
  • 网络gibbus deformity
  1. 目前采用脊柱截骨术矫正强直性脊柱炎所致的驼背畸形是公认的唯一有效的治疗方法。

    Spinal osteotomy is the best way for the humpbacked malformation of AS .

  2. X线显示驼背畸形角度平均改善12.1度;

    X-ray showed that the angle of kyphosis deformity was improved 12.1 ° .

  3. 重度脊柱侧弯并驼背畸形分期矫治的护理脊柱侧弯的前路矫形

    Nurse of Step-by-step Orthopedic Surgery for Serious Scoliosis Combined with Kyphosis Surgical correction of scoliosis with anterior approach

  4. 结论:经椎弓根楔形截骨术治疗强直性脊柱炎所致驼背畸形是一种疗效可靠满意的手术方法。

    Conclusions : Transpedicle cuneiform osteotomy for correction of kyphosis due to ankylosing spondylitis is a satisfactory and reliable technique .

  5. 目的:评价17例强直性脊柱炎所致驼背畸形采用经椎弓根楔形截骨术矫形效果。

    Aim : To evaluate the results of17 cases treated with transpedicle cuneiform osteotomy for correction of kyphosis due to ankylosing spondylitis .

  6. [目的]利用容珊原理研制支撑杆电子数显测力监控装置,并将其应用于新型脊柱矫形器,对强直性脊柱炎导致驼背畸形患者进行矫形治疗,探讨矫形器的作用机理,并进行临床生物力学研究。

    [ Objective ] To develop an electronic-digital ergometer supporting force measuring equipment equipping on a new-designed spinal orthopedic shelf for kyphosis and to evaluate its biomechanical principle and its clinical application .