
  • 网络base tone;citation tone;basic tone
  1. 本调压器容许的电网电压波动范围较宽,而输出电压波动范围较小。

    The allowable line voltage fluctuating range of the designed voltage regulator is wider , while the output voltage fluctuating range is smaller .

  2. 本文之探索〈鹧鸪天〉之声情概况大约有四:一、就音乐的声情来说,本调声情应偏向清丽而稍怨的感情。

    Four aspects of tonal expression in " Partridge Sky " are discussed in this thesis . First , in the aspect of musical tonal expression , the tune should be pure and beautiful but a little bit sad .

  3. 1气乱为其本,调气贯始终。

    Regulating qi constantly because the base of diseases is from disorder of qi .

  4. 使用方法:将本品调于基础油或家用面霜、乳液等,均匀涂抹于下腹部及后腰部吸收即可。

    Method of Use : Diluted this product with essential oil or lotion and smear evenly on the abdomen and waist .

  5. 我们开始起飞,在飞机机头本该调转向天空的时候,飞机开始摇晃。

    As we took off , just at the point the aeroplane should have been turning its nose to the air , there was a jolt .

  6. 本区调工作以遥感地质为先导,在填图中从调查单个火山构造扩展到多个、多种火山构造组合叠置关系及火山群体的研究。

    By using remote sensing images , not only separate volcanic structures , but also various kinds of superimposed volcano tectonic associations and volcanic groups were observed during the mapping .

  7. 最后,对小容量斩波控制Buck-boost电路调压系统作了初步的设计,指出了本课题研究调压系统有待解决的一些问题。

    At last , this paper also design a small capacity Buck-boost type chopper system , pointing out the problems and difficultes of the AC modulation voltage system in the future .

  8. 方法本次流调方法与全国第四次流调方法基本一致,采用分层整群等比例随机抽样方法。

    Methods The multi stratified grouping random sampling method and the proportional sampling was used .

  9. 探讨中风急性期治疗从扶正着手,提出固本培元、调畅气血之扶正法治疗中风急性期,作为目前治法的补充,以冀医界引起重视。

    The article discusses the treatment of strengthening healthy energy for acute stroke to make doctors think much of it , which includes consolidating vital base and primordial qi , and regulating qi and blood .

  10. 同时,本实验也为调畅气机法在临床治疗肝郁证UC提供部分实验依据。

    At the same time , the experiment provides foundation for treating UC of liver depression in clinic .

  11. 本论文完成了调压控制电路和逆变控制电路PWM脉冲的软件编写,并通过试验记录了相关数据和波形。

    This paper completed the PWM generation program of voltage regulation control circuit and inverter control circuit , and recorded the data and waveform by experiments .

  12. 本工作用可调探测深度电子能量损失谱(ELS)与俄歇电子能谱(AES)研究Pb在Ni(001)表面的生长过程。

    We have studied the interface formation process of Pb / Ni ( 001 ) system by means of tunable-sampling-depth electron energy loss spectroscopy ( TELS ) and Auger electron spectroscopy ( AES ) .

  13. 在北美和欧洲发达经济体的需求没有增加的形势下,中国经济的复苏之快,令经济学家感到意外,也促使国际货币基金组织(imf)在本月早些时候调高了全球经济预期。

    The speed of the Chinese recovery , without an accompanying boost in demand from advanced economies in North America and Europe , has surprised economists and led the International Monetary Fund to revise higher its outlook for the world economy earlier this month .

  14. 请注意,本班列车以调景岭为尾站。

    Your attention please , This train is stop service at North Point .

  15. 本周我们的调显示,这种担忧如今在几乎所有公司都普遍存在。

    As our survey this week shows , such worries are common in just about every business nowadays .

  16. 调味清淡味,强调本味,重视调汤,风味清鲜;

    Blends flavors the light taste , emphasizes this taste , takes seriously to adjust the soup , the flavor is fresh ;

  17. 本系统由可调质量、可调弹簧和可调阻尼器组成,控制系统的参数可以根据受控结构的动力特性进行调整,以达到最佳的控制效果。

    The parameters of the system can be tuned with the dynamic characteristics of the controlled structure in order to get the best control effect .

  18. 本重量式可调压限压阀调节平稳、密封性好、安全性较高、便于清洗、使用寿命长。

    The utility model has the advantages of stable regulation , better sealing performance , higher safety , convenience for cleaning , and longer service life .

  19. 本实用新型可调显示器支架涉及一种用于旋挖钻机驾驶室内的可调显示器支架。

    The utility model discloses an adjustable display support and relates to the adjustable display support which is used in a driving cab of a rotary drilling rig .

  20. 本研究说明,调脊通督针刺法治疗神经根型颈椎病因其取穴更切合临床实际,起效更快,值得在临床推广应用。

    This research shows that it is more practical by adjusting spine and dredging Du meridian therapy in treating CSR in clinical because of its location more convenience and effect-acting faster .

  21. 本课题通过可调气氛高温抗压试验机模拟高炉内环境,对烧结矿的高温抗压强度进行研究发现:1.烧结矿抗压强度随着温度的升高呈逐渐降低趋势。

    Misdata may result in distractor in sintering process . In this thesis , tests on the compressive strength of sinter using a high temperature compressive testing machine with adjustable atmosphere were completed .