
  • 网络MONTANA;MONT;Billings;Montana State
  1. 我想走一条穿过蒙大拿州的更靠北的路线。

    I wanted to go a more northerly route across Montana .

  2. 后来,美国蒙大拿州又发现了另一个这样的霸王龙集体死亡遗址。

    Another such mass death site was later found in Montana .

  3. Hewenttoworkonaranch.他去一个大农场干活。他把他在蒙大拿州的大牧场留给了他未婚的妹妹。

    He left his Montana ranch to his spinster sister .

  4. 他于上周五和周六分成别在蒙大拿州和科罗拉多州针对该问题(problem)举行了两次市政厅会议。

    He held two town hall meetings on the issue in Montana and Colorado on Friday and Saturday .

  5. 在火奴鲁鲁会议召开前,曾分别于3月在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区、5月在蒙大拿州大天城(BigSky)和9月在加利福尼亚州旧金山举行了三次亚太经合组织部长级会议。

    The Honolulu meeting follows ministerial-level meetings in Washington , D.C. , in March ; Big Sky , Montana , in May ; and San Francisco , California , in September .

  6. 1967年,一个UFO事件引起了蒙大拿州空军基地导弹失效。

    UFO incident in1967 caused a missile disruption at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana .

  7. NPR新闻,埃里克·惠特尼蒙大拿州密苏拉报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Eric Whitney in Missoula , Montana .

  8. 11月9日,EarlCooley在蒙大拿州的米苏拉去世,享年98岁。

    Earl Cooley died on November ninth in Missoula , Montana . He was ninety-eight years old .

  9. 在蒙大拿州,渔业、野生生物和狩猎区(国家公园)部,迈克尔·J·马德尔领导一项灰熊管理项目。

    " I have had bears that range into Alberta and have been lost ," said Michael J.Madel , who runs the Grizzly Bear Management Program for the Montana Department of Fish , Wildlife and Parks .

  10. 如果另一次大水如预计一般把泄漏的石油又推回了河里,这可能会对河中的鱼类资源构成威胁,蒙大拿州鲑鳟类保护协会执行理事BF称。

    If another surge of water pushes oil further into back channels as expected , it could be a potential threat to fisheries , said Bruce Farling , executive director of Trout Unlimited 's Montana chapter .

  11. 在疫苗研制工作方面,他的主要合作伙伴是蒙大拿州哈密尔顿落基山实验室(RockyMountainLaboratories)的首席病毒专家海因茨·费尔德曼(HeinzFeldmann)。落基山实验室隶属于美国国家过敏及传染性疾病研究所(NationalInstituteofAllergyandInfectiousDiseases)。

    For the vaccine work , his main collaborator has been Dr. Heinz Feldmann , the chief of virology at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton , Mont . , part of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases .

  12. 蒙大拿州比灵斯的肿瘤科医生派崔克‧W‧柯布(PartrickW.Cobb)表示,多西他赛六次疗程要价6千美元(约合3万7千人民币),同样时长疗程的纳武单抗则需6万美元。

    Docetaxel costs $ 6000 for six cycles of treatment ; Opdivo used for the same length of time costs about $ 60000 , said Dr. Patrick W. Cobb , an oncologist in Billings , Mont .

  13. (多重工作指的是一个人同时兼做多项事情)。因此蒙大拿州这一青年和他16岁的弟弟Colin打算对这一定义进行验证。

    ( Multitasking is when a person tries to do more than one thing at the same time . ) So the Montana teen and his 16-year-old brother Colin decided to test that notion .

  14. T.S.,你今年十岁是个孤儿,在蒙大拿州一个偏僻的牧场长大你爸爸想让你成为一个牛仔,我没说错吧?

    T.S. , you 're ten years old , You 're an orphan , you grew upon a remote ranch in Montana , your dad wanted you to be a cowboy . Am I right so far ?

  15. 一名蒙大拿州樛登市的牛仔在赶拢北美洲野马。

    A cowboy in Jordan , Montana rounds up bucking broncos .

  16. 他告诉我,他现在住在蒙大拿州,过得很好。

    He told me he was living in Montana and doing well .

  17. 另外一桩正在调查中的飞机失事事件发生在美国蒙大拿州。

    In the US , another plane crash under investigation .

  18. 他用蒙大拿州牛仔惯有的那种慢吞吞的语调在抱怨。

    He was complaining in his Montana cowboy 's drawl .

  19. 这架单引擎涡轮螺旋桨飞机在蒙大拿州比尤特市机场附近的一处公墓坠毁。

    A single engine plane went down Sunday in Butte , Montana .

  20. 他在蒙大拿州的一个小屋里度过了一生。

    He lived out his life in a small cabin in montana .

  21. 购买土地在蒙大拿州东部并不难。

    Buying land in eastern Montana is not difficult .

  22. 气势磅礴的密苏里河流穿过蒙大拿州的大部分地区。

    The mighty Missouri River crosses much of Montana .

  23. 我们在蒙大拿州处理携持杀人案。

    We were working a strangler case in montana .

  24. 蒙大拿州的人们去年冬天被大雪封锁了一周时间。

    Folks up in Montana were snowed in for a week last Winter .

  25. 在蒙大拿州的国家冰川公园徒步旅行一直是我的梦想。

    Hiking in Montana 's Glacier National Park had always been my dream .

  26. 他们来自美国蒙大拿州的一个熊救助和教育机构。

    They are from a Bear rescue and educational institution in Montana State .

  27. 这就是蒙大拿州被称为“大天空之州”的地方。

    This is what is called @ big sky country @ in montana .

  28. 蒙大拿州的“矢车菊蓝”蓝宝石被称为世界各地。

    Montana 's " Cornflower Blue " Sapphire is known throughout the world .

  29. 这些小野牛们是通过公路从加拿大鹿岛自然保护区运送到蒙大拿州的;

    The calves had arrived by road from Elk Island reserve in Canada ;

  30. 它横跨怀俄明州、蒙大拿州和爱达荷州的部分地方。

    It covers parts of the states of Wyoming , Montana , and Idaho .