
  • 网络irregular verb
  1. Think是一个不规则动词,意思是对某人或某事有一种特别的观点、信念或想法。

    To think is an irregular verb that means to have a particular opinion , belief , or idea about someone or something .

  2. 不规则动词字典,适于兼容java的手机。必须输入小写字母!不认大写的字母哦!

    Irregular verb dictionary for JAVA enabled mobile phones . IMPORTANT : input lowercase only ! The program won ` t recognize verbs if there are capital letters in it !

  3. 她考了我们的不规则动词。

    She tested us on irregular verbs .

  4. 我学法语的不规则动词有困难,我似乎无法记住。

    I have difficulty learning French irregular verbs ; I just can 't seem to get them into my head .

  5. 学会不规则动词的变化是相当重要的。

    It is important to learn to conjugate irregular verbs .

  6. ‘go’是不规则动词。

    ` go ' is a strong verb .

  7. 我法语课的大部分时间都花在不规则动词的变位上面。

    I spent most of my time in French lessons conjugatingirregular verbs .

  8. 这部词典有几项附录,包括不规则动词附录。

    This dictionary have several appendices , including one on irregular verb .

  9. 我们要纠正一下还是继续讲不规则动词?

    Should we correct it or go back to the irregular verbs ?

  10. 写出下列不规则动词的过去式。

    I.Write the past tense form of the irregular verbs .

  11. 谁能告诉我英语中的不规则动词有多少呢?

    Could you tell me how many irregular verbs there are in English ?

  12. 我们应当用心记住这些不规则动词的三种形式。

    Write down the forms of these verbs and keep them in mind .

  13. 她对全班学生进行了不规则动词的测验。

    She tested the whole class on irregular verbs .

  14. 我们正在学习英语中的不规则动词。

    We are learning the irregular verbs in English .

  15. 下面我们要练习的三个不规则动词你假期得抓紧复习一下不规则动词。

    You 'll need to swot up your irregular verbs during the holiday .

  16. 规则动词的一般过去时标记比例显著高于不规则动词。

    Regular verbs are significantly more marked in simple past than irregular verbs .

  17. 对于许多学英语的学生来说,不规则动词过去式是很难掌握的。

    Irregular past tense verbs can be a difficulty for many students of English .

  18. 要记住这些不规则动词表真是件乏味的事。

    It 's such a bore having to learn these lists of irregular verbs .

  19. 最重要的不规则动词有哪些?

    What are the principal irregular verbs ?

  20. 我学了不规则动词。

    I 've learnt my irregular verbs .

  21. 过去四天里我背了五十七个不规则动词。

    Fifty-seven irregular verbs have I introduced to my brain in the past four days .

  22. 然而,与以往研究结果不同的是,中国大学生在使用现在完成时的时候对规则动词的正确使用率和标记率均高于不规则动词。

    Regular verbs exhibit higher probability than irregular verbs in the marking of the present perfect .

  23. 掌握现在完成时态以及不规则动词的过去时态和过去分词。

    To grasp the Present Perfect and the Irregular verbs ' past tense & past participle tense .

  24. 熟记一般不规则动词的4种形式很有必要。

    It is necessary for you to learn the four forms of the common irregular verbs by heart .

  25. 在所有的语言中,“是”总是一个不规则动词,而“爱”则永远是一个规则动词。

    To be is an irregular verb in all languages , but always regular is the verb to love .

  26. 你们应该经常参考不规则动词表,并且熟记这些动词的各种形式。

    You should often refer to the list of irregular verbs and learn the forms of these verbs by heart .

  27. 结果发现,这三种语言因素对现在完成时的使用都有显著影响。突显度不同的规则动词和不规则动词在现在完成时的正确使用中表现出较大的差别。

    Chi-square test results reveal that all the three linguistic factors exert significant effects on the use of the present perfect .

  28. 再次,无论是口语还是书面语中,中国学习者在规则动词和不规则动词的标注上表现出不对称性,对不规则动词的正确标注好于规则动词。

    Thirdly , Chinese learners of English show an asymmetric inflection of regular and irregular verbs both in written and spoken English . They specify irregulars more accurately than regulars .

  29. 后页材料主要包括不规则动词表、度量衡表、币制、温度系统、主要的教育机构和政治机构名称和地图等。

    The latter page material mainly does not include the regular verb table , the weight and measure table , the monetary system , the temperature systematic , the main educational institution and politics activity designator and the map and so on .

  30. “看”是规则变化动词,而“看见”是不规则变化动词

    A look A be a regular verb , but y see Z be an Irregular verb