- I think, therefore I am;cogito ergo sum;I think,therefore I exist

I think , therefore I am .
He answered it by saying : I think , therefore am .
I Exist Because I 'm Thinking & Art Notes Wandering
So it looks like the cogito is really special .
He answered it by saying : " I think , therefore am . "
Descartes ' I think , then I am is the soul of modern philosophy that was finished by self-reflecting subject .
That 's routinely translated as , " I think , therefore I am . " But there is a better translation .
Jaakko Hintikka created a new paradigm in the domain of interpretation on the " Cogito , ergo sum " proposition , namely the Performatory Interpretation .
Transcendental philosophy started with Descartes 's philosophical principle which makes the world objective in subjectivity with " transcendental self " as the Archimedes 's point .
People constantly ask " Who am I ?", since Descartes put forword the famous philosophic proposition - " I think , therefore I am " .
Since Descartes " I think therefore I am " emerged , through the development of Kant , Fichte and Young Hegel , the theory was up to the mountaintop .
Since Descartes had enacted the basic principle of when I think I existent , the antimony structure of thought and existent had become the basic logical structure in traditional academic inevitably .
And at the point of departure there cannot be any other truth than this , I think , therefore I am , which is the absolute truth of consciousness as it attains to itself .
Cheng Yi 's statement , " Principle is one but its manifestations are many , " is as well known in China as Descartes ' " I think , therefore I am " is in the West .
The simple inseparability of the thought and being of the thinker . Cogito , ergo sum is the same doctrine as that the being , reality , and existence of the ' ego ' is immediately revealed to me in consciousness .
I think about Fred therefore I am
Through the method of suspicion , he founded the first principle of his philosophy I think , therefore I am , and built up his own philosophy system .
I think , therefore I am is the first principle of the Cartesian philosophy . I think , the theory of self-consciousness , occupies a very important position in his philosophy .
Descartes ' departure from the widely suspected , and finally established one can not doubt that the main body - " I think ," the first principle of his metaphysics . " I think therefore I am " become the slogan of the modern subject can be revealed .
He identified " Cogito " with " existence " by the rule of which the existent object is self-evident , then reached the conclusion that " I think therefore I am " .