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  • copper
  • 一种金属元素,富延展性。导电性和导热性都很强,它的合金是电气、机械和国防工业的重要原料:紫~(纯铜。亦称“红铜”)。青~。黄~。~矿。~器。~币。~臭(ch恥 )(指铜钱的臭味,用以讥讽唯利是图的人,如“浑身~~”)。~墙铁壁(喻十分坚固,不可摧毁的事物。亦称“铁壁铜墙”)。


(金属元素) copper (Cu):

  • 铜丝

    copper wire;

  • 铜像

    bronze statue;

  • 铜扣子

    brass button

  1. 黄铜是铜锌合金。

    Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc .

  2. 他腕上戴着只铜手镯。

    He wore a copper bracelet on his wrist .

  3. 铜的化学符号是什么?

    What is the chemical symbol for copper ?

  4. 铜钉比铁钉好,因为铁会生锈。

    Copper nails are better than iron nails because the iron rusts

  5. 我们想跟孩子们一起制作硫酸铜晶体。

    We tried to grow some copper sulphate crystals with our children .

  6. 他用铜、不锈钢和银制造装饰性器皿。

    He makes decorative vessels in copper , stainless steel and silver .

  7. 他系着一条带大铜扣的腰带。

    He wore a belt with a large brass buckle .

  8. 智利是世界上最大的产铜国。

    Chile is the world 's largest producer of copper .

  9. 它们有哑铜的,古铜的和镀银的。

    They are available in polished brass , antique brass or silver-plate .

  10. 床架上一个松动的球形铜扣发出嘎啦声。

    A loose brass knob on the bedstead rattled .

  11. 青铜是铜和锡的合金。

    Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin

  12. 新矿投产后,智利在世界铜产量中所占的份额将大幅增加。

    As new mines come on stream , Chile 's share of world copper output will increase sharply

  13. 通过熔合铜和锌可以得到黄铜。

    Brass can be made by fusing copper and zinc .

  14. 那个小男孩想知道铜为什么容易弯折。

    That little boy wonders why copper bends easily .

  15. 铁比铜容易铸型。

    Iron casts better than copper .

  16. 该省矿藏,以锡最多,铜次之。

    Among the mineral deposits of the province , tin occupies first place ; copper comes second .

  17. 他们通过铜和锌的熔合来制造黄铜。

    They produced Brass by the fusion of copper and zinc .

  18. 硫酸铜具有防腐性,这是不曾有过问题的。

    The antiseptic properties of copper sulphate have never been questioned .

  19. 塑料和橡胶不导电,但铜可以。

    Plastic and rubber won 't conduct electricity , but copper will .

  20. 化学分析显示铜的含量很高。

    Chemical analysis revealed a high content of copper .

  21. 铜是热的良导体。

    Copper is a good conductor of heat .

  22. 将硝酸倒在铜上,会散发出一种棕色的蒸气。

    When nitric acid is poured on copper , a Brown vapour gives off .

  23. 铜暴露在自然环境中就变绿。

    Copper turns green as it weathers .

  24. 叠氮化铜不溶于水。

    Cupric azide is insoluble in water .

  25. 这口钟是铜铸的。

    This bell is cast in bronze .

  26. 铜是韧性很高的金属。

    Copper is metal with high ductility .

  27. 铜为什么容易弯曲?

    Why does copper bend easily ?

  28. 以铜为鉴,可整衣冠;以古为鉴,可知兴替。(唐太宗)

    By using a mirror of brass you may see to adjust your cap ; by using antiquity as a mirror , you may learn to foresee the rise and fall of empires .

  29. 电子垃圾中的材料包括铁、铜、金、银和铝这些材料可以重复使用、转售、回收或循环利用。

    The materials from e-waste include iron , copper , gold , silver , and aluminum materials that could be reused , resold , salvaged , or recycled .

  30. Cranberries9蔓越莓蔓越莓特别有营养,富含维C、锰、维E、维生素K1和铜。

    Cranberries have an excellent nutrition profile , being rich in vitamin C , manganese , vitamin E , vitamin K1 and copper10 .