
Kān sà sī zhōu
  • Kansas
  1. 堪萨斯州的邮政缩写是KS。

    The postal abbreviation for Kansas is KS .

  2. 接下来是堪萨斯州奥弗兰帕克市的RebeccaKabernato照片是复活节那天在东九街中段拍的

    Rebecca Kabernato from Overland park Kansas , this photo was taken at Easter in the mid Nineeast

  3. 之后到美国读大学,在堪萨斯州鲍德温的贝克大学(BakerUniversity)学习时遇到了程正昌。

    I came to the United States for college and met Andrew at Baker University in Baldwin , Kans .

  4. FDA检察官已经被派往位于堪萨斯州和新泽西州的Menu食品公司工厂。

    FDA inspectors have been sent to Menu Foods plants in Kansas and New Jersey .

  5. 马特•B•丹尼斯野战炮兵少校目前正在参加位于美国堪萨斯州利文沃思堡的ILE。

    Major Matt B.Dennis , Field Artillery , is currently attending ILE at Fort Leavenworth , Kan .

  6. 等他恢复后,他搬到堪萨斯州住,并会见了美国参议员SamBrownbac。

    After recovering , he moved to the state of Kansas , and met United States Senator Sam Brownback .

  7. 这次会议召开日期已经确定,将于2011年5月15日在堪萨斯州堪萨斯城的MarriottOverlandPark召开。

    It will kick off on May15,2011 , at the Marriott Overland Park in Kansas City , Kansas .

  8. Google表示,这一问题是堪萨斯州3名小孩引起的,这些小孩破解了Android总部的网站,试图寻找一些外星人动画。

    Google blamed the problem on three children in Wichita , Kansas , who had hacked into Android HQ in search of alien cartoon characters .

  9. 连住在堪萨斯州的Jessie姨妈的表姐Dorrie都听说了

    And Aunt Jessie 's cousin Dorrie in Abilene ,

  10. NPR新闻,史蒂文·克兰德尔堪萨斯州托皮卡报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Steven Krandel in Topeka , Kansas .

  11. 杰西•怀特(JessWhite)在堪萨斯州内陆地区长大,现在住在博尔德市。她说她以前下水总是战战兢兢的。

    Jess White , who grew up landlocked in Kansas and now lives in Boulder , says she never felt confident in the water .

  12. 堪萨斯州米逊市(Mission)的“伊夫琳·伍德阅读动态公司”(EvelynWoodReadingDynamics)仍然在提供速读培训班、DVD和其他资源,不过赶不上它全盛时期的规模了。

    Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics , based in Mission , Kan . , still offers workshops , DVDs and other resources , though it is smaller than its heyday .

  13. 美国堪萨斯州ElDorado炼油厂德士古气化炉采用低值进料的操作经验

    Operating Experience with Low-Value Feedstocks for Texaco Gasifier at the El Dorado Refinery in Kansas , USA

  14. 1911年,堪萨斯州的H·D·李商业公司(H.D.LeeMercantileCompany)开始生产它自己的工作服品牌,最终演变为李牌工装裤(LeeDungarees)。

    In 1911 , the H.D. Lee Mercantile Company of Kansas started producing its own brand of workwear , which eventually led to Lee Dungarees .

  15. 这场胜利为Santorum愉快的一周开了个好头,接下来他又以51.2%对Romney的20.9%赢得了堪萨斯州的核心会议。

    he had won the Kansas caucuses three days earlier by 51.2 % to Mr Romney 's 20.9 % .

  16. 他名叫LarryStewart,现年58岁,来自堪萨斯州郊区李苏米特。他从事有线电视和长途电话业务,从中赚了几百万。

    He is Larry Stewart , a58-year-old businessman from the Kansas City suburb of Lee 's Summit , Mo. , who made his millions in cable television and long-distance telephone service .

  17. 在堪萨斯州一家生产新款雪佛兰(Chevrolet)Malibu车的工厂中,工会也警告资方他们可能会罢工。

    A union local at a Kansas plant that builds the newly redesigned Chevrolet Malibu has warned the auto maker it may strike .

  18. 生活的色彩:绿色。山谷雕刻成上面的堪萨斯州的Texaco丘陵,部分的Tallgrass大草原国家保存。

    Life in Color : Green Valleys carve up Kansas'Texaco Hill , part of the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve .

