
  • 网络Scientific progress;science advances;Science progress
  1. 另外一个科学进展的例子涉及一种叫做Bt的天然细菌。Bt被用于消灭棉铃虫,玉米螟和其他昆虫的杀虫剂中。

    Another example of scientific progress involves a natural bacterium known as Bt. Bt is used as a pesticide to fight cotton bollworms , corn borers and other pests .

  2. 这份研究由美国和欧洲的研究者们联合进行、发表在本周的美国杂志《科学进展》上,在猕猴发出声音、进食和做出面部表情时,他们使用X射线来观察它们嘴巴和喉咙内部。

    The study , conducted by researchers from the U.S. and Europe and published this week in the U.S. journal Science Advances , used X-ray video to see within the mouth and throat of macaque monkeys induced to vocalize , eat food , or make facial expressions .

  3. 我国地震监测预报研究的主要科学进展

    The main science advance of earthquake monitoring and prediction in China

  4. 科学进展研究的三阶段论

    The three & step theory on the studies of scientific development

  5. 我的职责是了解最新的科学进展。

    My position involves finding out about the latest scientific developments .

  6. 立法的目的就是使科学进展。

    The purpose of the legislation was the advancement of science .

  7. 脑科学进展的跨世纪回顾与展望

    Century Review and Perspective on the Advancements of Brain Science

  8. 《海洋科学进展》第23卷(2005年)总目次

    Advances in Marine Science Vol . 23 , 2005 contents in brief

  9. 我们亲眼见证本世纪最重要的科学进展。

    We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century .

  10. 浅谈地球空间信息科学进展及发展趋势

    Analyzing the Progress and Developing Trend of Geo-spatial Information Science

  11. 2002年分析分离科学进展国际研讨会

    2002 International symposium on advances in analytical separation science

  12. 2006年《地球科学进展》1~12期总目次

    2006 Accumulative Index of ADVANCES IN EARTH SCIENCE

  13. 2006年中国重大科学进展

    Important Advances of Sciences in China in 2006

  14. 在最近的大约二十年的时间里,关于科学进展的两种图景并存着,并处与冲突之中。

    During the past twenty years , two pictures of science have been in conflict .

  15. 20世纪重大基础自然科学进展所体现的系统观念

    Some Systematic Ideas Drawn from Some Important Developments of Natural Science in the 20th Century

  16. 天文学家戴维·基平和阿莱克斯·提彻已将他们的成果发表在《科学进展》杂志上。

    Astronomers David Kipping and Alex Teachey have published their results in Science Advances journal .

  17. 我国数学科学进展令人瞩目

    China makes remarkable progress in mathematical science , NSFC gives it sustained and steady support

  18. 二是,联系最新的科学进展对列宁科学哲学思想的再思考。

    Secondly , Rethinks Lenin Philosophy of Science on the basis of the latest scientific advances .

  19. 世界催化科学进展

    Latest development in world catalysis science

  20. 微重力材料科学进展

    Progress of Materials Science in Space

  21. 最后,对这项国际合作计划的科学进展问题谈了几点认识。

    In conclusion a few remarks upon the scientific progress of IHD and IHP are made .

  22. 中国草地科学进展

    Development of Grassland Science in China

  23. 单分子科学进展

    Progress in single-molecule Science

  24. 科学进展的问题在科学哲学研究中一直具有着重要的地位。

    The advancement of science has always been an important problem in the studies of Philosophy of Science .

  25. 微重力科学进展

    Progress in Microgravity Science

  26. 最让你感到兴奋的治疗或者认识阿尔兹海默症的科学进展是什么?

    LEHRER : What recent scientific advances in treating or understanding Alzheimer 's are you most excited about ?

  27. 而且,有关科学进展的新闻线索也不是那么容易就出现的,这部分上是由于科研院所没有自己的新闻官。

    Furthermore , clues about developing science news are not easily forthcoming , due partly to the absence of press officers .

  28. 目前大气辐射校正方法的局限性已经严重影响了定量遥感科学进展。

    Nowaday the limitation of the method of atmospheric and radiometric correction had been strictly effecting the development of RS science .

  29. 如果我们能够对于这种大小的蛋白质一直得到这样的结果,这将是一个很大的科学进展。

    If we are able to do this consistently for proteins in this size range , it will be a major scientific breakthrough .

  30. 勃起功能障碍全球视点:从科学进展到伴侣的解决方案&第一届亚太地区研讨会纪要

    Global Perspectives in ED : From Advances in Science to Couple 's Solutions & 1 ~ ( st ) Asia Pacific Symposium Highlight