
Lín Yǔtánɡ
  • Lin Yutang; linguist, lexicographer, writer, journalist, and writer of popular books in English about China
林语堂 [lín yǔ táng]
  • [Lin Yutang] (1895-1976) 福建龙溪人,作家。早年留学美国、德国,曾任北京大学、北京女子师范大学教授,厦门大学文科主任,《语丝》撰稿人之一。三十年代,他在上海主编《论语》、《人间世》、《宇宙风》等杂志,以自由主义者的姿态,提倡性灵、幽默

  1. 生活艺术论”是林语堂文化观、人生观和审美观的集中体现

    It is a philosophy of life , promulgating numerous and complicated existence . “

  2. MyCountryandMyPeople是我国著名国学大师林语堂代表作之一。

    My Country and My People is one of the masterpieces written by our famous Chinese scholar Lin Yutang .

  3. 从象似性角度评林语堂英译中国古典诗词

    Iconicity on Lin Yutang ′ s Translation of Chinese Classic Poetry

  4. 鲁迅与林语堂翻译理论浅较

    A Comparison of Lu Xun and Lin Yutang 's Translation Theories

  5. 林语堂及其翻译艺术

    A Tentative Study on Lin Yutang and His Art of Translation

  6. 论林语堂小说家庭文化的审美取向

    Aesthetic orientation of the family culture in LIN Yu-tang 's novels

  7. 论林语堂散文的立体视野

    On the Stereo Field of Vision of Lin Yutang 's Proses

  8. 另外,林语堂还强调了翻译心理的重要性。

    Besides , he emphasized the importance of psychology in translation .

  9. 像林语堂那样的例子多得很。

    Well-known bilinguals such as Lin Yu-tang are but some examples .

  10. 论林语堂的红学研究

    On Lin Yutang 's Study of A DREAM IN RED MANSIONS

  11. 林语堂,不仅是一位作家,语言家还是一位翻译家。

    Lin Yutang was a translator as well as writer and linguist .

  12. 林语堂散文修辞艺术初探

    Studies on the Rhetoric Art of LIN Yu-tang 's Proses

  13. 使翻译成为美术之一种&林语堂英译中国古典诗词赏析

    On Lin Yutang 's English Translation of Classic Chinese Verse

  14. 林语堂钟情于北京及其文化,这与这座老城所散发出的独特魅力息息相关。

    Lin loved Beijing and Beijing culture because of its unique glamour .

  15. 文化碰撞中的文化认同与困境&从林语堂看海外华文文学研究中的有关问题

    Cultural Identification and Puzzles & A Look into Overseas Chinese Literature Study

  16. 从文化比较看鲁迅与林语堂

    Comparing Lu Xun and Lin Yu-tang in terms of culture

  17. 林语堂的红学研究述评

    Comments on Lin Yu-tang 's Study on Dream of the Red Mansion

  18. 论林语堂闲适格调的二重性

    The Duality of LIN Yu-tang 's Familiar Style in Writing

  19. 《浮生六记》英译者林语堂是我国当代著名的文学家,翻译家。

    Lin Yutang is a famous writer and translator in modern China .

  20. 林语堂论科技文明之后遗症

    Lin Yutang 's Argument about the Aftereffects of Scientific and Technological Civilization

  21. 林语堂散文幽默语言的修辞探析

    The Rhetoric Analysis on the Humorous Language in Lin Yu-tang 's Prose

  22. 林语堂及其翻译艺术个案研究(英文)

    A Case Study of Lin Yutang and His Art of Translation ;

  23. 鲁迅与林语堂幽默观之比较

    Comparison of humourous views between Lu Xun and Lin Yutang

  24. 该译本彰显了林语堂高超的翻译技巧。

    The translated version has manifested his high translation skills .

  25. 汉学心态:林语堂文化思想透视

    Sinological Mind : Perspective of Lin Yutang 's Cultural Thinking

  26. 林语堂一生著作颇丰。

    Lin Yutang has left us a lot of works .

  27. 从《幽梦影》看林语堂对国俗词语的翻译

    Lin Yutang 's Translation of Chinese Cultural Words in Quiet Dream Shadows

  28. 林语堂幽默观之中西来源

    The Western and Chinese Origins of Lin Yu-tang 's Outlook on Humour

  29. 基督精神与林语堂的人生追求

    The Christian Spirit and Lin Yutang 's Life Pursuit

  30. 绅士文化与林语堂的文学品格

    Culture of Gentry and Lin Yutang 's Literary Character