  19. baird于2007年投资了这家总部位于堪萨斯州的公司,帮助它在中国建立了业务,并最终降低了成本、提高了质量。

    Baird invested in the Kansas-based business in 2007 and helped it establish operations in China to ultimately bring down costs and improve quality .

  20. 那天我在堪萨斯州利伍德(Leawood)的一所小学里。

    In elementary school in Leawood , Kansas .

  21. 与FT共进午餐之前,查尔斯•科克(CharlesKoch)并不需要看菜单。这位亿万富豪选择了一家他特别熟悉的餐厅:位于堪萨斯州威奇托市,他公司总部内的自助食堂。

    Charles Koch does not need to look at the menu before lunching with the FT. The billionaire has chosen a restaurant he knows well : the in-house canteen at his company headquarters in Wichita , Kansas .

  22. 后来,他在堪萨斯州利文沃斯堡(FortLeavenworth,Kansas)领导训练中心,在那儿与人合著了新版美军平叛战地手册,由陆军与海军陆战队在上个月联合出版。

    He later led the training centre in Fort Leavenworth , Kansas , from where he co-authored the new American counter-insurgency field manual , published jointly by the army and marines last month .

  23. 影子银行的概念是由美国太平洋投资管理公司执行董事麦卡利(McCulley)在堪萨斯州美联储举行的经济会议上发表的演讲中首次提及的。

    The concept of shadow banking was first mentioned by American Economic Conference Pacific Investment Management Company McCulley in Kansas Fed Economic Conference .

  24. 这就是您引用“绿野仙踪”中Dorothy的话,看看您的狗,说“Toto,我感觉我们已经不在堪萨斯州了。”

    This is the point where you look at your dog and quote Dorothy from " The Wizard of Oz : "" Toto , I 've a feeling we 're not in Kansas anymore . "

  25. 今年2月,堪萨斯州的锡德里克·福特(CedricFord)在自己工作的地方开枪击中17人,其中三人丧生,而90分钟前,他刚刚收到前女友针对他申请的禁制令,她称福特虐待她。

    In February , Cedric Ford shot 17 people at his Kansas workplace , killing three , only 90 minutes after being served with a restraining order sought by his ex-girlfriend , who said he had abused her .

  26. 堪萨斯州的预算案可能使州工人们拿到工资,州长KathleenSebelius签署了呼吁减少新预算的法案。

    Also budget deal in Kansas may clear the way for state workers to get paid this week . Governor Kathleen Sebelius signed the bill calling for new cuts in the new budget .

  27. 位于堪萨斯州利伍德(Leawood)的AMC娱乐有5426个影厅,是美国第二大的连锁影院,位列帝王娱乐集团(RegalEntertainmentGroup)之后。AMC娱乐在大型市场中实力尤其强劲,包括在纽约、洛杉矶和芝加哥。

    AMC , based in Leawood , Kan . , is the country 's second-biggest movie theater chain with 5426 screens , behind the Regal Entertainment Group . It is particularly strong in large markets , including New York , Los Angeles and Chicago .

  28. 农业部长威尔萨克(tomvilsack)曾担任爱荷华州州长;劳工部长索利斯(hildasolis)曾是国会议员;而获得卫生与社会服务部长提名的西博利厄斯(kathleensebelius)现任堪萨斯州州长。

    Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was a former Iowa governor ; Labor Secretary Hilda Solis was a member of Congress ; and Kathleen Sebelius , the nominee for health and Human Services Secretary , is now governor of Kansas .

  29. 在近期的研究中,Levine带领了来自NIDDK和国立肿瘤研究所(NCI)的科学家团队,二者与堪萨斯州大学同为NIH的下属机构。

    In the current study , Levine led a team of scientists from the NIDDK and the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ), both components of the NIH , as well as the University of Kansas .

  30. 总部位于美国堪萨斯州威奇托(Wichita)的塞斯纳与中航工业还达成了一项在通用机领域展开更广阔合作的协议。通用机不包括军用和商用飞机。

    The Wichita , Kan . , company also reached an agreement with AVIC , as the Chinese company is known , for broader cooperation on general aviation , a category that excludes military and commercial aircraft .