
  • 网络Lincoln Laboratory;Lincoln lab;MIT Lincoln Laboratory
  1. 多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达概念先后由麻省理工学院林肯实验室、贝尔实验室和新泽西技术研究所等单位提出,近年来得到了广泛研究,成为雷达领域理论和实验研究的热点。

    The term of multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) radar has recently been introduced by MIT Lincoln Laboratory , Bell Laboratory and New Jersey Institute of Technology .

  2. 最后在借鉴MIT林肯实验室的入侵检测测试数据集的基础上,本文提出了一套入侵检测系统测试方案,为评价入侵检测方法的优劣提供了一定依据。

    Based on the MIT Lincoln Laboratory intrusion detection system test set , a whole test plan for IDS is provided which gives foundation for evaluating of the intrusion detection method .

  3. MIT林肯实验室的研究人员开发了一种技术,可能在将来某一天能治愈普通感冒、流行感冒和其他疾病。

    Researchers at MIT 's Lincoln Lab have developed technology that may someday cure the common cold , influenza and other ailments .

  4. 采用林肯实验室的样本数据,利用Profile测试工具对改进后的系统进行了测试,通过实验结果对比及分析,验证了改进后的混合检测系统在检测功能、检测效率上都得到了改进和提高。

    Adopt Lincoln LABS sample data , using Profile test tools for improved system were tested . The experimental results contrast and analysis , and verifies the improved mixed detection system in detecting function , detection efficiency on an improved and enhanced .

  5. 美国麻省理工学院林肯实验室持续研究此类可见光波段激光雷达,随后Raytheon研发了近红外波段的激光雷达。

    MIT Lincoln Lab in America continues the development of this ladar with visible light laser . Soon afterwards Raytheon did research on this ladar in the near infrared wave band .

  6. 文章通过林肯实验室公布的实验数据对这种方法进行了验证和说明。

    The approach has been tested under the intrusion data published by Lincoln lab in this paper .

  7. 本文介绍了美国林肯实验室远程“火池”多普勒激光雷达的性能和应用,主要叙述了改进型“火池”雷达及其识别假目标试验。

    The performance and application of the " Firepond " laser doppler radar developed in Lincoln Laboratry , U.S.A. , is presented in this peper .