
  • 网络Our common future
  1. 在竞选中,他鼓舞了无数人来加入推进民主进程以及为了我们共同的未来而努力。

    And in this campaign , he has inspired so many to become involved in the democratic process and invested in our common future .

  2. 在竞选中,他鼓舞了无数人来加入推进民主进程,为了我们共同的未来而努力。现在,当我开始了这项竞选。

    And in this campaign , he has inspired so many to become involved in the democratic process and invested in our common future . Now , when I started this race ,

  3. 我们共同的未来在他们手中。

    They hold our shared future in their hands .

  4. 关心地球的生态,关心孩子的健康和教育,就是关心我们共同的未来!

    Take good care of the earth and children for whose health is the future !

  5. 这是美中两国都值得去完成的使命,它对于构建我们共同的未来有着最为非凡的潜力。

    It is a mission worthy of the two countries with the most extraordinary potential for shaping our collective future .

  6. 因此,我们共同的未来,以及我们一道应对共同挑战的前所未有的机会,是我前来首尔的目的。

    So our shared future and the unprecedented opportunity to meet shared challenges together is what brings me to Seoul .

  7. 奥巴马认为,这将是我们共同的未来,除非世界领导人展开合作,找到解决全球问题的全球性方案。

    That is our collective future , according to Mr Obama , unless the world 's leaders co-operate to find global solutions to global problems .

  8. 20世纪80年代,由于《全球保护战略》和《我们共同的未来》两本书的出版,可持续发展一词成为了流行词汇。

    Will it be the eighties the 20th century , because " the whole world protect strategy " and " we common future " two publication of book , one word of sustainable development becomes popular vocabulary .

  9. 自1987年世界环境与发展委员会在《我们共同的未来》报告中正式提出可持续发展概念以来,立即引起了世界各国和国际社会的共识与关注。

    Since it was formally put forward by the World Commission on Environment and Development in the report of Our Common Future in 1987 , the definition of sustainable Development has aroused the interest and concern of the world community .

  10. 和我们共同创建的未来。

    A future that we shall buiId together .

  11. 我们共同拥有的未来能为你提供希望

    The future we share should give you hope

  12. 还代表着我们,我们共同的未来

    It 's about us ... and our future together .

  13. 我想要的是我们一起计划共同的未来。

    What I want is for us to be planning our future together .

  14. 而且我们必须共同承担它的未来的责任。

    And we must all shoulder the responsibility for its future together .

  15. 我觉得我们有一个共同的未来。

    I thought we had a future together .

  16. 我们所有人对我们共同的未来都有一份平等的责任。

    We all have an equal stake in our shared future .

  17. 一个地球多重世界,但我们赖以为生的生物圈还是一个。&《我们共同的未来》。

    The earth is one , but the world is not , we all depend on one biosphere for sustaining our lives . & Our common Fvture .

  18. 为此,我们开展了我们的新加坡全国对话,一起勾画我们共同的未来。

    We launched Our Singapore Conversation to define our shared future together .

  19. 我们寻求这种更加深入与广泛的接触,因为我们知道我们共同的未来取决于这种接触。

    We seek this deeper and broader engagement because we know our collective future depends on it .

  20. 连战在演讲中说,这是一个我们总结过去历史的机会,发展建立一个我们海峡两岸共同的未来,这是非常重要的事情。

    Lien told his audience it is a historic opportunity to sum up the past and build a common future for both sides of the Straits . " And this is very important ," he said .

  21. 我们的努力有赖于您的支持与合作,让我们共同创造美好的未来。

    Our efforts depend on your support and cooperation , let us work together to create a better future .

  22. 同时,正当我们思考困难的十年时,我们必须向前看,向我们将共同建设的未来看。

    At the same time , even as we reflect on a difficult decade , we must look forward , to the future we will build together .

  23. 我们的使命是团结人人社区,分享我们的值得传播的思想,讨论我们共同的未来。

    Our mission is to bring together the Renren community to share our ideas worth spreading and discuss our shared future .

  24. 通过促进识字,我们可以帮助数以百万计的人书写他们人生的机会篇章,并书写我们共同的未来。

    By promoting literacy , we can help millions of people write their own chapter of opportunity in their lives and our common future .

  25. 我深信,只要我们携起手来,就能沿着进步的方向稳步向前,履行我们对我们的人民和我们共同的未来所承担的责任。

    Together , I 'm confident that we can move steadily in the direction of progress , and meet our responsibility to our people and to the future that we will all share .

  26. 在我们准备出席哥本哈根(Copenhagen)会议之际,让我们痛下决心,集中精力去做我们每个人能为我们共同的未来所做的事情。

    As we head into Copenhagen , let us resolve to focus on what each of us can do for the sake of our common future .