
  • 网络cornwall;Cornish;Cornwell
  1. 渔船在康沃尔海岸外礁石上搁浅了。

    The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Cornwall .

  2. 她的团队由来自德文郡和康沃尔郡的孩子们组成。

    Her crew consisted of children from Devon and Cornwall .

  3. 此次航游的下一站很可能是在康沃尔。

    The next stop on this cruise is likely to be in Cornwall .

  4. 康沃尔人表示强烈抗议。

    The Cornish are up in arms .

  5. 国民托管组织已颁布禁令,禁止在多塞特、德文与康沃尔地区使用水上摩托艇。

    The National Trust has placed an interdict on jet-skis in Dorset , Devon and Cornwall .

  6. 我认为你们在康沃尔呆的太久了,已经忘记了城市的生活方式。

    I think you 've been too long in Cornwall . You 've forgotten the ways of the city

  7. 我花了很长时间在英国徒步漫游,从苏格兰的最北端一直走到康沃尔。

    I 've spent a lot of time walking around Britain from the far north of Scotland down to Cornwall

  8. 父亲原本要开车送我去康沃尔,但我们还是觉得坐火车更快。

    My father would have driven me to Cornwall , but we decided it would be quicker by train .

  9. 她在康沃尔郡波尔佩罗村当地的酒吧召集了第一次聚会,预计最多会有20人参加。

    She is expecting up to 20 people at the first meeting she has called , at her local pub in the Cornish village of Polperro .

  10. 三天后,一场飓风袭击了康沃尔附近的海岸。

    Three days later , a hurricane hit the coast near Cornwall .

  11. 她的主人迈克·霍尔顿惊慌失措,把出现的康沃尔海岸警卫队送进了牢房。

    Her owner Mike Holden panicked and celled the coastguard of Cornwall , who turned up in seconds .

  12. 然后,有一天,电话铃响了,康沃尔郡的海岸警卫队史蒂夫·特雷格问霍尔德是否喜欢他的狗叫。

    Then , one day , the phone rang and Steve Tregear , the coastguard of Cornwall , asked Holder if he would like his dog bark .

  13. 当时,我正在康沃尔的同一栋别墅里阅读约翰•兰彻斯特(JohnLanchester)的一本新书。

    I was sitting in the same Cornish cottage reading a new book by John Lanchester .

  14. 这个直径为9厘米的杯盖由总部位于康沃尔(Cornwall)的LawMateUK公司设计,适用于所有外带咖啡杯。

    The lid , which is 9cm in diameter , has been created by Cornwall-based company LawMate UK to fit any takeaway coffee cup .

  15. 这是康沃尔公爵夫人嫁给威尔士亲王(威廉王子的父亲)时穿着的一件由RobinsonValentineS设计的漂亮的礼服。

    The Duchess of Cornwall married the Prince of Wales wearing a beautiful outfit by Robinson Valentine in2005 .

  16. 英国临海的康沃尔郡有大批海外游客涌入也是因为BBC年代剧《波尔达克》。

    and the British seaside region of Cornwall has had an influx of international visitors thanks to the BBC period drama series Poldark .

  17. 本杰明•富兰克林(BenjaminFranklin)在1752年发现了电,理查德•特里维西克(RichardTrevithick)制造的蒸汽机车PuffingDevil于1801年在康沃尔郡上路。

    Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity in 1752 and Richard Trevithick 's car , the Puffing Devil , took to the roads of Cornwall in 1801 .

  18. 当然,这种复兴不会给康沃尔(cornwall)或贝尔法斯特(belfast)带来任何帮助,但它可以转移公众的注意力。

    Such regeneration will , of course , do nothing to help Cornwall or Belfast , but that is a red herring .

  19. 获得融资的公司之一是英国康沃尔郡的AdvancedOxidation。该公司利用金刚石能够产生电流的电子特性,对化学污染物进行降解。这项技术具有在发展中国家应用于水净化的潜在前景。

    One company that it has backed is Advanced Oxidation , based in Cornwall in the UK , which uses the diamonds ' unusual electrical properties to generate electrical current to degrade chemical pollutants , so potentially helping to clean up water supplies in developing nations .

