
cí huì
  • vocabulary;words and phrases
词汇 [cí huì]
  • [vocabulary;words and phrases] 一种语言中所有词的总和,也指某一范围内所使用的词的总和

词汇[cí huì]
  1. 他的词汇丰富,语法也很精通。

    His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent .

  2. 他说话很幼稚,使用的词汇有限。

    His speech is immature , his vocabulary limited

  3. 马尔先生使用了大量苏格兰特有的词汇。

    Mr Marr makes extensive use of exclusively Scottish words .

  4. 他们开口闭口都是联邦制度,满口时髦词汇。

    Their vocabulary bristles fashionably with talk of federalism .

  5. 我们选取了各语言中最常见的几个词汇。

    We chose a few of the commonest lexical items in the languages .

  6. 雷切尔掌握的德语词汇已经和她掌握的英语词汇一样多了。

    Rachel already knows as many words in German as she does in English

  7. 他们使用很多生僻的词汇。

    They use a lot of big words .

  8. 有一些计算机术语成了社会上的通用词汇,“循环”就是其中一个。

    ' Loop ' is one of those computer words that has gained currency in society .

  9. 如果他们对他的陈述提出质疑,保罗会用你能想象得到的各种肮脏词汇攻击他们。

    If they disputed his allegation , Paul would rip into them with every foul word you could imagine .

  10. 这本词典没有包括全部法语词汇。

    This dictionary does not cover the whole of the French vocabulary .

  11. 这个孩子对很多英语词汇都能运用自如。

    This child commands a large vocabulary of English .

  12. 很多技术性工作使用专业词汇。

    Many technical jobs use a specialized vocabulary .

  13. 学过的词汇我全部掌握了。

    I 've completely mastered the use of all the words I 've learned .

  14. 日语借用了很多英语词汇。

    Japanese has borrowed heavily from English .

  15. 我们英语课本的后面附有词汇表。

    There is a vocabulary at the back of our English book .

  16. 一种语言的基本词汇即那些必须掌握的词语。

    The basic vocabulary of a language is those words that must be learnt .

  17. 宇宙科学引进了许多新词汇。

    Space science has introduced many new words .

  18. 电子营销是现在的时髦词汇。

    E-marketing is the current buzzword .

  19. 另一方面,根据发表在《衰老神经生物学》杂志上的研究发现,能够反映一个人知识积累的东西——比如词汇测验或者常识测验的成绩——却是随着年龄的增加而不断提高的。

    On the other hand , indicators of a person 's accumulated knowledge — like performance on tests of vocabulary and general knowledge — kept improving with age , according to findings published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging .

  20. ElNifio是一个西班牙词汇,意思是“基督的孩子”。南美渔民注意到了一种每2-7年就会发生一次的全球性气候现象,它会使圣诞时期的捕鱼量下降,遂以此命名。

    El Nifio , a Spanish term for " the Christ child " , was named by South American fisherman who noticed that the global weather pattern , which happens every two to seven years , reduced the amount of fishes caught around Christmas .

  21. 在选择字典时,请查看它除了词汇定义之外的功能。

    In selecting a dictionary , check the features it offers besides vocabulary definitions .

  22. 含有“狗”字的词汇和习语是年轻人讲笑话时常用的。

    Words and phrases including dogs ( Gou in Chinese ) are commonly used by young people when telling jokes about themselves .

  23. 英文报纸上有许多有用的常用词汇,可以帮助学生增加词汇量,提高阅读能力。

    As there are many useful and common words in an English newspaper , it may help students increase their vocabulary as well as improve their reading skills .

  24. 直译过来就是:“强风”。有专家表示这个词汇源自于希腊语和阿拉伯语,中文翻译后意思加强了。China中国

    The literal translation is " strong wind . " Experts say the term , typhon from the Greek and Arabic , was strengthened with the Chinese translation .

  25. LoseFace丢面子字面的意思是“丢脸、耻辱”,发音为tulien。据说这个词汇是在1876引进西方的。

    The literal translation is " humiliation in Chinese . The word is said to have been introduced to English speakers in 1876 .

  26. Weaponofmassdistraction这个表达是对weaponofmassdestruction(大规模杀伤性武器)一词完美的双关演绎,后者(通常用复数形式)曾被美国方言协会选为2002年的年度词汇。

    Weapon of mass distraction is a pun-perfect play on weapon of mass destruction . The latter phrase ( in its plural2 form ) was voted word of the year for 2002 by the American Dialect Society .

  27. 最近一项调查显示,极客和网友发明的“blog(博客)”、“folksonomy(分众分类法)”、“wiki(维基)”等词都是最令人讨厌的“网络英语”词汇。

    Example : Blog , folksonomy , wiki and other words coined by geeks and netizens are among the most irritating new " Weblish " words , according to a recent poll .

  28. 在中文里的读音为:zhōngguó,字面意思是“中间的国家。”最初使用这个词汇的人是意大利探险家马可波罗。

    In Chinese , the name is pronounced zh ō ng gu ó and literally means " the middle country . " The name was first used by the Italian explorer , Marco Polo .

  29. Flaneur一词来源于法语flâner,指“闲逛”或“闲逛的人”,在1854年左右成为英语词汇首次出现。

    The word flaneur , a saunterer or " man about town " comes from the French fl â ner , " to saunter idly " , and first appeared in English around 1854 .

  30. MOOC(网络公开课)是高等教育相关缩写词汇中的新成员,也可能是所有词汇中最具影响力的一个。

    MOOCs ( Massive Open Online Courses ) are the latest addition to the acronym-bound lexicon1 of higher education , and quite possibly the most significant of them all .