  • loyal;devoted;faithful;honest
  • 诚心尽力:~心。~诚。~实。~告。~于。~魂。~义。~贞。效~。赤胆~心。~言逆耳。


(忠诚) loyal; devoted; faithful; honest:

  • 不忠

    unfaithful to;

  • 尽忠

    faithful to; devoted to

  1. (这部关于一只忠犬的煽情片是根据真实故事改编而成的。)

    The tearjerker about a loyal dog is based on a true story .

  2. 忠奸对立模式下的红色经典叛徒书写策略严打斗争Strike-Hard

    Writing Strategy of Traitors in Red Classics in Terms of the Opposite Patterning of the Loyal and the Treacherous

  3. 我已经准备好挑选一支NFL球队,并成为他们一辈子的死忠粉了!

    I am ready to pick an NFL team to cheer on for lifetime !

  4. 小王子瞅着他,他喜欢这个点灯人如此忠守命令。

    As the little prince watched him , he felt that he loved this lamplighter who was so faithful to his orders .

  5. 作为板球运动的死忠粉,我的锁屏是德维里尔斯在记者招待会上的一张照片(他是个南美板球运动员)。

    As a die hard cricket fan , my lockscreen has a picture of AB de Villiers ( South African cricketer ) at a press conference .

  6. 忠犬八公的故事讲述了一只狗狗和主人的深厚情感,这只狗在主人死后的整整十年里,每天都在主人过去经常下班的同一个地点等待主人……

    The story focuses on a strong bond between a dog and his owner that the canine continues to await his master at the same downtown spot , where he used to get off work , every day for an entire decade after the man dies .

  7. 总部位于中国辽宁的忠旺集团,是一家为中铁集团(chinarailwaygroup)等客户生产窗框和列车车厢部件等产品的领先制造商。

    Zhong Wang , based in the north-eastern province of Liaoning , is a leading maker of products such as window frames and railcar components for customers such as China Railway Group .

  8. 结果RT忠儿与对照组比较,CD4~+T细胞和CD3~+/HLA&DR~+活化T细胞的表达率均显著下降(P<0.05,P<0.01);

    [ Results ] CD4 + T cell and CD3 + / HLA-DR + activated T cell were significantly lower in RT patients ( P < 0.05,0.01 ) than the control .

  9. 动物死忠粉kat和beth

    and animals enthusiast Kat Dennings and Beth Behrs .

  10. 我们都是扬基棒球队(Yankee)的死忠,能一起欣赏很多比赛,喝很多啤酒。

    We were both die-hard Yankee fans and would enjoy many games and many beers .

  11. 在他短暂的生命中,保罗·沃克忠实地践行着他在接受ET采访时所说的那句话:人只能活一次,我希望能活得淋漓尽致。

    In his short life , Walker certainly lived up to these words he told ET : You only live one time – I want to get it all in .

  12. 观察小剂量雷米普利对老年ACS忠者血清hs-CRP、MCP-1、IL-18和IL-10的影响。

    To observe the effects of ramipril on cytokines of hs-CRP , MCP-1 , IL-18 and IL-10 in elderly patients with ACS .

  13. 在他短暂的生命中,保罗·沃克忠实地践行着他在接受ET采访时所说的那句话:“人只能活一次,我希望能活得淋漓尽致。”

    In his short life , Walker certainly lived up to these words he told ET : " You only live one time - I want to get it all in . "

  14. 就支撑摇晃的结构而言,忠旺IPO的稳健程度,就像香港开发商偏爱的竹制脚手架一样,但没有后者便宜。

    As support for rickety structures goes , Zhong Wang 's IPO looks about as stable as the bamboo scaffolding favoured by Hong Kong developers , and not as cheap .

  15. ATP网球大师赛男单决赛在上海闵行区旗忠网球中心举行,在首盘比赛中,面对赛会三号种子选手费雷尔,卫冕冠军率先破掉对手的发球局,但随后由于失误过多又遭到对方反破发。

    The defending champion broke the third-seeded Ferrer in the first game but a catalogue of errors then undermined his hard work at the Qi Zhong Tennis Center in suburban Minhang District .

  16. 很多死忠粉大部分时间都在Reddit上吐槽制作人斯科特·金普尔(ScottGimple)。

    And a lot of diehards spent most of their time complaining about showrunner Scott Gimple on Reddit .

