
  • 网络Concord;Concorde;Concord Academy
  1. 他真应该在康科德下车,然后把他的设备都扔到瓦尔登湖(WaldenPond)湖里去,也就是梭罗从现代生活退隐后游泳的湖泊。

    He should have alighted at Concord and thrown his devices in Walden Pond , the lake where Thoreau swam after retreating from modern life .

  2. 所以1960年我13岁的时候,被送往马萨诸塞州康科德学院(ConcordAcademy),这是平生第一次我离家独立生活。

    So at 13 I was sent to Concord Academy in Massachusetts . It was 1960 , and for the first time I was living independently from my family .

  3. 屋后是一个三角形的院子,里面有一个康科德(Concord)葡萄架子。

    At the back of the house , forming a triangle against an enclosed back porch , there was a trellis loaded with Concord grapes .

  4. 我们的竞选不是孵化自华盛顿的会议大厅,而是始于得梅因(美国衣阿华Iowa州的首府)的后院、康科德市普通人家的客厅、以及查尔斯顿的某个前廊。

    Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington - it began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston .

  5. 英国军队进军康科德意图收缴当地的军用物资。

    British troops marched to Concord to destroy military supplies .

  6. 激战中,八名一分钟人牺牲。英国军队继续向康科德镇进军。

    Eight Minutemen were killed , and the British continued toward Concord .

  7. 白色尖塔教堂和石头教堂。康科德,新罕布什尔。美国。

    White steepled church and stone church . Concord , New Hampshire , USA.

  8. 莱克星敦和康科德战役的遗址就在离这不远处

    Battles of Lexington and Concord were fought not too far from here .

  9. 戴夫布鲁贝克出生于加州康科德。

    Dave Brubeck was born in Concord , California .

  10. 记者们蜂拥而入她在康科德的家。

    Reporters descended upon her house , in Concord .

  11. 《康科德奏鸣曲》与爱默生

    《 Concord , Mass Sonata 》 and Emerson

  12. 我在康科德站下车,而那个手忙脚乱的商人继续坐着火车飞速前行。

    I disembarked at Concord while the multitasking businessman whizzed on down the rails .

  13. 这样看来是在莱克星顿和康科德;

    So it was at Lexington and Concord .

  14. 这是在康科德的冠冕上的第一滴水明珠。

    It is a gem of the first water which Concord wears in her coronet .

  15. 亨利于1817年7月12日,出生在马萨诸塞州的康科德。

    He was born in Concord , Massachusetts , on the12th of July , 1817 .

  16. 这种精神指引衣衫褴褛的民兵部队敢于面对列克星顿和康科德的英国军队。

    Its what led a rag-tag militia to face British soldiers at Lexington and Concord .

  17. 在那些备受尊重并安家落户于康科德的作家之中,他是唯一的当地人。

    Of the esteemed authors who made their home at Concord , he was the only town native .

  18. 那么,在课堂之外,还有什么关于这个康科德的圣人的东西没有说吗?

    So is there anything left to say , outside the classroom , about the Sage of Concord ?

  19. 为了我们,先辈们奔赴疆场,英勇捐躯,长眠于康科德、葛底斯堡、诺曼底和(越南)溪山。

    For us , they fought and died in places Concord and Gettysburg ; Normandy and Khe Sanh .

  20. 即便我们患了七年才治好的癣疥,我们也并没有看见康科德受过的十六年蝗灾。

    If we have had the seven-years'itch , we have not seen the seventeen-year locust yet in Concord .

  21. 国家航天局选上一位来自新罕布什尔州康科德的名叫克里斯塔·麦考利夫的教师。

    NASA had chosen a teacher from Concord , New Hampshire , by the name of Christa McAuliffe .

  22. 进行到康科德桥时,他们不再前行,开始往波士顿撤退。

    At the Concord Bridge , the British were turned away , and they began a retreat toward Boston .

  23. 1775年4月9日,第一场战争在马萨诸塞州康科德镇的莱克星顿打响。

    The first armed action took place in Lexington and Concord , Massachusetts , on April 19 , 1775 .

  24. 威廉门罗,马赛诸塞州康科德城的一个橱柜制造者,在美国生产了第一批铅笔。

    William monroe , the concord , massachusetts , cabinet-maker , made the first pencils in the United states .

  25. 1775年,在莱克星顿和康科德城爆发了战争,这标志着美国之革命战争的开始。

    In1775 , the Lexington concord and the war broke out , which marks the start of a revolutionary war .

  26. 为了我们,他们奔赴疆场,英勇捐躯,长眠于康科德、葛底斯堡、诺曼底和溪山。

    For us , they fought and died , in places like Concord and Gettysburg ; Normandy and Khe Sanh .

  27. 可是这一个小村落,应该是可以发展的一个幼芽,为什么康科德还在老地方,它却失败了呢?

    But this small village , germ of something more , why did it fail while Concord keeps its ground ?

  28. 它是在得梅因的后院,康科德的起居室里和查尔斯顿的门廊下组建的。

    It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston .

  29. 难道康科德大桥边的爱国英雄本该丢下枪械,不射出响彻世界的枪弹?

    Should the Patriots at Concord bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard round the world ?

  30. 在神话里,欧州使他们想到过去,想到康科德的英国兵,在外的地主、王朝的尊严。

    In the mythology , Europe was associated with the past , with British redcoats at concord , absentee landlords , dynastic pride .