
  • 【地名】【美国】Lincoln Memorial
  1. 我们参观了林肯纪念堂。

    We visited the Lincoln memorial .

  2. 纪念碑取材自花岗岩,呈V字造型,两端分别指向林肯纪念堂和华盛顿纪念碑。

    The wall is granite and V-shaped , with one side pointing to the Lincoln Memorial and the other to the Washington Monument .

  3. 1963年夏天,马丁·路德·金就是在林肯纪念堂前的阶梯上发表了他著名的演讲“我有一个梦想”(IHaveaDream)。

    The King Memorial is near the Abraham Lincoln Memorial , from the steps of which King delivered his famous " I Have a Dream " speech in the summer of1963 .

  4. 华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念堂都倒影在反思池中。

    It reflects both the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial .

  5. 林肯纪念堂的反思池是首都华盛顿最大的反思池。

    The Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool is the largest of Washington , D.C.

  6. 从这儿到林肯纪念堂有多远?

    A : How far is it from here to Lincoln Memorial ?

  7. 你参观过在华盛顿的林肯纪念堂吗?

    Have you visited the Lincoln Memorial in Washington ?

  8. 你带着家人到林肯纪念堂。

    You took your family to the Lincoln Memorial .

  9. 发表在林肯纪念堂的台阶上。

    delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial ,

  10. 我喜欢夜晚的林肯纪念堂。

    I love the Lincoln Memorial at night .

  11. 您也可以步行到这里从林肯纪念堂横跨阿灵顿大桥。

    You can also walk here from the Lincoln Memorial across the Arlington Bridge .

  12. 在映影池的那一边,矗立着由大圆柱组成的庄严肃穆的林肯纪念堂,

    And then beyond the Reflecting Pool the dignified columns of the Lincoln Memorial .

  13. 在查看一个从华盛顿纪念碑反映对林肯纪念堂池。

    A view over the Reflecting Pool from the Washington Monument toward the Lincoln Memorial .

  14. 在映影池的那一边,矗立着庄严肃穆的大圆柱组成的林肯纪念堂。

    And then , beyond the Reflecting Pool , the dignified columns of the Lincoln Memorial .

  15. 林肯纪念堂被破坏几天之后,又有两处华盛顿特区标志性建筑被毁。

    Days after Lincoln Memorial was vandalized , two more Washington DC landmarks have been damaged .

  16. 京晶:你知道吗,华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念堂相隔很近。

    You know , the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial are right across from each other .

  17. 虽然他被残酷暗杀,但他的精神将永存林肯纪念堂中。

    Although he was brutally assassinated , but his spirit will remain forever in the Lincoln Memorial .

  18. 马克:京晶,到这边来,你能看见林肯纪念堂。

    Mark : Jingjing , come over to this side . You can see the Lincoln Memorial .

  19. 作者认为在整个华盛顿纪念碑反映池,从林肯纪念堂看到。

    A view of the Washington Monument across the Reflecting Pool , as seen from the Lincoln Memorial .

  20. 从办公室窗口望出去,他可以看见华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念堂的全景。

    A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln memories .

  21. 美元钞票背面的林肯纪念堂图案上列出了所有50个州的名字。

    All50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $ 5 bill .

  22. 前民权活动家罗杰·威尔金斯当时就在林肯纪念堂外聆听马丁路德金的讲话。

    Former civil rights activist Roger Wilkins was there on the day marchers gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial .

  23. 他有个非凡的演讲在美国家喻户晓,那就是在林肯纪念堂的演讲《我有一个梦想》

    His marvelous speech that every American knows at the Lincoln Memorial talking about " I have a dream . "

  24. 据总统就职委员会介绍,林肯纪念堂的庆祝活动将免费对公众开放。

    The event at the Lincoln Memorial will be free and open to the public , the Presidential Inaugural Committee said .

  25. 还有其它的纪念碑,位于托马斯。杰斐逊和林肯纪念堂之间的潮汐湖。

    There are other issues with the memorial , set on the Tidal Basin between the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials , too .

  26. 夜间,肯尼迪中心与附近的林肯纪念堂的白色灯光汇成一片,相映成趣。

    Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts , which at night glows with the same white light bathing the Lincoln Memorial , also nearby .

  27. 在林肯纪念堂前的一场打雪仗展现了风暴并不强势的一面,但政府机构都在认真应对降雪。

    A snowball fight in front of the Lincoln Memorial shows the lighter side of the storm , but government agencies are taking the snow seriously .

  28. 按顺序,它们分别是美国国玺,《独立宣言》签字会场和林肯纪念堂,

    They are , in order , the Great Seal of the United States , the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Lincoln Memorial .

  29. 美国和平研究所的总部座落在华盛顿的林肯纪念堂附近,大楼里将包括一个公众教育中心,研究图书馆,档案馆,教室和一个会议中心。

    Its headquarters near Washington 's Lincoln Memorial will include a public education center , a research library , archives , classrooms , and a conference center .

  30. 但她下飞机不久后,她了解到她清单上的自由女神像、林肯纪念堂和许多其他旅游景点将被关闭。

    But soon after she landed , she learned that the Statue of Liberty , Lincoln Memorial and many other tourist attractions on her list would be closed .