
cí lèi
  • parts of speech;word class
词类 [cí lèi]
  • [parts of speech] 语言中词的语法分类汉语词,通常分为实词和虚词两大类,前者包括名词、代词、动词、形容词、数词、量词,后者包括副词、介词、连词、助词、叹词、拟声词;在英语,传统上分为名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词(前置词)、冠词、连接词和感叹词八大类。现在语法因派别不同而有不同的分类和称谓

词类[cí lèi]
  1. 本词典用下列方式注明词类。

    In this dictionary , parts of speech are labelled in the following way .

  2. 我们得出结论:语料库中的易混动词的偏误主要是CC类,即错词类。

    We draw the conclusion : the easy to mix of verbs corpus errors is mainly CC classes , namely the wrong parts of speech .

  3. 基于隐Markov模型的汉语词类自动标注的实验研究

    Experimental study of hidden Markov model based part-of-speech tagging for Chinese texts

  4. 词类标注的消歧规则的无监督学习〉。《超大规模语料专题讨论会》,1995年。(PDF)

    " Unsupervised Learning of Disambiguation Rules for Part of Speech Tagging . " Workshop on Very Large Corpora , p.1995 . ( PDF )

  5. VN名词可以分为多种语义类型,VN动词和VN形容词由于构成成分的性质及结构关系而具有不可重叠、不及物和不能作定语等词类特点。

    VN verbs and VN adjectives can 't functionally overlap , be transitive or attributive for the nature and structural relationship of the components .

  6. 在这一节我们通过两份问卷调查分析总结了汉语学习者对新HSK六级的态度与新HSK六级中易混动词类试题的掌握情况。

    In this section we through the two questionnaires analyses of new Chinese learners HSK six levels of attitude and new HSK six level of test questions of easy mixed verbs masters .

  7. 结果发现,词类违反引起了LAN-P600效应,语义违反引起了N400效应。

    We obtained a biphasic LAN-P600 pattern for the local phrase violation , and an N400 effect for semantic violation .

  8. 谈英译汉中的词类转译

    Conversion of Parts of Speech in Translation from English to Chinese

  9. 基于k-近似的汉语词类自动判定

    Part-of-Speech Identification for Unknown Chinese Words Based on k-Nearest Neighbors Strategy

  10. 汉语词类歧义解决(Ⅱ)

    The Resolution of Syntactic Category Ambiguity in Chinese ( II )

  11. 略论俄语词类转化的本质和原因

    On essence and cause of transformation of Russian parts of speech

  12. 大学英语学习者写作中的词类误用分析

    Analysis of Misuse of Part of Speech by College English Learners

  13. 现代汉语词类活用体词谓词化的认知解释

    Cognitive Explanation of Substantive Shift to Predicate in Modern Chinese Word-class

  14. 应用两种神经网络模型自动标注汉语词类

    Automatic Grammatical Category Disambiguation Using Two Kinds of Neural Network Models

  15. 商务英语翻译中词类转译技巧初探

    Transformation of Parts of Speech in the Translation of Business English

  16. 多词动词是英语中一种特殊的词类。

    The multi-word verb is a special word class in English .

  17. 结果表明,失语症患者词类之间的难度存在着差异。

    The results showed that the difficulties of word categories were different .

  18. 汉语词类歧义解决初探

    Syntactic category ambiguity resolution in Chinese : an initial study

  19. 词类转译法在翻译教学中的运用

    Application of Transformational Translation of Part of Speech in Text Translation Teaching

  20. 动宾式动词在动词领域里是一个较为特殊的词类。

    The Verb-object verbs are very special in the field of verbs .

  21. 俄语中语气词与其它词类的相互转化

    The Conversion Between the Interjection And Other Types of Words in Russian

  22. 为微型语料库标记词类使用田野调查人员记录及基于转换的自动学习

    POS-Tagger for Tiny Corpus Using Fieldwork Notations and Transformation-Based Learning

  23. 名词是人类语言中的基本词类之一。

    Noun is one of the basic word classes in human languages .

  24. 基于隶属度的汉语词类的模糊划分

    Fuzzy Classification of Mandarin Words Based on Degree of Membership

  25. 急性脑血管病患者汉语语法缺失的词类理解障碍

    Morphology deficits in the patients with Chinese agrammatism after acute cerebrovascular diseases

  26. 副词、介词是英语语法中的两大基本词类。

    Adverb and preposition are two basic word classes in English grammar .

  27. 词类划分标准的回顾和选择

    Review and Choice of the Standards to Divide the Parts of Speech

  28. 对词类是表述功能类的质疑

    Queries about Part of Speech is the Class Based on Denotational Function

  29. 一个词可能属于两个或两个以上的词类。

    A word may belong to two or more parts of speech .

  30. 冠词是英语的一种词类。

    The article is a part of speech in the English language .