  17. 但是,还有很多使用过并忠爱LILO的人仍然选择LILO作为引导加载程序。

    And yet many people who have used and loved LILO still find it to be the boot loader of choice .

  18. 这款游戏就是所谓的“杀手级应用”,不仅Xbox的死忠粉丝,就连主流玩家也会愿意掏钱购买一台新主机。

    This is the type of " killer app " that both hardcore and more mainstream gamers will invest in a new console for .

  19. 采用项目管理技术,以P3项目管理软件为手段,对忠武输气管道工程信息管理系统进行了探索研究。

    By adopting project management techniques and P3 system software , a set of information management system has been established tentatively for Zhongxian to Wuhan gas transportation pipeline project .

  20. IBS常以腹痛、腹胀、腹泻、便秘为首发症状:IBS忠者同时容易出现功能性消化不良症状、结肠外症状。

    IBS often with abdominal pain , bloating , diarrhea , constipation , as the first symptom , IBS patients are also prone to functional dyspepsia symptoms and symptoms of colon outside .

  21. 尽管有不少来自媒体和公众的死忠粉,不过推特去年的业绩并没有显著增长。而其主要竞争对手脸书和INS都领先于它。

    While Twitter is beloved by dedicated users in the media and public eye , it has failed to grow significantly in the last year while its major rivals Facebook and Instagram have stretched ahead .

  22. 该课题对于忠武输气管线拟采用的X60抗硫化物应力腐蚀管线钢进行了环焊缝焊接工艺研究。

    In this paper , focused on researching on welding process of anti-SSCC X60 pipeline steel for ZHONG-WU pipeline .

  23. 店主之一肯尼·阿比奥格(KennyAbiog)说,如果丹宁死忠们觉得他们想要的东西这里没有,店内还提供定制牛仔裤服务。

    Kenny Abiog , a co-owner , said the store also makes custom jeans for denim heads who have something in mind that they can 't find in the store .

  24. “由于创建美国磁悬浮系统的计划仅处于初步阶段,目前还没有达成任何具体的成本估算,”负责该项目融资事务的日本国际协力银行高级常务董事忠志前田告诉《财富》杂志(Fortune)。

    " As plans are just preliminary for the American maglev system , there is nothing concrete agreed as regards a cost estimate , " Tadashi Maeda , senior managing director of JBIC in charge of the financing to the project told fortune .

  25. 这些狗都是CCI(忠犬相伴,独立生活),一个免费给人提供服务犬的非营利组织,特别繁殖并加以训练的。

    These dogs are especially bred and trained by Canine Companions for Independence , or CCI , a non-profit group that provides service dogs to people with disabilities for free .

  26. 沙钢润忠公司EAF-LF-CC流程的生产时间分析

    Analysis to the production time during EAF-LF-CC procedure

  27. 一旦你看了这些消息,我们就可以给苹果死忠粉们爆个更大的料:十有八九,看到下面这张照片,就是我们第一次亲眼见到真正iPhone7的时刻。

    Once you 're done there , we have an even bigger treat for all the eager Apple fans out there : In all likelihood , the leaked photo below is our first look at a genuine iPhone 7 in the flesh .

  28. 直到我妈妈介绍UNT给我,她之前已经死忠的使用UNT的玻尿酸保湿精华液和传明酸美白精华液数个月。

    Until I was introduced to UNT by my mother , who has been religiously using the AQUA FORTIS and EX WHITE for a number of months .

  29. 上个月,在忠旺询价圈购(book-building)期间,机构账簿超额认购接近3倍,人们真心希望,这家将得益于基础设施支出增加的企业,有望获得一个良好的上市开局。

    During the book-building process for China Zhongwang last month , the institutional book was nearly three times covered and there were real hopes that a company due to benefit from raised infrastructure spending would get off to a solid start .

  30. 那时候还没有互联网和Ticketmaster订票网站,要买大牌明星的演唱会票子,一般只有一种办法:整晚在街上和大群死忠歌迷一起排队,等着售票处或卖票的唱片店上午9点开门。

    Before the Internet and Ticketmaster stepped in , big-name tickets were typically purchased one way : by lining up on the street at night alongside throngs of hardy fans and waiting for a box office or a record store to open at 9 a.m. Since most of my early concertgoing took place in Scotland ,