
cí kù
  • Thesaurus;lexicon;word-stock
词库 [cí kù]
  • [word-stock] 一种语言、方言或个人习语的词的集成

词库[cí kù]
  1. 为了排除与抽取目标无关的网页,消除抽取的外噪音,我们定义图书信息描述的主题词库,并且通过一些URL过滤规则,减少了进入系统的噪音页面的数量。

    The system defined a topic lexicon about book information description and some URL filter rules then used these utilities to delete the web pages which are not associated with extraction target and removed outer noise of extraction .

  2. L2学习者能产生大量的与语义相关的反应,反应类型依次为:聚合反应、组合反应、语音反应和无反应,说明语义在L2大脑词库的构建中起到很重要的作用。

    Most of the responses of the L2 learners are semantically-related including paradigmatic relation , syntagmatic relation , clang response null response in the order of importance , showing that semantics plays an important role in the construction of the L2 mental lexicon .

  3. v可以制作、挂接自己的词库,满足各类用户。

    V can be produced , articulated his thesaurus to meet all types of users .

  4. 本文主要研究科技项目评价指标体系、不同等级评价的样本词库以及基于Web文本挖掘的科技项目模糊评价模型。

    This paper makes a study of the science and technology project evaluation index system , different levels of evaluation sample library , and the fuzzy evaluation model based on Web text mining .

  5. 用户无需打开网站,无需点击链接,只需键入URL(UnitResourceLocation,统一资源定位符),即可获取Web汉语料并切分词到汉词库中。

    Users can get web Chinese corpus and segment Chinese word into glossary corpus database after inputing URL ( unit resource location ), without opening websites or clicking link .

  6. UNFood和AgricultureOrganization的AGROVOC词库食物相关领域,比如渔业与农业必须服务于真正的国际用户。

    The UN Food and Agriculture Organization 's AGROVOC thesaurus for food-related domains such as fishing and farming must serve a truly international audience .

  7. 对其中的几种方法,如机械匹配法(即MM法)、特征词库法、约束矩阵法、语法分析法和理解切分法等做了详细的比较和分析,并归纳出各自特点。

    Some divided syncopation such as mechanical matching method , feature phrase library method , restriction matrix method , syntax analysis method and comprehended syncopation method are emphasized .

  8. 民航词典词库的建立和基于J2EE轻量级架构民航应用词典系统的实现,对于促进我国民航科技信息的整合与民航业的发展具有重要意义。

    The establishment of civil aviation specialized terms library and the realization of civil aviation online dictionary system has significance to the development of domestic civil aviation .

  9. 讨论了用于TTS的汉语语音库和汉语词库的设计,以及基于词库的分词算法和基于音库的语音合成。

    We implement Chinese speech segmentation and speech synthesis based on word library and speech library .

  10. 为了便于浏览和使用词库数据,采用单机模式、XML格式及本体构建工具对词库兼容数据进行可视化显示,进而为用户提供各种服务。图6。参考文献11。

    In order to browse and use the compatible data , the system adopts standalone mode , XML and ontology tools for display , and can provide various services to users . 6 figs.11 refs .

  11. 利用改进的统计量法(CHI),通过对数以千计的黄页样本数据的训练学习,构建了相应的特征词库和语料库。

    Use improved CHI , training and learning according to data through thousands of yellow page , construct the theme characteristic thesaurus and corpus .

  12. 研究结果提供了以下结论:(1)L2大脑词库的心理联想测试探讨了L2大脑词库词汇之间的语义关系。

    The results give us the following implications : ( 1 ) The word association test based on L2 mental lexicon explores the semantic relation of the words .

  13. 使用文本编辑器工具编辑同义词库文件时,必须以unicode格式保存这些文件并且必须指定字节顺序标记。

    When you are editing thesaurus files by using text editor tools , the files must be saved in Unicode format and byte order marks must be specified .

  14. 该方法基于软件工程的思想,使用描述逻辑表示服装领域共享语词库,使用OWL表示最终本体,即有效利用了描述逻辑的良好的推理能力,又便于计算机的处理。

    Based on the idea of soft engineering , using OWL to express the terminal ontology , the method utilizes the excellent reasoning ability of description logics and facilitates computer processing .

  15. 本文简述了一般CC-DOS的词库结构,指出了可能出现的问题。

    This paper states the general word-library 's structure and it associated Problems .

