
tuó lù
  • moose;elk
驼鹿 [tuó lù]
  • [moose] 属于鹿科的一种大型反刍动物,栖居加拿大和北部美国的森林地区,与欧洲驼鹿近缘,但较大,突起的肩部约高七英尺,体重常超过一千磅,形状丑陋,四肢长,尾短,头大,上唇厚而下垂,角呈宽掌形,有很多小尖

驼鹿[tuó lù]
  1. 新疆阿尔泰山驼鹿的初步考察

    A preliminary inspection on the elk ( alces alces ) in Xinjiang Altai Mountain

  2. 一个星期过后,当飞机返回原地接他们时,飞行员却看到猎人的身边有两只驼鹿。

    A week later when the plane returns to pick them up , the two hunters are standing1 by the lake with two moose .

  3. 要下飞机的时候,飞行员特意嘱咐他们:“千万记住,只允许带一只驼鹿,因为飞机只能承受那么大的重量。”听飞行员说完,两个猎人就打猎去了。

    Upon dropping off the hunters , the pilot tells them , " Remember only one moose , because the plane wouldn ’ t be able to take off with more weight than that . " The hunters go off .

  4. 他说:“这狗想逮的是獐子、驼鹿、野猪之类的大野兽,它的目标不是老鼠。如果你一定要让它捉老鼠,只要将它的后脚夹起来就可以了。”

    The person from Qi said , " This dog can catch bucks1 , deer , and wild boars . Mice are not its target . If you really want it to catch mice , just bond2 its real legs and it will catch mice . "

  5. HasselandRogers狼与驼鹿模型讨论

    A Discussion on Hassel and Rogers 's Wolves and Moose Model

  6. 奇怪的是,Butcher一边拼命为保护她的狗的生命而奋战着,一边也为这只驼鹿而深感同情。

    Oddly , all the while that Butcher fought for her dogs'lives , her thoughts were also in sympathy with the moose .

  7. 如果cow是cowmoose(母驼鹿)且moon是安大略省的MoonRiver(或者,也许是一头母水牛跳过湄公河的一条名称相同的支流),那么“奶牛的跳跃”就更有意义了。

    Cows jumping makes more sense if the cow is a cow moose and the moon is the Moon River in Ontario ( or perhaps a water buffalo cow jumping the river of the same name that is a tributary of the Mekong ) .

  8. 海拔单因素评价结果表明:海拔高度在500-700m的区域为驼鹿的优良生境,该区域的面积为105.6km~2,占研究区总面积的67.86%,是驼鹿活动最频繁的区域;

    The results revealed that : Altitude One-factor assessing results : Excellent and Good & the altitude was between 500-700m with area of 105.6 km ~ 2 , which in the study area , and moose frequently appeared in it ;

  9. 注册:2006年01月驼鹿,北美一种大鹿。

    Moose , a kind of deer living in North American .

  10. 所以我正开着车,前杠上驮着一头活着的驼鹿。

    So I 'm driving with a live moose on my fender .

  11. 有一天他碰上了大约有20头的一群驼鹿。

    One day he met a group of about twenty .

  12. 大家别担心,我懂驼鹿语。

    Don 't worry . I speak moose , everyone .

  13. 如果驼鹿和驼鹿,那是一回事。

    When a moose is a moose , that is one thing .

  14. 黑河林区驼鹿的食物组成及其季节变化

    The food composition and seasonal change of the moose in Heihe forest area

  15. 在秋天,巴克开始在森林中发现驼鹿。

    In the autumn , Buck started to see moose in the forest .

  16. 新疆发现欧洲驼鹿&我国兽类一亚种新纪录

    New record of Alces Alces Alces in China Europe

  17. 他们还附赠了,一根驼鹿的股骨。

    They also gave me one of a moose , believe it or not .

  18. 中国驼鹿种群数量及分布现状的研究

    Population size and distribution of moose in China

  19. 驼鹿的人工饲养繁殖

    The raising and breeding of moose in captive

  20. 在我开车通过“荷兰隧道”时,驼鹿醒了过来。

    And I 'm driving through the Holland tunnel - the moose woke up .

  21. 驼鹿的进化和分类研究进展

    Evolution of Alces and Progress in Taxonomy Research

  22. 在费尔班克斯,向驼鹿喂食酒精饮料违法。

    In Fairbanks , it is illegal to feed alcoholic beverages to a moose .

  23. 永远的幸存者,这头蓝色的笨笨驼鹿总是全心全意地笨手笨脚。

    Always the odd-man-out , this dim-witted blue moose is all heart and all thumbs .

  24. 驼鹿就站在我旁边。

    The moose is next to me .

  25. 曾打到过一头驼鹿。

    I shot a moose , once .

  26. 走动的驼鹿和隐藏的图像

    A walking moose and hidden images

  27. 驼鹿(犭罕)生态的研究

    Study on the ecology of moose

  28. 黑河林区驼鹿冬季食性研究

    Winter food-habits of moose in Heihe

  29. 圈养驼鹿应激反应与适应性的研究

    Captive Moose Stress Reaction and Adaptability

  30. 第一名颁给了伯科维奇夫妇,他们夫妻两个化装成一头驼鹿。

    First price goes to the Burcowiche 's , a married couple dressed as a moose .