
Kān péi lā
  • Canberra
  1. 三星(Samsung)和现代(Hyundai)把自己打造成了一流的消费者品牌,从堪培拉到美国库比提诺,它们在世界各地扎稳了脚跟。

    Samsung and Hyundai have established themselves as premier consumer brands from Canberra to Cupertino .

  2. 堪培拉accesseconomics咨询机构的总监克里斯理查森(chrisrichardson)表示,同中国在新型矿产交易获取的“钱流”将会对澳大利亚产生深远影响。

    Chris Richardson of access economics , a Canberra consultancy , worries about a " torrent of money " hitting Australia from fresh minerals deals with China .

  3. 堪培拉是澳大利亚物价第二贵的城市,其ECA排名从2009年的149位一跃至今年的第18位。

    Canberra , Australia 's second-most expensive city , jumped to No.18 in ECA International 's ranking , from No.149 in2009 .

  4. 澳大利亚报纸《悉尼先驱晨报》(SydneyMorningHerald)报道称,持有澳大利亚护照的SternHu是被拘留的人员之一,堪培拉正要求让其领事人员探访他。

    The Sydney Morning Herald , an Australian newspaper , reported that an Australian passport holder , Stern Hu , was among those arrested and that Canberra was demanding consular access .

  5. 从墨尔本赶来的jimlui表示,在澳大利亚的众多中国留学生无法在8月份到场观看北京奥运赛事,对他们来说,堪培拉的火炬接力是一项重要活动。

    Jim Lui from Melbourne said the Canberra torch relay was an important event for the thousands of Chinese students resident in Australia who would not be attending the Beijing Games in August .

  6. 祭奠勇士的容器&悉尼、堪培拉、墨尔本Anzac纪念空间分析研究

    The Sanctum to Worship Combatants & Analysis and Research on the ANZAC Memorial Space in Sydney , Canberra and Melbourne

  7. “这是一个正常的过程的一部分,设法确保了火炬接力活动,因为这使得其途径是通过堪培拉,是安全的,”她告诉AAP的。

    " It 's a normal part of the process to try to ensure the torch relay , as it makes its way to through Canberra , is secure ," she told AAP .

  8. 堪培拉方面的决定,为美国石油集团雪佛龙(Chevron)开发西澳离岸天然气田做出最终投资决定铺平了道路。雪佛龙拥有高更项目50%的股权,并且是该项目的运营商。

    Canberra 's decision paves the way for Chevron , the US oil group that is 50 per cent owner and operator of Gorgon , to make its final investment decision to develop the project 's gas fields off the coast of Western Australia .

  9. 9月2日,堪培拉皇家动物保护协会(简称RSPCA)收到了报告,说在位于郊区的Mulligans自然保护区有只毛巨长的家伙在游荡。

    On September 2nd , Canberra 's Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( RSPCA ) received news of a woolly creature roaming around in the Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve on the outskirts of the city .

  10. 考虑到俄罗斯目前竭尽全力使美国及其盟友的战略规划复杂化的做法,俄罗斯准备向中国出售某些先进武器不足为奇,堪培拉安全分析师、澳大利亚国防部前规划员艾伦.贝姆(AllanBehm)表示。

    Given Russia 's current practice of doing whatever it can to complicate the strategic planning of the US and its allies , it is not surprising that Russia would be prepared to release some of its advanced weaponry to China , said Allan Behm , a security analyst in Canberra and former planner for the Australian defence department .

  11. 没有比在堪培拉冻死更糟糕的了。

    There 's nothing worse than freezing to death in Canberra .

  12. 朱丽叶告诉英格里德她准备去堪培拉观光。

    Julia is telling Ingrid about her planned visit to Canberra .

  13. 在堪培拉大学,已在一个独特的环境。

    The University of Canberra is set in a unique environment .

  14. 张女士:澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉。

    Miss Zhang : The capital city of Australia is Canberra .

  15. 实际上,澳大利亚的首都应该是堪培拉。

    The capital of Australia is , in fact , Canberra .

  16. 我准备去堪培拉大学。他的学生时代苦不堪言。

    I 'm going to Canberra University . His schooldays were hellish .

  17. 在澳大利亚首都堪培拉,总统详细阐述了安全问题。

    InCanberra , Australia 's capital , the president dwelt on security .

  18. 堪培拉,一个座落于悉尼和墨尔本之间的城市。

    Canberra , a city located between Sydney and Melbourne .

  19. 澳大利亚新外交贸易部大厦,堪培拉

    Department of Foreign Affairs and trade of Australia , Canberra

  20. 他去过澳大利亚的首都&堪培拉。

    He has been to Canberra , the capital city of Australia .

  21. 我们用10个小时就可以从悉尼开到堪培拉。

    We can do Sydney to Canberra in 10 hours .

  22. 澳大利亚堪培拉的白化病袋鼠母子。

    Mother and child albino kangaroos in Canberra , Australia .

  23. 与此同时,堪培拉方面正在强化它自己的结盟行动。

    Meanwhile , Canberra is ramping up its own alliance-building .

  24. 而堪培拉方面,则不应再发出含混不清的信息。

    Canberra , for its part , should stop the mixed messages .

  25. 我上的是位于堪培拉的澳大利亚国立大学。

    I went to the Australian National University in Canberra .

  26. 这是大风和降温夏季在堪培拉。

    It is windy and cool in Summer in Canberra .

  27. 我母亲将要参加在堪培拉举行的牙科会议。

    My mother will attend the dental conference in canberra .

  28. 我的国家的首都是堪培拉。

    The capital city of my country is Canberra .

  29. 经济的需求最终致使堪培拉放宽了政策。

    Economic necessity has prompted Canberra to finally relent .

  30. 在26日,堪培拉是一个新的索引。

    At26 , Canberra is new to the index .