
  • 网络Lexical Analysis;Lex;lexing;lexer;lexicalanalysis
  1. 一种改进的词法分析程序及其类C语言实现

    Improved Lexical Analysis and Its Implementation in C-like Language

  2. 执行词法分析的程序称为词法分析程序或扫描程序(Scanner)。

    Perform lexical analysis program called lexical analyzer or scanner ( Scanner ) .

  3. Internet实时浏览翻译系统中的词法分析模型

    Morphology Analysis Model for Internet Real-time Browsing Translation System

  4. 探讨了SIP消息处理过程,重点介绍了词法分析以及用于数据加密的IDEA算法的设计实现方式。

    The process of message processing is researched .

  5. 软PLC的编译程序包括词法分析、语法分析、语义分析和目标代码生成四个阶段。

    The compiled system includes the phrase analysis , syntax analysis , language analysis and generate target code .

  6. Fortran语言语法分析程序和词法分析程序自动生成的尝试

    The Experiment on The Automatic Generation of Parser of Fortran Language

  7. 在词法分析和解析方面已经没有任何已知bug了!

    No known lexing / parsing bugs !

  8. 用LEX构造数控编译器词法分析程序的研究

    Research on the Construct of Lexical Analyzer of NC Compiler by LEX

  9. 第一期的工作是完成ATLAS语言的词法分析和语法分析;

    The work in the first phase is to complete the lexical analysis and syntax analysis of ATLAS .

  10. 数控代码诊断模块从词法分析、语法分析和错误处理三个方面实现了对NC代码程序的诊断纠错。串口通讯模块实现了手持终端与上下位机的通信功能。

    Then , the NC code is processed by the lexical analysis , syntax analysis and error is displayed on screen in the NC code diagnostic module .

  11. 介绍了一种以编译技术,主要是以词法分析和语法分析为基础的开发程序可视化工具的方法,并给出了C语言程序执行可视化工具的实例,以说明该方法的实用性。

    This paper introduces a method of developing visualizing tool based on compiling technology mainly on lexical analysis and parsing , and also describes an implementation of program visualization tool of C language program .

  12. IDL编译器的实现&词法分析部分

    Implementation of IDL compiler & lexical analysis

  13. N-gram技术在中文词法分析中的应用研究

    N-gram Technology Application Study in Computer Processing of Chinese Language

  14. 类似于P::RD,那些语法使用简单的规则来进行词法分析,然后使用更复杂的规则来解析经过词法分析后的输入内容。

    Like P : : RD , those grammars use simple rules to do lexing , and then use more complex rules to parse the lexed input .

  15. 将编译技术引入NC代码分析处理过程中,把NC代码编译过程分为词法分析、语法分析和代码转换三个阶段。

    Having introduced the compile technology into the process of NC code analysis , the process of NC code compile is divided into three stages : Lexical Analysis , Syntactic Analysis and NC Code Conversion .

  16. Erlang还允许我们编程访问经过词法分析(tokenized)、语法分析之后、抽象形式的表达式。

    Erlang also gives us programmatic access to the tokenized , parsed and abstract forms of an expression .

  17. 作为一种专用的编译工具,LEX的源程序简单,编译后生成的词法分析程序效率高。

    Being a special compile tool , the source program of LEX is simple . The compiled lexical analyzer constructed by LEX has high efficiency .

  18. 本文完成的工作主要有:首先,对国内外C程序安全规则集及检查工具进行了分析比较;分析了GCC编译器的编译流程及其前端词法分析、语法语义分析的主要数据结构和工作过程。

    The main work of the paper can be concluded as follows : Firstly , the C programs safety rules and corresponding checking tools are analyzed and summarized . The structure of GCC compiler is described .

  19. 将浏览器的HTML解析过程实现为分词和词法分析两部分,实现了解析模块的分词算法和词法分析算法,分词算法具有简单的容错功能。

    This dissertation separates the process of parsing into two process : HTML segmentation and wording analysis . The HTML segmentation algorithm , which has simple fault tolerance ability , and parse module are of realization .

  20. 根据XML特点研制开发的适用于XML网络管理一致性测试的XML解析器可对XML文档进行词法分析、语法分析和语义分析,并为测试系统提供数据信息。

    According to XML characteristic , XML parser suitable for XML network management conformance test is developed . This parser can carry on morphological analysis , syntactic analysis and semantic analysis to XML file , and can offer the data information for test system .

  21. 词法分析的主要任务是:从左到右逐个字符地扫描源程序,产生一个个单词(Token),同时检查源程序中的词法错误。

    Lexical analysis of the main tasks are : to scan source code character by character from left to right , resulting in one word ( Token ), also check the source of lexical errors .

  22. 最后举例说明Z到C自动求精的过程,在这里对Z词法分析后输出各类单词及其内码值,对Z语法分析后如有错给出相应的错误处理,最终通过求精规则转化成C++程序代码。

    Finally design Z to C compiler , output each kind of word and its code value in Z lexical analysis , leave corresponding wrong processing after the Z grammar analysis , finally through refinement rule to transform the C + + procedure code .

  23. 在下节(“词法分析”)中使用的BNF都是词法定义,以后的章节是句法定义。

    All uses of BNF in the next chapter ( 'Lexical Analysis ' ) are lexical definitions ; uses in subsequent chapters are syntactic definitions .

  24. 从定义来看,词法分析是将输入内容分解为有意义的单词(也叫做词法分析记号(lexingtokens)或词位(lexemes))的动作。

    Lexing , to give one definition , is the act of breaking up input into meaningful words ( also called lexing tokens or lexemes ) .

  25. 词法分析模块实现了完成标识符识别工作的确定有限自动机,把ESQL源文件作为输入流,识别关键字、标识符、C变量等,并将识别出来的标识符输出给语法分析模块。

    Lexical Analysis Module implemented the deterministic finite automation , which can recognize the identifiers . It inputs the ESQL source file and recognizes the keywords , identifiers and C variables , output the recognized identifiers to Syntax Analysis Module .

  26. 词法分析和语法分析部分又分为输入命令数据流以及Fortran源程序数据流的词法分析和语法分析,后一部分是本文分析的重点,它以词法分析程序生成器grammarlexer。

    The accidence and syntax analysis parts consist of the analysis of data stream of the input directive and the Fortran program . The latter is the emphasis of this article . Its hard core is the accidence analysis builder grammar_lexer .

  27. 介绍了一种数控NC代码解释器的新型开发方法,这种方法以微软推出的GRETA正则表达式类库为匹配和分析工具,构造了解释器的语法和词法分析模块。

    It introduces a new method for the development of NC code interpreter which is suitable for GRETA formula expressions library developed by Microsoft , designs the model to analyze the words and sentence structure of the interpreter .

  28. 中文分词采用的中国科学院计算技术研究所汉语词法分析系统ICTCLAS的开源代码。

    The code of Chinese word segmentation is adopted open source codes of ICTCLAS of Institute of Computing Technology , Chinese Academy of Science .

  29. 结合编译原理,详细阐述了词法分析和语法分析的过程,分析了Flex和Bison两个编译器工具,为整个软件提供了理论基础。(2)采用分层架构作为总体设计。

    With the compiler theory , illustrate the parsing principles and Flex and Bison which are two compiler tools . They provide a theoretical basis for the entire software . ( 2 ) Use layered architecture for the overall design .

  30. 本文用正规表达式描述SIPROM语言的单词符号,并利用有穷自动机原理完成词法分析任务。

    This paper describes SIPROM words with the regular expression and youqong automatic machine principle complete the phrase analysis .