
  • 网络Abstract;abstract entity
  1. 人们通过隐喻来识别和理解抽象事物。

    Human beings recognize and understand abstract things through it .

  2. 作为某些抽象事物的明显标志。

    Serving as a visible symbol for something abstract .

  3. 您通常使用deftype来实现新类型的集合,或定义围绕您所指定协议的全新抽象事物。

    You would typically use deftype to implement new kinds of collections , or to define completely new abstractions around protocols that you specify .

  4. 但是科学已经显示出压力不是单纯的抽象事物。

    But science has shown that stress is not merely a metaphysical thing .

  5. 也是一个极好的暗喻范例,它诠释了当我们面临抽象事物时,

    It 's also a great example of how whenever we deal with anything abstract

  6. 它用来对抽象事物的概念化、理解和推理。

    It is used for the generalization , understanding and inference of the abstract things .

  7. 从事科学工作就是在研究这些抽象事物。

    Doing science is making these abstractions .

  8. 概念隐喻的本质是通过具体事物来理解与体验抽象事物。

    The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing abstract entities in terms of concrete ones .

  9. 移情是把人的知觉和情感投入到物件和抽象事物中去。

    Empathy means that the human sense and emotion are transferred to objects and abstract things .

  10. 负担,支付;当“提供”讲时,多用于指抽象事物的提供。

    If you cannot afford something , you do not have enough money to pay for it .

  11. 人们首先体验到的是空间的客观世界,形成各种空间关系,再认知诸如时间之类的抽象事物。

    Human beings first experience the spatial objective world , and then come to recognize time and many other abstract things .

  12. 作者善于捕捉事物之间的相似点,选择形象而富有意趣的喻体来形容、描绘抽象事物;

    The writers excelled at discovering the similarities between things , drawing vivid and interesting analogies between concrete and abstract things .

  13. 在全世界,自由与克制这两种抽象事物中,克制常常是更值得尊重的。

    And throughout the world , of the two abstract things , liberty and restraint , restraint is always more honorable .

  14. 有生命物体可进一步分为植物和人类,无生命物体包括抽象事物,具体事物和自然现象三类。

    Animate things can be further classified into plants and human . Inanimate things include abstract things and concrete things and natural phenomenon .

  15. 传感网络中传感器设备将抽象事物具体化、数字化,使得人与物、物与物之间也可以进行信息的交换。

    The sensors make the abstract things be concrete and digital and to exchange the information between persons and things or things and things .

  16. 从组合关系和聚合关系两个角度将结果范畴分为成品类、破损痕迹类和抽象事物类、具体事物类。

    From the two perspectives of the syntagmatic relation and paradigmatic relations , the category of Result is categorized to abstract things and concrete things .

  17. 学习者面对不同的写作内容和形式(如描述具体事物和描述抽象事物、描述性的写作和叙述性的写作)所使用的交际策略及其频率有所不同;

    The strategies ' frequency is different in concrete concepts identification and abstract concepts identification , and different in descriptive writing and narrative writing as well .

  18. 惯性是自然界中的物体所具有的基本属性,同样,制度这种抽象事物也具有这种性质,只是表现形式不同而已,即制度惯性。

    Inertia is a kind of basic attributes of natural objects , as the same , the institution also has this attribute , but in different forms .

  19. 隐喻的评价功能是由其本质决定的:隐喻概念域之间的互动性使人类可以通过具体事物认识抽象事物,并生动表达抽象事物。

    Metaphor is the interaction between two semantic domains , which provides people with the possibility of perceiving abstract things through concrete ones and express them vividly .

  20. 科学史就是在逐步认知如何以适当的方式解决某些特殊的抽象事物,使它们被大众接受,以及如何在第一时间发现所面临的问题。

    The history of science is understanding how particular abstractions come to be accepted as the right way of producing solutions - and how problems get chosen in the first place .

  21. 客观选择是对词语语义结构的解析,如对具体事物、抽象事物和具体活动的命题模型的解析。

    The objective choice provides the analysis of the semantic structure of words by way of the proposition models , such as the analysis of concrete beings , abstract beings and concrete activities .

  22. 西方象征手法实质是用一个东西去标志另一个东西,用具体事物表现抽象事物(观念),此后逐渐演变成为西方诗歌中独特的创作手法。

    The essence of the Western symbolism is a technique , this technique use one thing to represent another or use specific matters for abstract things , thereafter evolved into a unique creative approach in western poetry .

  23. 从认知科学角度来看,隐喻不仅应被看作是一种运用语言的方式,它还是人们通过具体事物去认识抽象事物的一种思维方式和认知工具。

    Rising in this change is the view that metaphor is not merely a matter of language , but a mode of thought and an effective cognitive tool for human to know abstract things in terms of concrete ones .

  24. 纽约一个以自由地创造抽象的事物为特色的流派。

    A New York genre of painting characterized by freely created abstractions .

  25. 是人们根据自己的身体经验利用已知事物去理解未知、抽象的事物的一种过程。

    According to the physical experience people understand unknown objects by known things .

  26. 你只好以处理具象的事物,取代处理抽象的事物。

    Instead of dealing in abstracts you now have to deal in concretes .

  27. 他们的年龄小,思维处于具体形象思维阶段,对抽象的事物很难大量接受。

    Their thought is at the specifically visual thinking stage . It is very difficult to them to accept the abstract thing massively .

  28. 由于力是一个很抽象的事物,所以对于学好力学来说,学生需要具备一定的抽象思维能力。

    Force is a very abstract thing , so to learn the mechanics , the students need to have a certain abstract thinking ability .

  29. 使用隐喻是媒体把抽象陌生事物形象化,丰富新闻表现力的重要途径。

    Metaphor is an important way used by mass media to make the abstract and unfamiliar things vivid and specific and make news more attractive .

  30. 对象也可以表示现实世界中的事物,如人、计算机,甚至更抽象的事物,如银行帐户。

    Objects can also represent real-world things such as a person , a computer , or even something more abstract such as a bank account .