  16. 此方法是通常先找出特征词库中的成对约束集,再用K最近邻近集的方法对成对约束集进行扩充,聚类后将每个簇中的特征词合并成一个新的属性。

    First of all , the pairwise constraint sets are found out in feature term set . After that the constraint sets can be expanded by using the K-nearest neighbors set method , and clustering according to the partition results of the constraint set .

  17. “magnets”是词库,填空是读者的责任(不要着急,稍后他们会给出答案)。

    The " magnets " are the word bank , and it is the reader 's responsibility to fill in the blanks ( don 't worry , they give you the answers later ) .

  18. 可将SKOS用于扁平清单,还可用于具有附加元数据的结构化受控词汇表,比如分类与词库。

    You can use SKOS for flat lists and also for more structured controlled vocabularies with additional metadata such as taxonomies and thesauri .

  19. 给出了一个词库维护及检索系统,它采用基于PATRICIAtree的分词词典机制及灵活的词库维护及检索方法,不仅适用于传统的机械切分,更适合于串行和并行全切分。

    A Chinese word library system is given which adopts PATRICIA tree based on dictionary mechanism and flexible maintenance and retrieve method . The system applies not only to normal Chinese word segmentation but also to serial and parallel omni-segmentation .

  20. PoolParty是一个商用的词库管理与SKOS编辑系统,它包含文件挖掘与数据链接功能。

    PoolParty is a commercial thesaurus management and SKOS editor system that includes text mining and linked data capabilities .

  21. 其次,探讨面向专业机器翻译的术语词典研究的几个重要方面,包括通用领域本体的设计、专业术语的描述和向本体的映射、双语或多语MT专业词库的组织和应用等;

    Some important aspects of specialty MT-oriented technical lexicons are then studied , including the design of general-purpose specialty ontology , the description of technical terms and their mapping to specialty ontology , the organization and application of bilingual or multilingual MT domain-specific lexicons .

  22. 与此同时笔者深入了解并阐述了B-树作为索引结构的相关操作以及BerkeleyDB作为底层数据库的使用方法,实现了基于B-树索引和BerkeleyDB的中文词库。

    At the same time , the author deeply comprehends and expounds the operations when B-tree acts as an index structure and the way Berkeley DB used to be a rock-bottom database and implemented the Chinese dictionary based on B-tree index and Berkeley DB .

  23. 然后,分析当前替换算法的特点,采用LRU算法对词库进行更新,从而丰富和发展了词汇系统,也保证了词库的时效性。

    In addition , the paper analyzes the features of the current replacement algorithm , updates the lexicon using LRU algorithm , so as to enrich and develop vocabulary system ensures that the efficiency of the lexicon .

  24. 唯递归性假设认为人类狭义语言机能(FLN)的独特属性是递归性的运算机制。语言多样性的成因只能到词库和语言接口处寻找踪迹。

    The recursion-only hypothesis holds that recursion is the only unique part of FLN , which provides an answer to the question of what are the factors that have caused the language variation .

  25. 这种差异本质上是词汇性的,佐证了Chomsky(2001)提出的语言之间的差异主要是词库差异的假设。

    Based on the above analysis , the paper claims that the structural difference between Chinese and English existential sentences results from the lexicon , lending support to Chomsky 's ( 2001 ) viewpoint that language variation is mainly due to the lexicon .

  26. 参考诺基亚手机开发网站提供的基于S60平台的输入法开发文档,设计了一套所有应用程序的输入法实例与FEP中文词库服务器程序进行交互的方案,利用输入法后台服务器程序实现字词的检索。

    Refering to development documents of input methods provided by Nokia mobile phone development Website , designing a proposal that input method instance of all application interact with the server of Chinese vocabulary , and using the server of input method for searching words .

  27. 针对移动终端的运算能力和存储能力,本文没有采用大型的分词词库,而是采用简单易行的Bigram分词方法,通过去除停用词等手段对分词结果进行预处理,得到短信内容的特征向量。

    According to the mobile terminal operation ability and storage capacity , this paper does not use large participle word library , but the simple Bigram word segmentation method , we make pretreatment by means of removing stop words segmentation , get the message content feature vector .

  28. 二语心理词库提取的语音和词形效应

    Phonological and Morphological Effects in the Access to SL Mental Lexicon

  29. 一个基于神经网络表示的词库对象实现

    Implementation of a Words Library Object Based on Neural Net Representation

  30. 面向范畴语法分析的汉语词库的构造及实现

    Design and Realization of a Chinese Word-stock for the Category Analysis