
  • 网络copper smelter
  1. 基于PROFIBUS的铜冶炼厂自动化系统研究

    Research of copper smelter automation system based on PROFIBUS

  2. 研究了累托石-粉煤灰颗粒吸附剂制备工艺条件及其去除铜冶炼废水中Cu(Ⅱ)的条件。

    The preparation technological conditions of grain adsorbent of rectorite and fly ash and the treatment of Cu (ⅱ) - containing wastewater of copper smelter have been studied .

  3. DCS在铜冶炼余热锅炉自动给水系统中的应用

    DCS Application to Automatic Water-feeding System of Copper-smelting Waste Heat Boiler

  4. 以粉煤灰为吸附剂对含Cu(Ⅱ)的铜冶炼废水进行处理。

    The Cu (ⅱ) - containing copper smelting wastewater is treated with fly ash as adsorbent .

  5. 粉煤灰吸附处理铜冶炼废水中Cu(Ⅱ)的试验研究

    Experimental study on the adsorption treatment of Cu (ⅱ) - containing copper smelting wastewater with fly ash

  6. 鑫科新材料股份有限公司(XinkeNewMaterials)是中国南方安徽省的一家铜冶炼和加工企业,该公司披露将购入赢得奥斯卡奖的VoltagePictures的母公司多数股权。

    Xinke New Materials , which smelts and processes copper in the southern Anhui province , disclosed the majority stake in the parent company of Oscar-winning Voltage Pictures .

  7. 粗铜冶炼中铜锍品位的动态预测模式&AR(p)与指数平滑最优组合法

    The dynamic pre-estimating model of the grade of copper matte in the course of raw copper metallurgy & the best combined approach of auto regressive and exponential smoothing

  8. 也谈变工况除尘系统风机调速计算方法分析了铜冶炼SO2烟气流程中风机调速的特点。

    The specialities of fan speed regulation system for SO2 smoke in copper smelt process are analyzed .

  9. 介绍在铜冶炼厂由PLC和上位机组成的两级精矿自动计量和取样计算机控制系统的设计和应用情况。

    Design and application of two level computer control system that consists of PLC and process computer for concentrate measuring and sampling in copper melting plant are described .

  10. 铸坯截面积大小对SCR连铸连轧电工用铜线坯质量的影响废杂铜冶炼技术在铜线坯生产中的应用

    The Effect of Cross Section Area of Casting Bar on the Quality of Copper Rod for Electrical Application of SCR Continuous Casting & Rolling

  11. 采用二级无喷头脱硫塔和含Mn2+/Fe2+催化剂的石灰水溶液吸收高浓度SO2技术对镍铜冶炼废气进行处理。

    Building two desulfuration towers without spouts in which the water solution containing Mn2 + or Fe2 + is prepared to absorb the dense SO2 in melting copper and nickel .

  12. 捕集铜冶炼厂中各种来源的SO2烟气生产硫酸,满足所需的硫捕集目标是一种实际的选择。

    It is also a practical and realistic option to collect the SO2 gases emanating from various sources within the copper plant and also produce sulfuric acid , in a bid to attain the demanded sulfur capture targets .

  13. 结合某大型铜冶炼厂闪速炉生产区域的控制系统设计,介绍美国HONEYWELL公司DCS系统中相关电气部分的LM逻辑控制器及US操作站的应用、实践和体会。

    The application , practice and experience of the logical controller LM for relevant electrical parts and US operation station in DCS system of HONEYWELL Inc. , U.S.A. are introduced by combining the design of control system for flash furnace production line in one large copper smelter .

  14. 通过对近期国内外铜冶炼企业扩产改造所采用的PS转炉、闪速吹炼炉、三菱法吹炼炉等铜锍吹炼工艺及特点进行回顾、分析和总结,认为铜锍闪速吹炼工艺可能成为发展方向。

    Through reviewing , analyzing and summarizing the process technologies and features of copper matte converting processes such as PS converter , flash and mitsubishi converting furnaces at home and abroad , it is considered that the flash converting furnace may become development direction of copper matte converting process .

  15. 中国最大的镍生产商金川集团(Jinchuan)周二表示,将把今年的生产目标下调17%,而在过去2周,中国规模最大的几家铜冶炼厂已大幅减产。

    Jinchuan , China 's biggest nickel producer , said on Tuesday it was cutting its production target for this year by 17 per cent , while several of the country 's biggest copper smelters have made large cutbacks over the past two weeks .

  16. 砷是铜冶炼中的有害组份之一,在铜矿物的赋存状况决定砷在铜精矿中的富集程度。

    Arsenic is one of the harmful compositions in copper smelting .

  17. 铜冶炼总成本费用控制初探

    A Discussion on Control the Total Cost Expense in Copper Metallurgy

  18. 铜冶炼熔渣中铁组分的迁移与析出行为

    Migration and Precipitation Behavior of Fe Components in Copper Smelting Slag

  19. 铜冶炼转炉耐火材料应用与发展

    Application and Development of Refractories for Converting Furnace in Copper Smelting

  20. 石膏化-硫化法处理铜冶炼含酸废水试验研究

    Experiment Research on Disposal Acidic Wastewater From Copper-smelting by Gypsification-sulfuration Process

  21. 水淬渣作吸附剂处理含铜冶炼工业废水的研究

    Treatment of Copper Smelter Wastewater with Water Granulated Slag as Adsorbent

  22. 铜冶炼烟气制酸转化工艺的选择

    Transforming Process Selection of Acid Making with Gas from Copper Smelting

  23. 铜冶炼行业循环经济的研究及应用

    Study on and Appliance of Circular Economy in Copper Smelt Industry

  24. 国产蒸汽干燥机在铜冶炼行业中的应用与实践

    Application and Practice of Domestic Steam Dryer in Copper Smelting Industry

  25. 铜冶炼含砷污酸处理工艺的生产实践与改进

    Production and Improvement on Arsenious Content Acid Treatment in Copper Smelter

  26. 我国铜冶炼工业的现状分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure on present situation in copper melting industry

  27. 铜冶炼厂污水治理技术及建议

    Techniques and Suggestions for Waste Water Treatment in Copper Smelters

  28. 铜冶炼转炉渣选铜的试验研究

    Study on copper concentrating from converter slag of copper smelter

  29. 国际期货对国内铜冶炼企业重要性浅析

    Importance of International Future Market to Chinese Copper Smelting Enterprises

  30. 铜冶炼行业电力谐波的产生、危害与治理

    Production , Harm and Treatment of Power Harmonic in Copper Smelt Industry