
běn mò
  • ins and outs;the beginning and the end;the fundamental and the incidental;the whole course of an event from beginning to end
本末 [běn mò]
  • (1) [the whole course of an event from beginning to end]∶树木的根和梢,比喻事物的根源和结局,原委

  • 物有本末,事有终始。--《礼记.大学》

  • (2) [the fundamental and the incidental]∶主次,先后

本末[běn mò]
  1. 对于《明史纪事本末》史料的辨析,可以说是对其史料价值更深层次的探析,可以对他的史料价值作出更客观的评价。

    Regarding " History of the Ming Dynasty chronicle ins and outs " the historical data discrimination may say is searches to its historical data value deeper level analyzes , may make a more objective appraisal to his historical data value .

  2. 初撰本主要以纪事本末体和典志体为主

    The original drafts were mainly chronicles and compilations of regulations .

  3. 先秦诸子经济哲学思想之本末论

    On the Fundamentals and Incidentals in Economic Philosophy of Pre-Qin Philosophers

  4. 不要把马车放在马前;勿本末颠倒。

    Don 't put the cart before the horse .

  5. 试论宋代士大夫本末观的转变

    On the Change of the Scholar-Bureaucrats ' View of Value Judgment in the Song-Dynasty

  6. 第二《左传纪事本末》的体例创新及影响。

    The second , " Zuo Major Events " in the style of innovation and impact .

  7. 中西本末观中手工业地位差异的比较分析

    A Comparison and Analysis of the Different Statuses of Handicraft Industry between the Fundamental and the Incidental Values in China and the West

  8. 因此,考究先秦诸子经济哲学思想之本末论,对于研究先秦的经济哲学思想,挖掘、开发其合理的成分,古为今用,仍然意义深远。

    Therefore , studying the fundamentals and incidentals in economic philosophy of Pre-Qin philosophers still have profound significance for studying Pre-Qin economic philosophy and tapping its rational component .

  9. 郭嵩焘的思想具有超越意识,这集中体现在他的本末理论和对“中体西用”的否定变革上。

    The thought of GUO Song-tao is transcendent which is concentrated on his theory of " non-essentials and fundamentals " and " basing on China to use west " .

  10. 传统内圣外王思想的运思理路是一种本末一贯、圣王一体的理论架构。

    Saint outside the traditional idea of Wang Yun-thinking logic is a kind of " cart before the horse has always been ," " one king " theory of architecture .

  11. 二是在体用(本末)观上既主张学习西方的具体方法,又主张学习西方国家的政治制度、经济制度等基本原则;

    Secondly , in beginning-end view , he claimed that we should not only learn western concrete methods , but also study basic principle of political and economics system from western country .

  12. 当前,独生子女家庭教育问题日益突出,家庭辈份本末颠倒,本该孩子做的事情,全由父母代劳;

    At present , the one-child family education is becoming increasingly prominent , the family reversed seniority ins and outs of this the child to do , all the parents will handle ;

  13. 宋代士大夫本末观的转变,反映了中国古代商品经济发展的过程和文人士大夫对农工商业社会功能与地位的认识发展过程,以及对商品经济发展繁荣的自觉适应。

    This change reflects the commodity economy ' development process during ancient China , the scholar-bureaucrats ' cognitive process about the then society and their voluntary adaptation to the prosperity of the commodity economy .

  14. 另选取同类(国家或朝代纪事本末)史书和同时代纪事本末体史书与之相比较,探讨异同,分析纪事本末体体裁、体例的发展变化与完善。

    Select another similar ( national or dynastic Major Events ) history books and history books of contemporary Event-In comparison to explore similarities and differences , analysis of the Event-genre , style development and changes and improvement .

  15. 在这部作品中,郭文景运用中西合璧的创作理念,以四川传统音乐为本,现代技法为末,真挚而细心地探索出本末结合的最佳方式。

    In this work , Guo Wenjing creative use of Chinese and Western philosophy , Sichuan-based traditional music , modern techniques for the end of the sincere and carefully explore the circumstances leading to the best way to integrate .

  16. 这种表述可以使哲学不只是研究人的思维与世界其它事物的本末关系,而是真正去研究整个世界;

    This expression makes philosophy not only as a research on the relation of origin and end of the people 's thinking and the other matter of the world , but also as a real research on the whole world .

  17. 揭示退婴在中日语言中的源流本末,从一侧面说明中日语言比较研究对于辞书编纂、汉语史研究、中日文化交流史研究的重要价值和意义。

    This confusion over phrasal origins between Chinese and Japanese indicates the great significance of contrastive studies to dictionary compiling , research on the history of the Chinese language and on the history of cultural exchange between the two nations .