
  • 网络Komodo;komodo dragon;Varanus komodoensis
  1. 和我们的小科莫多巨蜥一样,薯虫幼虫会用粪便覆盖其身以避免落为天敌的口中美味。

    Like our little friend the komodo dragon , potato beetle babies ( larvae ) cover themselves in their own poop to avoid being eaten .

  2. 法国动物学家们日前表示,他们对最近4只珍稀的科莫多巨蜥宝宝的诞生既感到高兴又有些迷惑不解,因为他们至今没弄清这些巨蜥宝宝的爸爸到底是谁。

    Zoologists said they were delighted and perplexed at the birth of four rare Komodo dragons , whose paternity remains a mystery .

  3. 科莫多巨蜥是食肉动物,有时甚至会捕食人类。

    These reptiles are plenty scary in their own right . They 're carnivorous hunters , and on occasion they 've even dined upon humans .