
  • 网络bhp;BHP BILLITON
  1. 必和必拓公司指出这主要是因为对矿产需求的增加,尤其是中国。

    BHP Billiton said the increase was due to strong demand for minerals , especially in China .

  2. 2010年,在政界一片反对声之中,联邦政府就曾拒绝澳大利亚必和必拓公司(BHPBillitonLtd.)对PotashCorp.ofSaskatchewanInc.发出的390亿美元的收购要约。

    In 2010 , it rejected a $ 39 billion takeover bid by Australia 's BHP Billiton Ltd. for Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. , amid political opposition over the deal .

  3. 除了在必和必拓公司出色的表现,他对大宗商品也有深刻的认识,这正是淡马锡所需要的。

    He won plaudits for his stint at BHP Billiton and has a deep knowledge of commodities , in which Temasek is underweight .

  4. 必和必拓公司说,中国对铁矿石需求的大幅度上涨将提升世界矿业,但是同时警告说,市场仍然可能出现动荡。

    The company says surging demand from China for iron ore shipments will lift the mining industry , but it warns markets could remain volatile .

  5. 然而,必和必拓公司和力拓矿业集团承认被一些调控者和对为了阻止联合经营实现的相关部门所关切。

    However , both BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto acknowledge the concerns expressed by some regulators and the obstacles to achieving clearance for the joint venture .

  6. 8月3日,必和必拓公司宣布美国部分气田预估值将减少近30亿美元,这是由于页岩气开采量的猛增导致了天然气价格的暴跌。

    On August 3rd BHP Billiton announced a near - $ 3 billion write-down on some of its American gasfields because soaring production has made prices crash .

  7. 由于来自中国汽车制造商和建筑公司的强劲需求,必和必拓公司2009年最后三个月的铁、铜、锌和镍矿石产出大幅上扬。

    The company 's output of iron ore , as well as copper , zinc and nickel , surged in the last three months of2009 because of strong demand from Chinese carmakers and construction companies .

  8. 但是必和必拓矿业公司同时警告说,随着各国政府开始对经济刺激计划进行收尾,市场仍然可能出现动荡。

    The Anglo-Australian miner , however , warns that markets could remain volatile as governments start to end their stimulus programs .

  9. 这项动意的目的是在谈判中平衡海外矿工的力量,这其中包括巴西淡水河谷公司和英澳力拓有限公司以及必和必拓有限公司。

    The move is aimed at creating a more balanced force in negotiations with foreign miners , including Brazil 's Companhia Vale do Rio Doce and Anglo-Australian groups Rio Tinto Ltd and BHP Billiton Ltd.

  10. 纳赛尔是从一份入围候选人名单中挑选出来的。必和必拓在招聘公司海得思哲(HeidrickStruggles)的帮助下,花了18个月时间挑选出这些候选人。

    Mr Nasser was chosen from a shortlist of candidates selected over a period of 18 months with the help of Heidrick Struggles , the recruitment company .

  11. 周二,澳大利亚最大煤矿企业——必和必拓三菱联合公司(BHPBillitonMitsubishiAlliance,BMA)成为又一家对中国资源需求放缓做出反应的公司。该公司裁员700人,占员工总数的7%,并警告将进一步削减成本。

    On Tuesday , BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance ( BMA ) , the country 's biggest coal miner , became the latest company to react to softening demand for resources from China , axing 700 jobs - 7 per cent of the joint venture 's total workforce - and warning of further cost cuts .

  12. 如果收购由必和必拓这样的公司发起该公司6月份的息税后营运现金流是股息及净债务之和的两倍以上,投资者可以容忍一定程度的战略混乱。

    Investors will tolerate a measure of strategic promiscuity if it comes from a company like BHP , where operating cash flows after interest and tax were more than twice the sum of dividends and net debt in June .

  13. 看,澳大利亚必和必拓和其他跨国公司都可以做得到,为什么中国人做不到呢?

    Seeing BHP and all the other multi nationals can do it why can 't the Chinese .

  14. 必和必拓表示,该公司昨日告知市场,只是因为其调查证实了“(该公司)与政府官员的往来可能违反了适用的反腐败法”。

    BHP notified the market yesterday only after its investigation corroborated " possible violations of applicable anti-corruption laws involving interactions with government officials " , according to the company .