utah to become a tributary of the Colorado river .

  30. 科罗拉多河在这片红土上冲蚀出这个峡谷,想必经历了一个世纪左右。

    It must have taken the Colorado River a century or so to carve this canyon out of red clay soil .