
cí biǎo
  • word-list
  1. 后控制词表知识管理的内构及在Web系统中的应用

    The Inner Composition of Knowledge Management in Post-controlled Vocabulary & Its Applications in Web System

  2. 《汉语主题词表》XML文档的自动生成研究

    Study on the Automatic Generation of XML Document for the Classified Chinese Thesaurus

  3. DC词表的维护:实践、策略与模型

    Dublin Core Metadata Initiative : Practices , Policies and Models By Thomas BAKER

  4. 对两种知识组织系统&叙词表与Ontology的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Two Kinds of Knowledge Organization Systems-Thesaurus & Ontology

  5. 基于Mesh词表和共词分析的疾病本体半自动构建方法研究

    Semi-automatic Construction of Domain Ontology Based on Mesh Thesaurus and Co-occurrence Analysis

  6. VISION是基于《中国分类主题词表》的一个知识组织的原型系统。

    The author also introduces VISION , which is a prototypical system based on Classified Chinese Thesaurus .

  7. 基于TopicMaps的叙词表再工程

    Reengineering of Thesaurus Based on Topic Maps

  8. 本文简要介绍了Ontology在数字图书馆领域的研究和应用现状,包括Ontology与叙词表、分类法、知识库、元数据的关系,Ontology构建方法以及Ontology在数字图书馆领域的应用等。

    This paper briefly introduces Ontology Research and its applications on digital library .

  9. 叙词表转换为Ontology的研究

    Research on Transforming Thesauri into Ontology

  10. 从叙词表到Ontology

    From Thesaurus to Ontology

  11. 我们删掉了停用词表并且获取了一些LDAP数据。

    We 've eliminated the stop list and grabbed some LDAP data .

  12. 用本体构建工具Protégé实现叙词表的可视化

    The Visualization of Thesaurus by Using an Ontology Editing Tool-Prot é g é

  13. n.词汇;词表大量阅读能增进你的词汇量。

    vocabulary A lot of reading will increase your vocabulary .

  14. 解释了在信息检索领域Ontology的构建方法,研究内容,以及与叙词表的关系;

    The paper also describes the ways of creating Ontology in information retrieval domain , and its relations with thesaurus .

  15. 《中国分类主题词表》的OWL表示及其语义深层揭示研究

    Research on Representation of Chinese Classified Thesaurus in OWL and Its Implied Semantic Reveal

  16. 在调研现有领域主题词表情况的基础上,结合WEBService技术和知识组织技术,针对国家科技热点监测的需要,提出了跨领域、多来源主题词表的集成服务框架。

    On the wide research of existing thesauri , Web service and knowledge organization technologies , according to the need of scientific monitor requirements , a multidisciplinary and multi-sources thesauri integration service framework is proposed .

  17. 基于DCC动态流通报纸语料库的流通度词表和使用度词表的对比分析

    The Contrast Analysis of Word Lists in Newspaper Based on Dynamic Circulating Corpus

  18. 基于RDF的叙词表研究

    Research on RDF-based Thesaurus

  19. 电子叙词表作为这些系统的核心部件,应该积极引入SGML或者XML技术。

    As a kernel component of such a system . The electronic thesaurus should be implemented with SGML and XML applied .

  20. 本文首先对词表中能作状语的动词进行数量统计,对状语的语义类别进行分类归纳,同时也探讨了V1、V2在语音和语义上的搭配规律问题。

    First of all , the thesis counts up the number of the verbs that can act as an adverbial modifier , and analyses the different semantic categories .

  21. 本文对叙词表在知识组织体系知识层面与语义网核心Ontology结合,阐述了叙词表表达知识概念与语义关系的能力为语义网建设提供资源组织基础;

    The paper focuses on the development of thesaurus in Semantic Web . At knowledge level , thesaurus provides a resource for knowledge base construction with ontology .

  22. 本文采用FIR滤波器对标准的言语测听词表进行数字滤波,生成各种滤波言语测听词表。

    In this paper , we used FIR digital filter to process the testing speech tables and created kinds of filtered testing speech tables .

  23. 本文的主要贡献有如下两点:(1)引入同义词表,支持DOM树之间的节点自动匹配。

    This thesis has two contributions : ( 1 ) Introducing synonyms table to support automatic matching between nodes of two DOM tree .

  24. 这个搜索引擎的最关键的一点就是对本体论的强大应用,类似于标签的概念,制作用户和搜索item的通用词表。

    The key point about this particular recommendation engine is its strong use of an ontology , similar in concept to tags , to develop a common vocabulary for items and users .

  25. Ontology为需要共享某一领域信息的研究人员提供了通用的词表,而这正是传统的叙词表在信息检索中所起的作用。

    An ontology defines a common vocabulary for researchers who need to share information in a domain , which shares the same function of the traditional thesauri in information retrieval .

  26. 对SKOSCore词表的常用标签进行介绍,并实际应用SKOSCore词表对EI叙词表中节选的段落进行转换表达;

    Then the paper introduces the common labels of SKOS Core Vocabulary , transforms and expresses the paragraphs chosen from EI by using SKOS Core Thesaurus .

  27. 叙词表在网络中的存在以分布式的叙词关系单元为基础,在RDF提供的框架中提供对资源对象的标引和检索服务。

    Network thesaurus is based on distributed term relation units . Resource object should be indexed and retrieval with the assistance of RDF / XML thesaurus .

  28. EnterpriseVocabularyNet(EVN)TopQuadrant:查看基于web的解决方案,该解决方案用于简化对互相关联的受控词汇表、分类法、同义词表库、以及本体的开发与管理。

    Enterprise Vocabulary Net ( EVN ) by TopQuadrant : Explore a web-based solution for simplified development and management of interconnected controlled vocabularies , taxonomies , thesauri , and ontologies .

  29. 语义网环境中的叙词表实例研究&利用SKOS构造机器可理解的知识组织体系

    A Case Study on Thesaurus in Semantic Web & Using SKOS Constitution Machine Accessible Knowledge Organizing System

  30. 进而通过Delicious中文标签与《汉语主题词表》数据库的覆盖率检测,探讨用户标签在多大程度上与《汉语主题词表》主题词重叠。

    And then through the coverage testing between the Delicious Chinese labels and " Chinese Thesaurus " database to explore the extent overlap of the user label and " Chinese Thesaurus " Key words .