
  • 网络characters;original form of a character;Original character
本字 [běn zì]
  • [the original form of a character, as opposed to its present form] 一个字通行的写法与原来的写法不同,原来的写法就称为本字,如燃的本字是然

  1. 第三节从语音、结构、数量对应三个方面探讨了楚简新见通假借字与本字之间的关系。

    Section ⅲ discussed the relationship between borrowed characters and original characters from the three aspects of pronunciation , composition and parallelism of number .

  2. 客方言中□□■la■k~hia(蜘蛛)一词本字及其语音层次

    The Word "□□■ la ■ k ~ hia ( Spider )" in Hakka Dialect and Its Historical Phonetic Stratum

  3. 灒字的方言本字考

    Outline of an Etymological Note of Zan of Chinese Dialect Words

  4. 江西吴城方言本字考

    Notes on Etymology in the Wucheng Dialect of Jiangxi Prov in ce

  5. 湖北嘉鱼方言本字考

    Research on the Original Word of Dialect in County Jiayu of Hubei Province

  6. 本字发光车号牌白天和普通牌照相同;

    In the daylight , the luminescence vehicle license plate is similar to the common vehicle licensee plate ;

  7. 论汉语方言本字考订的四性&以粤方言为例

    Research on the Four Characteristics of the Original Words of Chinese Dialects & Take Cantonese Dialect as an example

  8. 其中85%以上的借字除了读音与本字相同相近外,形体上也与本字相近。

    Eighty percent of the borrowed characters share the same or similar pronunciations and forms with the standard characters .

  9. 倒的本字应该是到,是移民从赣语区带来的。

    Its origin should be the homophony " dao " brought into the dialect by immigrants from the Can dialect areas .

  10. 说明假借字的类型有借字和本字一对一的关系、一个本字对应多个借字以及连绵词的假借等。

    The type of the borrowed words illustration includes : one original word corresponding one interchangeability of word , stretch words and so on .

  11. 主要探讨赣语泰和方言中的三个常用动词,考察它们的本字以及它们在古今汉语中的使用面貌。

    This paper explores three common verbs in Taihe sub-dialect of Gan dialects , studying their etymological words , and the usages in both Ancient Chinese and Modern Chinese .

  12. 河西方志方言章中的方言词汇,在书写形式上存在着因本字失考而误用同音字的现象,致误原因是撰稿者蔽于方音而对方言词的语源未能详加考察。

    In dialect vocabulary in the chapter of dialects in records of history in Hexi district exists the phenomenon of homophone misuse in written form since the character-misuse were not studied .

  13. 但在不同的卷子中本字与借字的使用并不一致,表明魏晋时期这些字的使用正处于发展演变时期。

    But in different volumes , the borrowed and standard are used differently , which indicates that these characters were in the process of evolution in the Wei and Jin Period .

  14. 词义方面,要注意词语意义的转化,词类的转化,以及某些本字词义脱离基本意义范围的变化等。

    As for the aspect of meaning perspective , it needs to notice the change of word meaning and part of speech , and the word being away from its original meaning range .

  15. 由于闽南方言在较大程度上保存着古汉语特点,因此从闽南方言的角度研究汉语借词,可以深刻理解泰语中的汉语借词,这也有助于考释泰语中汉语借词的本字。

    As South-Min dialect has maintained certain characteristics of Ancient Chinese , it is of great use for the study of the Chinese loanwords in Thai , because it helps understand their meanings and explore their origins in Chinese .

  16. 这本书字大,纸张又厚。

    The book is produced in large type and on thick paper .

  17. 用清晰而带稚气的字迹写成的一本65000字的小说。

    A novel of65 , OOo words penned in a clear childish hand .

  18. 我希望这本书的字再大一点儿。

    I wish this book was written in bigger character .

  19. 问题4.女:这本词典的字太小了。

    Question 4 . W : The print in this dictionary is so small .

  20. 首先是对《说文》二徐本页部字相同部分进行分类与阐释。

    First is to study Shuo Wen of Er Xu this Xie department word the same part classified and interpretation .

  21. 本章从字源、结构对称性、汉字信息处理三个方面对差异字形提出规范建议;第六章为结语。

    This chapter we give specification recommends from Ziyuan , structural symmetry and character information processing . The sixth chapter is conclusion .

  22. 他写了一本书,字名是“销售心理学”&旨在帮助人们成为顶端的20%。

    He has written a book titled " The Psychology of Selling ," which aims to help people become part of the top20 percent .

  23. 2采自字书以外的古代典籍。古代典籍经秦火之灾,保存至汉代有传世古文本和今文字本,典籍在实际用字中也不尽相同。

    The classical books , which after the disaster of fire in Qin Dynasty , have two kinds of script : ancient script and modern script , the usage of the characters is different .

  24. 本论文以一百万字的轮机英语语料库为基础,着重研究轮机英语中一次频词(Hapaxlegomena)的分布特点,并分析了他们的构成特征。

    This paper focuses on the distribution of hapax legomena in the one-million-word marine engineering English ( MEE ) .

  25. 本研究采用真假字判断与同音判断任务考察了汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的心理机制。

    The mental mechanism of developmental dyslexia was investigated using character decision task and homophone decision task .

  26. 这本书有六万多字,他一个月内就印了600册。

    It was a book of more than 60 , 000 words , and he finished printing 600 copies less than a month .

  27. 彭泽润的这本《词和字研究&中国语言规划中的语言共性和汉语个性》就对这一系列的问题进行全面深入的探讨。

    The book Research on Words and Characters & Language Universals and Chinese Individuality in Chinese Language Planning written by Professor Peng-Zerun offers a thorough discussion to these questions .

  28. “那宝玉未入学堂之先,三四岁时,已得贾妃手引口传,教授了几本书,数千字在腹内了。”

    " Even before Baoyu started school , when he was hardly four years old , she taught him to recite several tests and to recognize several thousand characters "

  29. 第三章是会意字理据变化,本章就会意字理据变化情况及发展趋势、历史地位作了分析。

    Thirdly , Chapter Associative compounds rational changes in this chapter , the rationale would be the word meaning and rationale for changes in trends , historical position is analyzed .

  30. 犹如创、新两个本毫无关联的字,当我们把它们组合在一起,赋予它新的意义,创新就产生了。而我们并非去创造文字,而是将他们重组。

    Take " The Creation " and " new " for an example , they are originally the two unrelated words , but " innovation " is created when we put them together , however , we did not create a character .