
wǎ lā
  • vara
瓦拉[wǎ lā]
  1. 瓦拉鞋有什么新颜色吗?

    Do you have any new colors for vara shoes ?

  2. 16岁的埃希德瓦拉是印度孟买的一名学生,同时也是RockstahMedia的创始人。

    In between attending school in Mumbai , India , this 16-year-old is the founder of Rockstah Media .

  3. 拉达瓦拉医生在孟买同BBC通话时谈到,艾哈迈德女士的家人称,刚出生时,她的体重为五公斤,并且被诊断出象皮病--这是一种肢体或者身体其他部分由于寄生虫感染而肿胀的病。

    Ms Ahmed 's family says she weighed 5kg at birth and was diagnosed with elephantiasis , a condition in which a limb or other body parts swell due to a parasitic infection , Dr Lakdawala told the BBC in a phone call from Mumbai .

  4. 金君瓦拉是仓位集中理论的坚定支持者。

    Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is an unabashed proponent of the concentrated portfolio theory .

  5. 有人建议让坎基瓦拉进入董事会。

    It was suggested that Mr kankiwala join the board .

  6. 芬兰新星射手劳利-瓦拉-瓦勒是利物浦为之兴奋的希望之星之一。

    Lauri Dalla Valle is one of the most exciting prospects at Liverpool .

  7. 埃文•赫克特从华盛顿州的瓦拉瓦拉跨越而来;

    Evan Hecht has crossed the continent from Walla Walla in the state of Washington .

  8. 对于他自己的操作,金君瓦拉之前被报道过进行交易和利用杠杆。

    As to his own operation , Rakesh had reportedly used trading and leverage before .

  9. 瓦拉先生是一位非传统的基督教徒。

    Mr varah was an unconventional christian .

  10. 惠特曼是坐落于太平洋西北部华盛顿州瓦拉瓦拉市的一个规模较小的私立学院。

    Whitman is a small private college in Walla Walla , Washington , in the Pacific Northwest .

  11. 金君瓦拉寻找那些很少机构持有的、看起来很悲观的、少人有研究的公司。

    Rakesh looks for under-researched companies with low institutional holding and under general pessimism about the stock .

  12. 他躺在这里,任由血染红白雪多久了?瓦拉米尔不知道。

    How long he sprawled there with his blood reddening the snow Varamyr could not have said .

  13. 艺术家兼编程员克莱蒙特.瓦拉在谷歌地图影像上抓取了这些图片,并把这些光怪陆离的画面收集起来。

    They were spotted by artist and programmer Clement Valla who has trawled Earth to collect a string of weird sights .

  14. 瓦拉几人已经学会了如何融入周围的社会而又不失自己独特的传统。

    The Vlachs have learned how to join the society that surrounds them without losing sight of their own unique heritage .

  15. 我们有一个习俗,叫作使瓦拉--当两族之间发生纠纷时,就将一个女孩送出去,以此平息纷争。

    We have a custom called swara by which a girl can be given to another tribe to resolve a feud .

  16. 这位作者最出名的小说是受威廉威尔金森的著作《瓦拉几亚和摩尔达维亚公国的一份记述》启发而创作的。

    William Wilkinson 's " An Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia " inspired this author 's most famous novel .

  17. 摩尔达维亚的西部保留着一个自治公国,1859年它和瓦拉几亚合并,成立了古罗马王国。

    The western part of Moldavia remained an autonomous principality and united with Walachia to form the Old Kingdom of Romania in1859 .

  18. 西元1836年,惠特曼夫妇在与今天的瓦拉瓦拉地区不远的魏拉普地区的凯尔斯印第安人居住地发起传教团。

    In1836 , the Whitmans set up a mission among the Cayuse Indians at Waillatpu not far from where Walla Walla is today .

  19. 36岁的埃曼·艾哈迈德将乘坐包机飞往孟买,在那里,肥胖外科医生穆法扎尔·拉达瓦拉计划为她实施手术。

    Eman Ahmed , 36 , will be flown on a chartered plane to Mumbai where bariatric surgeon Dr Muffazal Lakdawala plans to operate .

  20. 您的本次精彩之旅将途径大峡谷西缘的瓦拉派印第安人保留地,并可在胡佛水坝留下您的靓影。

    Your journey to the Hualapai Indian Lands located at the West Rim of the Grand Canyon will begin with a photo at Hoover Dam .

  21. 他在华盛顿州东部瓦拉瓦拉谷的一个大峡谷中四处探访,发现了洪水沉淀物形成的39个堆积层。

    Poking around in a canyon in the Walla Walla Valley of eastern Washington , he found 39 stacked layers of sediment deposited by water .

  22. 这个差别很重要,它说明了瓦拉几人多少可以被希腊多数民族所同化。

    The distinction is an important one , for it helps to explain why the Vlachs can somewhat assimilate ( or blend ) into the Greek majority .

  23. 但瓦拉称,由于该行主要是坚持使用常规的政策工具,放弃了有可能高出很多的利润率。

    Ms Valla argued , however , that by sticking largely to using policy instruments already in its armoury the ECB had forgone potentially far higher margins .

  24. 对于瓦拉几人而言,上述对立却又和谐的关系虽然偶尔也给他们的生活带来不便,但却不失为消除偏见的良方。偏见使得巴尔干地区和世界其他地区的生活被扰乱。

    If this tension occasionally makes life awkward for the Vlachs , it alsorepresents one solution to the prejudice that disrupts life in the Balkan region and around the world .

  25. 按照金君瓦拉的说法,基于对内在价值的估测而设立的目标价是在浪费时间,它本身是不可见的移动靶。

    According to Rakesh , it is a waste of time to set price targets based on some kind of estimate of intrinsic value , which is an invisible moving target itself .

  26. 瓦拉先生与他的一些同事不同,他把这些人视为一种机会,而不是难题&只要这些人能够超越自己“提出的问题”并谈谈他们自己真正的困扰。

    Unlike some colleagues , he saw these callers as an opportunity rather than problem & if only they could get beyond their " presenting problem " and talk of their real troubles .

  27. 瓦拉先生除了这些撒马利坦会与他在圣斯蒂芬的神职工作,他还在二十世纪五十年代通过出品喜剧漫画而挣得额外收入,比如飞翔的“丹•戴尔”。

    Besides the Samaritans and his clerical work at St Stephen , Mr Varah had in the1950s supplemented his income by writing comic strips , such as " Dan Dare " in the Eagle .

  28. 瓦拉巴哈教派曾经在北印度的西部有非常大的影响力,但在十九世纪衰落,部分地是因为有许多反对首席古鲁,瓦拉巴哈的后裔的诉讼案。

    The Vallabhacarya sect was once very influential in the western half of North india , but it declined in the19th century , in part because of a number of lawsuits against the chief guru , the descendant of vallabha .