
lín dì
  • woodland;forest land;forestry;wood;timberland
林地 [lín dì]
  • [woodland; timberland; forest land] 为木本植物群落覆盖的土地

林地[lín dì]
  1. 五年内全省林地将扩展到一千万亩。

    The forest land of the province will be expanded to ten million mu within five years .

  2. 晋西不同林地状况对糙率系数n值影响的研究

    A Study on Effect of Forest Land Condition Upon Roughness Coefficient in the West of Shanxi Province

  3. 新道路开发可能对这些古老的林地造成破坏。

    These ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments .

  4. 草地和林地相互交错。

    Grass fields were intermixed with areas of woodland .

  5. 如果林地不受干扰,几年后,它就会得到更新。

    If the woodland is left alone , it will regenerate itself in a few years .

  6. 星期三我们清理了一块海滨林地的垃圾。

    On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter .

  7. 西北部的一半林地是公共财产。

    Half of the north-west 's timber land is public property .

  8. 他在镇子以西约一英里处偶遇一大片林地。

    About a mile to the west of town he came upon a large wood .

  9. 我们穿过好几英里茂密的林地。

    We passed through miles of densely wooded country .

  10. 这片潮湿的林地是鸟类、其他动物和许多不同植物的家园。

    The land was wet and forested , and made a home for birds , other animals and many different plants .

  11. 维恩特波恩的合同完成后,那片林地变得荒废了

    Winterborne 's contract was completed , and the plantations were deserted .

  12. 原生林地是自然景观中备受喜爱的一部分。

    Native woodlands are a much-loved part of the landscape .

  13. 林地光影交错。

    The ground under the trees was checkered with sunlight and shade .

  14. 英国林地信托表示,在保护现有林地方面所做的努力还远远不够。

    It says not nearly enough is being done to protect our existing woodlands .

  15. 调查数据显示:我国林地面积从2009年的25395万公顷增加到现在的28412万公顷。

    Forest area in China surged from 253.95 million hectares in 2009 to the current 284.12 million hectares .

  16. 大约有5000只考拉死亡,大火烧毁了该州500多万公顷林地,影响了近四分之一的考拉栖息地。

    About 5000 are thought to have died , and the blazes that scorched4 more than 5 million hectares state-wide affected5 almost a quarter of koala habitats .

  17. 从古老的橡树林到有数百年历史的白蜡树和山毛榉林,林地为包括蝴蝶、鸟类和昆虫在内的各种野生动物提供了庇护,并锁住了数百万吨碳。

    From ancient oak forests to centuries-old groves1 of ash or beech2 , they provide a refuge for wildlife , including butterflies , birds and insects , and lock up millions of tonnes of carbon .

  18. 然而,根据英国林地信托的研究,绝大多数的原生林地状况很差,这是由于受到了一连串威胁的打击,包括气候影响、树木疾病以及住房和交通发展造成的林地流失。

    Yet , according to the Woodland Trust , the vast majority of our native woodlands are in a poor condition , hit by a barrage3 of threats including climate impacts , tree diseases , and loss to housing and transport developments .

  19. 结合能常数K值:林地坝平地大棚坡地拆除区磷矿区。

    K : Woodland dam ground greenhouse slope removal zone in lakeside phosphate rock zone .

  20. 林地与裸地土层中CO2浓度随土层深度增加而增高。

    CO_2 concentration increased with the soil depth .

  21. DEM在林地资源表面积调查中的应用

    Application of DEM to Calculating the Surface Area of Forest Land

  22. 用静态封闭箱式技术原位测定了西山地区元宝枫和油松两种人工林地土壤N2O的排放通量,表明该地区森林土壤为大气N2O气体一个重要的源。

    The soil N_2O emission flux in the plantation of Acer truncatum and Piuns tabuleaformus woodland was measured in situ using static closed chamber technique .

  23. 林地、果园间种籽粒苋能有效地改善林地小气候、改善土壤结构,并在一定程度上调节土壤水分状况,有效地增加土壤中P、K含量,改良土壤;

    Inter-planting Grain amaranth can improve the microclimate and soil structure . It can also adjust the soil moisture , increase P and K contents , improve soil quality in some degree .

  24. 此外,林地内的土壤元素含量在病害侵入前后也会发生一定的变化:受到轻度砍伐的林地内其P、K含量较高,有利于提高树木对病虫害的抵抗能力。

    Furthermore , proportion of total N 、 available P 、 available K in soil are dissimilar after the disease invaded : Capacities of resistance on disease will be enhanced if infect trees are cut appropriate .

  25. 林草模式的根际与非根际pH值都要比自然草模式的大,说明黑麦草较自然草能提高林地土壤的pH值。

    Soil pH were higher on the rhizosphere soil and non-rhizosphere soil in forest-herb model than that in natural grass model . It showed that Lolium multiflorum can improve soil pH in contrast with natural grass .

  26. 水田,旱地,林地,果园的CO2年排放量分别为1129632533828gCm~(-2a~(-1)。

    The annual CO_2 emission were 1129 , 631 , 533 , and 828gCm ~ ( - 2 ) a ~ ( - 1 ) for paddy , upland , woodland , and garden , respectively .

  27. 2003年林地和耕地的年最大NDVI较1998年分别有微弱和较显著增加,而草地仍有较显著减少;

    In addition , annual maximum NDVI of cropland and woodland in2003 has been improved in comparison with those of1998 , while grassland has degenerated ;

  28. 封山育林能明显改善林地土壤的物理性质,提高土壤中有机质、全N和速效K的含量,增加腐殖质层厚度,使土壤肥力得到提高。

    Remarkably , hill closing for forestation can improve the physical properties of soil , increase its content of organic materials such as N and K and enhance the thickness of humus layer , thus improving the fertility of forest soil .

  29. 15a来,耕地和林地增加幅度最大,草地减少幅度最大,土地利用转移的主要方向是草地变为耕地和林地。

    The main change direction is that pasture land transformed into cultivated land and woodland .

  30. 而自然草地、自然林地棕壤Olsen-P含量则随深度加深(0&100cm)而逐渐增多。

    The contents of Olsen-P in native soils ( grassland and woodland ) increased with the deepening of soil layer in 0 & 100 cm .