
  • 网络Kamchatka;The Kamchatka Peninsula
堪察加半岛 [kān chá jiā bàn dǎo]
  • [Kamchatka Peninsula] 位于俄罗斯东部,西濒鄂霍次克海,东临太平洋和白令海。面积约47.23万平方公里。有127座火山,其中22座为活火山,多喷泉和温泉。植被大部为苔原植物。渔业是唯一重要的经济活动。堪察加彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克是主要城市和港口

  1. 她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛,行程共1.4万英里。

    She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka .

  2. 一名徒步旅行者在俄罗斯的堪察加半岛的火山烟雾里攀登。

    A hiker climbs amid volcanic fumes in Russia 's Kamchatka peninsula .

  3. 堪察加半岛的库页湖以拥有巨大的红色大马哈鱼而闻名。

    The lake in the Kamchatka peninsula isknown for having large red salmon .

  4. 堪察加半岛以东发生三次6级以上地震。

    Three earthquakes of magnitude 6 or over occurred in the east of Kamchatka Peninsula .

  5. 岛链东北部从日本主要的北部岛屿北海道延伸到俄国的堪察加半岛。

    The island chain stretches northeast from Japan 's main northern island of Hokkaido to Russia 's Kamchatka Peninsula .

  6. 鄂霍次克海是北太平洋的海湾,位于俄国堪察加半岛以西。

    The Sea of Okhotsk is an arm of the northern Pacific to the west of Russia 's Kamchatka Peninsula .

  7. 阿伊努人是北日本大部分地区的原住民,在库页岛和堪察加半岛也定居着与他们有关系的部落。

    The Ainu were the originalinhabitants of much of northern Japan , while related groups had long settledSakhalin and Kamchatka .

  8. 科曼多尔群岛:苏联远东地区一群岛,位于白令海上、堪察加半岛以东。

    An island group of Far Eastern U.S.S.R.in the Bering Sea east of the Kamchatka Peninsula . Fishing , hunting , and whaling are the main occupations of the islanders .

  9. 这些似是而非的论点适用于克罗诺基自然保护区,一个位于沿日本北部一千英里的太平洋海岸线上的堪察加半岛东侧的遥远的保护区。

    That paradox applies to Kronotsky Zapovednik , a remote nature reserve on the east side of Russia 's Kamchatka Peninsula , along the Pacific coast a thousand miles north of Japan .