- 网络Montserrat

Natives on both islands used to favor the frog 's meaty legs , although it is mostly tourists now who request them , said Gerard Gray , director of Montserrat 's Department of Environment .
Once eaten as a delicacy , the frog was hunted and much of its habitat on Montserrat was destroyed by the temperamental Soufriere Hills volcano .
The MVO submitted this conclusion to Montserrat 's civil protection committee , which , on6 August , used it as grounds to revoke the evacuation order and allow people back to their houses .
Scientists estimate a few thousand live on Montserrat .
Experience from the small Caribbean island of Montserrat shows such data can be invaluable .
Hunting aside , the number of frogs already were dwindling in Montserrat because of the active volcano .
Discovered by Christopher Columbus back in 1493 , the 40 square mile Caribbean island of Montserrat is actually growing with each passing day .
The Prince flew ashore by helicopter as the Navy tested its preparedness should a giant category five storm hit the volcanic island of Montserrat .
This week 's exercise saw personnel from the Royal Navy warship on which the Prince is based land on the island and assist local emergency services directing drills .
They knew the experience would broaden her horizons however , her destination , Montserrat , within the past year had a huge volcano erupt , disrupting people 's lives .
It is a national holiday in Ireland , and on the island of Montserrat in the Caribbean , which was founded by Irish refugees . It is a bank holiday in Northern Ireland and a provincial holiday in the Canadian province of Newfoundland .