
  • 网络cartesianism
  1. 新古典主义艺术崇尚自然、古典、模仿,其哲学根源是笛卡尔主义哲学。

    Neo-classical art held dear nature , classicism and imitation .

  2. 论医患关系恶化的哲学根源:医学的异化新古典主义艺术崇尚自然、古典、模仿,其哲学根源是笛卡尔主义哲学。

    On the Philosophical Root-cause of the Deterioration in Relationship between Patient and Doctor-Medical Alienation Neo-classical art held dear nature , classicism and imitation .

  3. 胡塞尔自称是一个笛卡尔主义者,他的目标是通过类似于笛卡尔怀疑法的先验还原把笛卡尔的那个独立不依的心灵实体张大为无限的逻辑的先验自我。

    His goal was that , by revivification similar to Descartes ' doubt method , Descartes ' independent soul entity changed into an infinite and logical transcendental ego .

  4. 这一思路打破了传统哲学的二元对立,为后笛卡尔主义时代的哲学发展指明了方向,在西方哲学史中具有重大意义。

    This thought breaks subject-object split in traditional philosophy , points out a way for the philosophy of post-Cartesianism , so has a important sense in the history of west philosophy .

  5. 笛卡尔理性主义哲学透视

    A perspective of Descartes 's rationalism philosophy

  6. 本文首先通过分析科学研究的实际过程,指出不管是笛卡尔的理性主义还是休谟经验主义怀疑论都不能排除科学中的信念。

    This paper , firstly , shows that both rationalism of Descartes and empirical scepticism of Hume can not rule out the belief in science by means of analyzing the process of scientific research .

  7. 笛卡尔倡导先验主义,目的在于解决知识的确定性问题,也就是科学如何可能的问题,为了达到这一目的,就必须清除一切不可信的论断。

    Descartes advocated rationalism , and was designed to address the issue of certainty of knowledge , that is , how could the question of science , in order to achieve this goal , we must remove all of the thesis does not hold water .

  8. 笛卡尔由他的先验主义出发,提出了具有奠基意义的天赋观念思想。

    Descartes from his Rationalism start with the foundation to the meaning of the innate ideas .

  9. 笛卡尔哲学的怀疑主义和批判精神,推动了科学思想的巨大进步,但对于宗教神学和国家权力的妥协,影响到新古典主义艺术对于绝对主义国家意志的顺从姿态。

    The spirit of doubt and criticism as found in Descartes ′ philosophy pushed forward a tremendous progress in scientific thought , However , because of its compromise to theology and state power , it led to the submission of new-classical art to absolute state will .