
  • 网络necessitarianism;doctrine of necessity;fatalism
  1. 探讨与揭示价值观的困惑与挑战:发展必然论、同步效应论、自然生存论、完美境界论等。

    It also explores the puzzling and challenges of values : certain development theory , synchronism effect theory , natural living theory , perfect level theory , etc.

  2. 海洋经济滨海地区可持续发展的必然选择论盘锦发展海洋经济的思路与策略

    Marine economy-the certain selection of continuable development in littoral

  3. 三个代表思想提出的历史必然性论三个代表思想提出的依据

    Historical Inevitability of the three - Represent Theory On the Propositional Basis of Three Represents

  4. 祖国统一是历史的必然&论历史上三次收复台湾

    Historical Inevitability of Our Motherland Unity

  5. 浅论英语教学中的爱国主义教育祖国统一是历史的必然&论历史上三次收复台湾

    Brief Discussion on Education of Loving Our Motherland through English Course Historical Inevitability of Our Motherland Unity

  6. 社会转型与高等教育大众化跨越期的必然需要论新时期高等教育质量观的多元化

    On the Diversification of the View on Quality in Higher Education during the Historical Period of Social Transition

  7. 巧合与必然&论乔伊斯与沃尔夫之异同两个事件中的任何一个都是偶发事件,然而发生在一起却巧合得出奇。

    Similarities and Differences Between James Joyce and Virginia Woolf Either incident might have been an accident , but taken together they rather stretch the arm of confidence .

  8. 实施创业教育是高等教育改革与发展的必然选择&论大学生创业教育

    Enterprise Education : an Inevitable Choice in the Reform and Development of Higher Education

  9. 文学本质观上的文学性强调,必然导致文本论上的形式主义倾向。

    Emphasizing " nature of literature ", will inevitably lead to the tendency to formalism .

  10. 显然,这些领域的分析和设计问题,必然涉及模糊论方法学。

    Accordingly , to deal with these fuzzy problem will be correspondent with fuzzy method .

  11. 世界国家的出现是历史的必然&目的论与无政府逻辑

    The Emergence of the World State Is a Historical Inevitability : The Teleology and Logic of Anarchy

  12. 学习就业是历史发展的必然要求&论就业结构转换

    Learning employment is a necessary requirement of the development of history & A study on the exchange of employment structures

  13. 本然与必然的追寻&论现代大学制度

    Inevitable Pursuit : Modern College System

  14. 人类未来发展的必然选择&略论可持续发展与社会进步

    Man 's Inevitable choice of the Future Development on Continuable ── On Continuable Development and Social Progress

  15. 本研究核心的理论基础关涉理解、关涉人在评价中的存在,同时也必然要以评价论为指导。

    The core theoretical basis of this study involves understanding and the existence of people in the evaluation , and meanwhile must be guided by the evaluation theory .

  16. 纵观西方因果观念的历史演变,它与必然性、决定论的相互纠缠有其特定的自然科学背景。

    Making a comprehensive survey of the changing history of causality , the fact that causality is closely entangled with inevitability and determinism has a very specific natural scientific background .

  17. 他在科学生涯的后一半时间试图给这个理论找漏洞,并想将其纳入到一个统一的能让物理重新恢复必然性和决定论。

    He spent the second half of his career trying to poke holes in the theory and to subsume it in a unified theory that would restore certainty and determinism to physics .

  18. 在马克思的哲学历史观中,历史规律被理解为人类从历史实在中抽象出来的结果,它应该隶属于理论世界,并有着因抽象而造成的因果必然性或决定论的特征。

    Marxist Philosophy holds that historical law is abstracted from the history reality . It should belonging to the theoretical world and possessing the Characteristic of causal necessity or determinism on account of abstract .

  19. 制度建设在社会主义现代化建设中起着极其巨大的作用,但片面理解关键在制度思想,无限夸大制度的社会作用,必然导致制度万能论思想。

    The institutional improvement plays an extremely enormous role in socialist modernization drive , but understanding the thought that " the key is in the system " one-sidedly , exaggerating the social function of the system limitlessly , must cause the thought of " omnipotent theory of the system " .