
bù děng biān sān jiǎo xíng
  • scalene;scalene triangle;non-equilateral triangles
不等边三角形[bù děng biān sān jiǎo xíng]
  1. 当设计这个测试时,您会瞬间看到三类输入输出数据:不等边三角形,等边三角形或者等腰三角形。

    When designing tests for this , you immediately see three classes of input and output values : scalene , equilateral , and isosceles .

  2. ph.1.【数】不等边三角形,不规则三角形不等边角钢用于输电杆塔的试验研究

    Scalene triangle Study and Test on Application of Non-equilateral Angle Steel for Transmission Towers

  3. 等边三角形不能分成有限多个不全等的等边三角形。

    An equilateral triangle cannot be dissected into finitely many incongruent equilateral triangles .