  20. 在伦敦东部肖尔迪奇地区(Shoreditch)最近新开业的餐厅Lyle’s,大厨詹姆斯•洛(JamesLowe)选用产自康沃尔(Cornwall)的英国玫瑰小肉牛的牛脑。

    Over in Shoreditch , east London , at the recently opened Lyle 's , chef James Lowe sources English rose veal brains from Cornwall .

  21. 辛格最近刚获得剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)艺术历史博士学位,目前和男友萨姆·索恩(SamThorne)住在一起。索恩最近刚被任命为英格兰康沃尔(Cornwall)TateSt.Ives博物馆的艺术总监。

    in art history from the University of Cambridge , lives with her partner , Sam Thorne , the recently appointed artistic director at the Tate St. Ives museum in Cornwall , England .

  22. 这就忽略了不同地域存在完全不同的需求和可能性的事实:东京不是冲绳;纽约与内布拉斯加州的林肯市大不相同;伦敦和康沃尔郡(Cornwall)也是两回事。

    This ignores the very different needs and possibilities of different areas : Tokyo is not Okinawa ; New York is not Lincoln , Nebraska ; London is not Cornwall .

  23. 相关数据显示,从2009年开始,纽基(Newquay)康沃尔镇的反社会行为和犯罪活动就开始减少。

    Figures show anti-social behaviour and criminal activity in the Cornish town of Newquay has fallen since 2009 .

  24. 他们离开医院前,小王子的祖父母和外祖父母周二下午前往看望,也就是威廉王子的父亲查尔斯王子(PrinceCharles)和妻子康沃尔公爵夫人(DuchessofCornwall),以及凯特王妃的父母。

    Their departure followed visits Tuesday afternoon by both sets of grandparents : Prince William 's father , Prince Charles , and his wife , the Duchess of Cornwall , as well as the parents of the former Kate Middleton .

  25. Fowler先生目前将种子卖给了英国康沃尔郡的(环境工程)伊甸园工程、爱丁堡园艺学会以及阿富汗农民以作为罂粟的替代作物。

    Mr Fowler has sold chilli seeds to the Eden Project in Cornwall , to the Edinburgh Horticultural Society , and to farmers in Afghanistan , as an alternative to growing poppies for opium .

  26. 在1801年圣诞前夕,康沃尔郡一位名叫理查德•特里维西克(RichardTrevithick)的采矿工程师驾驶一辆他发明的小型蒸汽车上山,其速度比人的步行速度要快。

    On Christmas Eve 1801 , a Cornish mining engineer , Richard Trevithick , drove the small steam coach he had invented up a hill faster than a man could walk .

  27. 如果你像我一样热爱自己的工作,那么当你身处康沃尔(Cornwall)的小别墅里,雨点打在屋顶的时候,做点工作似乎没什么不好。

    If , like me , you enjoy your job , there seems nothing wrong with doing a little of it as the rain pelts down on the roof of a cottage in Cornwall .

  28. 我在康沃尔(Cornwall)西部长大,孩提时他带我走遍了全国各地。我练过乒乓球、足球和橄榄球,后来把全副精力放在了橄榄球上。

    When I was a child growing up in west Cornwall , he ferried me all around the country as I played table tennis , football and rugby & the sport I eventually concentrated my efforts on .

  29. 德文郡和康沃尔郡警察局的检察官戴夫·梅雷迪斯(DaveMeredith)是镇里的最高级别警员,他说:“从巡警到社区服务警察(PCSO),镇里的合伙人,商店的老板,人人都说纽基发生了神奇的变化。”

    Devon and Cornwall Police inspector Dave Meredith , the town 's most senior policeman , said : ' When you speak to anybody from patrol officers to PCSOs , partners in town , shop keepers , everybody says Newquay has made a miraculous improvement .

  30. 丹史蒂文斯日前正在宣传新电影《二月之夏》,在电影中陷入了一段纠结的三角恋。故事设定描述一群生性洒脱放荡不羁的Lamorna艺术家,1913年这群人沿着康沃尔海岸成立了自己的小团体。

    Dan is currently promoting his new film , ' Summer in February ' , where he plays one third of a love triangle , set amongst the wild and bohemian Lamorna Group of artists , who 've set up their community along the Cornwall coastline of 1913 .