
  • 网络required readings
  1. 它获得了一项普利策奖,并且经常被列入高中的必读书目。

    It won a Pulitzer Prize and is often required reading in high school .

  2. “必读书目”其实变成了“重要书目”,可能一辈子也读不究。

    " Must read " thus becomes " Important to read ", which may not be finished in life time .

  3. 然而从没有人写一本类似于《傻瓜必备的常识》这样的书,我想如果我要开一门投资课程的话,这本书一定在必读书目中。

    Still , there 's never been a book called " Common Sense for Dummies ," which would be required reading in my investment class if either existed .

  4. 全面修订的中学语文大纲着眼于学生精神素养和语文整体水平的提高,第一次明确具体地指定了中学生课外文学名著必读书目。

    The revised middle school language program focus on students ' spiritual accomplishment and Chinese overall level enhancement , first specifically designated the middle school students literary classics required bibliography .

  5. 即使是一位熟悉的师长很有针对性地为我们开了一份必读书目,书目里的名著也有读不下去的时候。

    Even though we have a good list from a teacher knows us well , we may encounter times when we can 't get through with one of the book in the list .

  6. 青年学生不妨找自己信赖的师长作一些必读书目方面的交谈,交谈中要把自己的兴趣、欠缺和已读过的名著告诉师长,以求获得有的放矢的指导。

    Young students can communicate with your trusted teachers , about your interests , famous works finished and to be finished , for suggestions and instructions that will help you make a good list .

  7. 在这些论坛上,学生们分享自己被某位教授面试的经历,有些人推荐了必读书目,还有人甚至明确写出某面试官对某一研究领域的兴趣爱好。

    On these forums , students share their experience of being interviewed by a particular professor , some recommend must-read pieces , and some even describe the interviewer 's interest in a particular research area .

  8. 《论语》作为四书之首,经学之要,自秦汉以来,就在儒学经典文献中占据极高地位,它是学者们研究社会问题的必读书目。

    The analects of Confucius and Confucianism as the first writing of the four classic works occupy in Confucian classic literature in high position since Qin and Han dynasties , this book is in which Scholars study is required to social problems .

  9. 2000名成人参与了该项调查,揭露出他们心中认为下一代必读的书目。

    2000 adults were asked to reveal which books they considered to be must-reads for the next generation .