
  • 网络King of Bhutan;List of rulers of Bhutan
  1. 我和克里斯提·鲁布托(ChristianLouboutin)拜见了不丹国王,那是他送给我的。

    Christian Louboutin and I met the king of Bhutan , and he gave me that .

  2. 他曾经两次担任总理职务,但由于不丹国王结束了长达一个世纪的王朝统治,吉格梅.廷里这次将担负起领导国家的职责。

    But this time , he will lead the country as Bhutan 's king ends a century of dynastic rule that has been largely peaceful .

  3. 2008年28岁的他成为了不丹的国王。

    He became king of Bhutan in 2008 at the age of 28 .

  4. 更大的影响来自卫星和电脑,这要感谢不丹第四世国王吉格梅·辛格·旺楚克在1999年解除了对电视和互联网的禁令。

    Far greater outside influence arrives 18 ) via satellites and computers thanks to King Jigme Singye Wangchuck - the fourth Dragon King of Bhutan - having lifted the ban on television and the Internet in 1999 .

  5. 我去了不丹那个年轻的国王也是个有好奇心的人,但这要回到1972年,他在他父亲去世两天后登上国王的宝座。

    I went to Bhutan . The teenage king of Bhutan was also a curious man , but this was back in 1972 , when he ascended to the throne two days after his father passed away .

  6. 预计,繁荣进步党领袖吉格梅.廷里将成为不丹总理。他曾经两次担任总理职务,但由于不丹国王结束了长达一个世纪的王朝统治,吉格梅.廷里这次将担负起领导国家的职责。

    DPT President Jigmi Thinley is expected to be the country 's next prime minister , a post he has held twice before . But this time , he will lead the country as Bhutan 's king ends a century of dynastic rule that has been largely peaceful .