
  • Mongolia;National University of Mongolia
  1. 这个国家将会向蒙古国进行技术转让。

    There will be a transfer of technology from this country to Mongolia .

  2. 蒙古国是一个历史古老,具有传统文化的国家。

    Mongolia is an ancient tradition of historical cultures .

  3. 自1997年蒙古国加入WTO后,进出口贸易进入一个快速增长阶段。

    Since 1997 , Mongolia joined the WTO , import and export trade has entered a rapid growth phase .

  4. 随着中蒙之间的经贸往来的日益频繁,需要分析和论证WTO框架下蒙古国的海关法律制度。

    With the Sino-Mongolian economic and trade exchanges between the increasingly frequent , the need for analysis and demonstration of the WTO under the framework of the Customs legal system of Mongolia .

  5. 马布苏湖(UvsNuurLake)是世界遗产,为俄罗斯联邦的图瓦共和国(TuvaRepublic)和蒙古国共同拥有。

    Uvs Nuur Lake , shared with Tuva Republic of the Russian Federation , is a natural World Heritage Site .

  6. 在论文中,首先探讨了WTO规则中涉及的海关法律制度,以此为基础,分析和论证了蒙古国海关法、关税法、蒙古国缔结的相关条约等。

    In the paper , first of all WTO rules on customs related to the legal system as a basis for analysis and verification of the Mongolian Customs Law , Customs Law of Mongolia , such as the conclusion of the relevant treaties .

  7. 大蒙古国时期蒙古草原上的社会经济

    Social Economy of Mongolia Grassland during the Period of Mongol Empire

  8. 中国是蒙古国第一大贸易伙伴和第一大投资国。

    China is the largest trade partner and investor to Mongolia .

  9. 蒙古国出口未加工的铁矿石原料。

    Currently Mongolia is exporting iron ore as its raw material .

  10. 蒙古国矿产资源勘探开发政策情况

    Discussion on the Policies Regarding Minerals Exploration and Development in Mongolia

  11. 蒙古国政治转型与新政府的走向

    Political Transition of Mongolia and the New Government 's Orientation

  12. 蒙古国的失业问题:现状、原因及对策

    Unemployment in Mongolia : The Current Status , Its Causes and Countermeasures

  13. 蒙古国科学技术发展概况

    Science and Technology Situation and the Development Of Innovation System of Mongolia

  14. 蒙古国草原畜牧业经济研究

    Economic Research on Animal Husbandry in the Grasslands of Mongolia

  15. 蒙古国矿产业发展与蒙古国矿产资源政策分析

    Mongolia Mining Industry Development and Policy Analysis of Mineral Resources in Mongolia

  16. 封面故事:蒙古国图木尔廷敖包大型锌矿床。

    Cover Story : The Tumurtin Ovoo large-scale zinc deposit in Mongolia .

  17. 蒙古国地质构造概况及金成矿区分布特征

    Introduction of geological structures and distribution of Gold Metallogenetic zone in Mongolia

  18. 试论蒙古国主导产业的选择与发展

    A Discussion on the Choices and the Development of the Mongolian Leading Industries

  19. 蒙古国地缘特性及其国际关系大蒙古国时期的诸王与儒士

    On mongolia 's geopolitical features and its international relations

  20. 第三、蒙古国学生汉语阅读焦虑感产生的原因。

    What are the reasons which cause Mongolian students ' Chinese reading anxiety ?

  21. 近些年来,蒙古国对外贸易保持了快速增长的势头。

    In recent years , Mongolian foreign trade has maintained rapid growth momentum .

  22. 蒙古国的心脏地带是相对平稳的干草原。

    The Mongolian heartland consists of relatively flat steppes .

  23. 我因娈童而在蒙古国遭到通缉。

    ALLEN I 'm wanted for pederasty in Mongolia .

  24. 蒙古国劳动力资源及其就业状况浅析

    A Discussion on Labor Force Resources and Present Situation of Employment in Mongolia

  25. 我国东北与蒙古国铁路通道建设研究

    The Research of Railway Thoroughfare ′ s Construction between Northeast China and Mongolia

  26. 从地缘看大国战略夹缝中的蒙古国

    Mongolia in Between Big Countries Strategy Clips from Terrain

  27. 蒙古国国土辽阔,矿产资源丰富,品种齐全。

    Mongolia , with expanse territory , has abundant and various mineral resources .

  28. 答:蒙古国的博物馆是最愿意帮忙的。

    A. Museums in Mongolia were most helpful .

  29. 蒙古国与中国北部交界。

    Mongolia lies on the north of China .

  30. 目前蒙古国的多家银行都有人民币存款和电汇业务。

    Many banks of Mongolia have the RMB deposit and telegraphic transfer operations today .