
  • 网络edaravone
  1. 然而,精华既在,糟粕必存。

    However , quintessence is here , the dross must exist .

  2. 依达拉奉联合必存治疗急性脑梗死的疗效观察

    Edaravone United Edaravone Injection the treatment of acute cerebral infarction

  3. 战下去,团结下去,&中国必存。

    Fight on and persist in unity , and China will survive .

  4. 但犹大必存到永远.耶路撒冷必存到万代。

    But Judah shall dwell for ever , and Jerusalem from generation to generation .

  5. 你要加添王的寿数。他的年岁必存到世世。

    You will give the king long life ; and make his years go on through the generations .

  6. 先声称必存为“市场第一,品牌的仿制药。”在日本,对依达拉奉作为一种神经保护剂进行了大量研究。

    Simcere calls Bicun a " first-to-market , branded generic drug . " Edaravone has been investigated heavily in Japan for use as a neuroprotectant .

  7. 因此,在存款数量上俄国中产阶级就不必存出像美国人必须为子女存的那么多钱。

    As a result , middle-class Russians need not save for the university education of their child or children on the same scale that Americans feel obliged to .

  8. 同样,非均质的空间是必存的,就如剧场部分,通过提高其均质的等级用以表现特殊的部分。

    Equally , where very unique spaces are required , the building rises out of it 's uniform horizontality expressing specific parts of the program ; such as the theater .

  9. 过去,美国家庭被泡沫所蒙蔽,特别是房地产泡沫,他们以为自己找到了一条存钱的新途径,不必把收入存起来。

    American families were duped by bubbles , especially property bubbles , into believing that they had discovered a new way to save and didn 't have to save out of their income .

  10. 人得道而生,也必从道而存。

    Man was attained by students from the Dao and will also keep .

  11. 你要是怕别的什么,那倒不必,我不存邪心眼儿。

    If you 're scared about anything else , forget it , I got no romantic ideas .

  12. 至于我,我必凭你丰盛的慈爱进入你的居所。我必存敬畏你的心向你的圣殿下拜。

    But I , by your great mercy , will come into your house ; in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple .