
  • 网络Kansas State;kansas state university;ksu;Kansas University
  1. 当他的职业生涯继续停滞不前时,威廉姆斯换掉了教练,转而在堪萨斯州立大学(KansasStateUniversity)接受克里夫•诺维托(CliffRovelto)的训练。

    When his career continued to sputter , Williams switched coaches to train with Cliff Rovelto at Kansas State University .

  2. 堪萨斯州立大学(KansasStateUniversity)的研究也支持这一结论:美国员工平均有60%到80%的上班时间被用于在网上做与工作没什么关系的事。

    A study from Kansas State University backs this up : the average US worker spends 60-80 per cent of their time online at work doing things that are quite unrelated to their jobs .

  3. 堪萨斯州立大学(KansasStateUniversity)食品安全副教授道格拉斯鲍威尔(DouglasPowell)表示,食品公司将必须开始向消费者提供有关质量检测的确凿证据。

    Douglas Powell , associate professor of food safety at Kansas State University , says food companies will have to start providing consumers with clear evidence of their quality tests .

  4. 还有,班尼特认识堪萨斯州立大学的校长。

    Anyway , Bennett knows the head of Kansas university .

  5. 惠特尼想申请堪萨斯州立大学的,美式足球奖学金。

    Whitney 's trying out for a football scholarship to Kansas state .

  6. 当我1979年开始就读于堪萨斯州立大学我很快就同几个黑人同学交上了朋友。

    When I went to Kansas State University in 1979 I immediately befriended several Black students .

  7. 一位来自堪萨斯州立大学的研究人员表示,因钱财争吵是离婚最强烈的前兆。

    Arguing about money is the top predictor of divorce , according to a researcher at Kansas State University .

  8. 来自美国堪萨斯州立大学的迈克尔·奥谢教授运用电脑模型完成了该项研究,他说:

    Professor Michael O'Shea , from Kansas State University , US , who conducted the research using a computer model , said :

  9. 据堪萨斯州立大学的一项新调查显示,我们在办公时间内花在漫无目的浏览网页上的时间比我们预想的还要多。

    A new study from Kansas State University suggests that we spend even more time than previously thought aimlessly browsing the Internet during our office hours .

  10. 堪萨斯州立大学也不愿对处分措施发表评论,不过该校已经任命了一个委员会来起草一份针对托福作弊情况的政策。

    Kansas State , too , wont comment on disciplinary measures , but it has named a committee to draft a policy on dealing with fraud on the Toefl .

  11. 2011年秋季,几名中国学生来到堪萨斯州立大学念书,但他们的长相却和几个月前参加托福考试时采集的照片不符。

    At Kansas State this fall , several Chinese students showed up for classes but did not match the security photos that were snapped when they supposedly took the Toefl months earlier .

  12. 在中等的学术研究院里,比如像堪萨斯州立大学,你会很难找到穿着西装革履的人,即使是教授或是校长也通常穿着牛仔裤和T-恤衫。

    In post-secondary education institutes , such as KSU , you can hardly ever see anyone actually suited up , even the professors or the school president dress up casually in jeans and t-shirts .

  13. 2011年堪萨斯州立大学两名心理学家所做的研究发现,女人们想要生孩子的冲动也就是人们平常所熟知的孩子狂热症在年轻的时候最强,随着年龄的增加而减弱。

    Research by two Kansas State University psychologists in 2011 found that the urge to procreate often known as baby fever is strongest in women at younger ages , and decreases as they age .

  14. 少出去下馆子。我与堪萨斯州立大学心理学家布拉德o克朗兹进行的研究发现,1%与5%之间的区别是显而易见的:1%的人花在外出就餐上的开支少30%,意味着他们为退休增加了30%的储蓄。

    Eat out less.From research I did with Brad Klontz , a clinical psychologist with an academic appointment at Kansas State University , the difference between the 1 % and the 5 % was straightforward : the 1 % spent 30 % less of their money eating out and saved 30 % more of it for retirement .

  15. 根据堪萨斯州州立大学对90位女性进行的一项研究发现坐在一束花旁边的女性在打字时要比没有花在旁边的女人会更放松。

    Women who sat near a bouquet of flowers were more relaxed during a typing assignment than women who didn 't have flowers , according to a Kansas State University study of90 women .

  16. 根据吉尼斯世界纪录,95岁的诺拉.欧克斯是至今全世界最年长的大学毕业生。欧克斯于2007年从堪萨斯州海斯堡州立大学取得历史学学位。

    According to the Guinness Book of World Records , Nola Ochs , 95 , is the oldest person to ever graduate from college .

  17. 这次春节晚会是由恩波利亚州立大学与堪萨斯大学,海斯堡州立大学中国学生组织共同举办的一次盛大的节日狂欢!

    ESUCSA is hosting this giant Spring Festival Gala with other Chinese students organizations in U of Kansas , Fort Hays State University .