
cí xìng
  • part of speech;the characteristic or property of a certain word, by which one can determine what part of speech the word belongs to;syntactical functions and morphological features that help to determine a part of speech
词性 [cí xìng]
  • [syntactical functions and morphological features that help to determine a part of speech] 作为划分词类的根据的词的特点。如一瓶胶的胶可以跟数量词结合,是名词,胶柱鼓瑟的胶可以带宾语,是动词

词性[cí xìng]
  1. 基于词性分析和领域知识的deepweb语义标注

    Deep Web Semantic Annotation Method Based on Chinese Part-of-Speech and Domain Knowledge

  2. 分词和词性标注模块采用了最大词长匹配算法,句法分析模块采用了改进的Chart算法。

    They have adopted the Maximum Match based approach algorithms and improved Chart algorithm separately .

  3. 基于词性的文本挖掘算法在IDS日志中的应用

    A text mining Algorithm Based on part of speech used in IDS logs

  4. 作者查阅了大量文献,特别是Webster'sThirdNewInternationalDictionary,结果表明有一些前缀加在名词或形容词前,构成动词,从而改变了词根的词性。

    After consulting many references , especially " Webster 's Third New International Dictionary ", the author finds more conversion prefixes to change nouns or adjectives into verbs .

  5. 现代汉语NV式状中偏正短语能够占据谓语的位置,其中的V仍保留动词特征,整个短语是谓词性的。

    In modern Chinese , NV phrase with N as adverbial can function as predicate .

  6. SSD模型及其在词性标注中的应用

    Symbol-and-Statistics Decoding Model and Its Application in POS Tagging

  7. N的V结构中的V仍然是谓词性成分,一般来说是动作性较弱、及物性较低的谓词。

    V is still a predicative component in the N de V structure , in general the V in this structure is always low in transitivity scale . 3 .

  8. SR算法主要思想是利用支持向量机分类的原理,结合词性搭配的一些规则排除组合型歧义。

    The key idea of the SR algorithm is to solve combinatorial ambiguity making use of the theory of SVM and rules of parts of speech .

  9. 并论述了隐马尔可夫模型和Viterbi算法在词性标注的运用中的实现方法。

    At the end , we discuss the using of the Hidden Markov Mode and the Viterbi algorithm in life .

  10. 如在句法平面对中心语V的词性、N的V的句法功能性质、N的V的结构类型等的认识上,分歧并未消除;

    For example , divergence has not eliminated about the syntactical function of N and V , about structure pattern of N and V , and about the quality of head V on sentence level .

  11. 汉语自动词性标注和韵律短语切分都是汉语文语转换(Text-to-Speech)系统的重要组成部分。

    Both the Chinese part-of-speech automatic tagging and prosodic phrase segmentation are important modulars in a Chinese text-to-speech system .

  12. 实验比较了两种词性标记集下的测试结果,基于清华大学树库词性标记的F值是90.65%,基于北京大学标准的词性标记F值是82.00%。

    By comparing the test results of two part-of-speech tag sets , the best F-Score based on Tsinghua University Treebank is 90.65 % , and the best F-Score based on Peking University standard is 82.00 % .

  13. 用于词性标注的一种快速学习算法&对Brill的基于变换算法的一项改进

    A fast learning algorithm for part of speech tagging : an improvment on brill 's transformation-based algorithm

  14. 然后用Brill的基于转换的学习方法通过转换规则完成最终的词性标注。

    Then , we use Brill 's transformation-based error-driven learning method to complete the final part-of-speech tagging by transformation rules .

  15. 从共时角度对度进行研究,由于X词性的不同,X度可以表示程度大小、幅度大小、时间段落等。

    From total time the perspective of the " degree " study , found that as " X degree " in different parts of speech , " X degree " can be expressed level size , range size , time and other paragraphs .

  16. 而当呈现速率增至1.0s时,Es对所有词性的反应速度均明显快于Is。

    While the reaction speed of Es towards all types of words are rather higher than that of Is when the rate become 1.0s .

  17. 在前端文本分析方面,本文研究越南语的分词、词性标注、特殊符号处理和韵律短语(L3)边界预测等关键技术。

    In text analysis module , this paper studies Vietnamese word segmentation , part-of-speech ( POS ) tagging , text normalization , prosody phrase ( L3 ) break prediction and so on .

  18. 在现代汉语中,有一种由名词时、时候放在各类谓词性成分之后构成VP时、VP的时候的句法结构,在句中充当状语,一般语法著作都认为其语义性质是表时间。

    The When + VP structure in modern Chinese language , formed by using nouns " shi " or " shihou " after the predicate , often serves as an adverbial and is generally considered as denoting time .

  19. 在词性辨别任务中,刺激词呈现时间只影响了神经质被试对情绪词的RT;在注意探测任务中,呈现时间对内外倾被试的加工偏向影响不显著。

    In the lexical identification task , the presentation time only affected neuroticism subjects ' RT of emotional valence words , but in the attentional probe task , the effects of presentation time on selective processing biases were less notable among extroversion subjects .

  20. 利用英语语言学研究的成果,结合语料库中常见的词性标注方法,对运用于双语词典编纂的CONULEXID语料库系统中的语料词性标注问题进行了初步的探讨。

    This paper attempts to propose a rule based part of speech tagging scheme to annotate CONULEXID , which is a computerized bilingual corpus utilized in the bilingual lexicography .

  21. 基于句法结构的译文选择将句法上下文集合视为词包,统计集合中各词的词信息和词性信息作为上下文特征,以Bayes最小错误概率公式作为评价函数选择译文。

    The translation choice is realized on the basis of a grammar tree and takes the context as a word bag , with the lexicon and POS tag information as context features . The Bayes minimal error probability is taken as the evaluation function of the candidate translation .

  22. 因为我用DbUnit让数据库在每次测试之前处于一种已知状态,因此可以假定单词pugnacious是有效的,且其词性设置为Adjective。

    Because I 'm relying on DbUnit to put the database into a known state before any tests are run , I can assume that the word , pugnacious , is valid with its part of speech set to Adjective .

  23. 本文介绍基于德语单词的词性自动识别和综合德语题录的结构类型的德汉题录机器翻译系统TJTITR。

    TJTITR German-Chinese Title Translation System is based on automatic recognition of the features of a word and the synthesis of structure patterns of a German title .

  24. 基于对网购评论数据的分析,本文设计并实现了基于词性模式的抽取与合并算法(POSEM算法)。

    With the analysis on the data of the production reviews , this paper designed the algorithm of extraction and merge for POS patterns ( POSEM ) .

  25. 搜索引擎查询日志的词性标注和挖掘研究

    The POS & Mining Study on Search Engine 's Query Log

  26. 自学习结合部分句法分析的汉语词性标注

    A Self-Learning Part of Speech Tagging Integrated with Partial Syntactic Analysis

  27. 颜色词的收词、释义和词性标注

    Entry of Color Words , Their Definition and Marking in Dictionaries

  28. 基于统计的汉语词性标注方法的分析与改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Statistics Based Chinese Part of Speech Tagging

  29. 到的词性及相关句法结构分析

    Morphological Feature of " Dao " and Related Sentence Structure Analysis

  30. 汉语语料库词性标注自动校对方法研究

    Study on auto-proofreading method for POS tagging of Chinese corpus