
  • 网络loyal customer
  1. 因此,为获得、巩固、发展忠诚顾客的忠诚计划(LoyaltyPrograms,LPs)在很多行业(航空、旅馆业)取得了巨大的成功。

    So , Loyalty Programs ( LPs ) for getting , consolidating and developing loyal customer make enormous success in a lot of trade like aviation and lodging industries .

  2. 服务补救是使已经产生不满意感的顾客满意,并使之成为忠诚顾客的行为。

    A service recovery is satisfying a previously dissatisfied customer and making them a loyal customer .

  3. 客户关系管理(CRM)是电子商务背景下企业管理的一种新的理念、技术与方法,在激烈的市场竞争中,推行客户关系管理是零售企业获得忠诚顾客,增强市场竞争力的重要途径。

    Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) is a new concept , technology and means of business management in the background of e-business . In the cruel market competition , CRM is the effectual path that can help the retailers gaining loyal customers and raising ability of competition .

  4. 就RNKD而言,它必须依赖服饰品牌的配合才能生存:如果这些品牌向其最忠诚顾客提供的奖励不够丰厚,分享照片的动力就会化为乌有。

    For RNKD , the onus is on participating brands : if the rewards they offer to their most loyal consumers aren 't very good , the impetus to share photos is gone .

  5. 多忠诚顾客与单一忠诚顾客选择集的比较

    Comparative Study of Choice Set Based on Multi-loyal and Uni-loyal Customers

  6. 酒店餐饮业如何培养忠诚顾客

    How Do the Restaurant Industry of Hotels Cultivate Loyal Customers

  7. 为答谢广大忠诚顾客,美食品种更在不断地推陈出新。

    Meanwhile , new menu are constantly developed to cater to the clientele .

  8. 关于医院如何培养忠诚顾客的思考

    Reflection on the Hospital for Training Loyal Customers

  9. 用顾客满意的产品创造忠诚顾客

    Using satisfied products to create loyal customers

  10. 忠诚顾客的价值分析

    Anslysis of the Value of Loyal Customers

  11. 忠诚顾客是指那些对某一产品或服务有重复购买意愿和实际行动的顾客。

    Loyal customers are those who have repeatedly buying desire and activities for one product service .

  12. 建立忠诚顾客数据库。

    Establish databanks of loyal customers .

  13. 没有忠诚顾客。

    There is not faithful shopper .

  14. 企业如何培育忠诚顾客

    On Loyal Customer Cultivation

  15. 品牌忠诚顾客是企业危机沟通的核心对象,是企业迅速渡过危机和恢复元气的重要筹码。

    The loyal customers are important communication target , which are helpful for a company to restore to regulation .

  16. 对于忠诚顾客而言,他们会直接选择自己满意的产品或服务。

    For loyal customers , they are willing to choose the products or services which they are satisfied with .

  17. 分析指出,营销渠道是现代企业获取更多忠诚顾客和利润的触角和工具。

    The marketing channel is that modern enterprise gains the still more faithful customer and the excess profit means .

  18. 通过排队管理可以提高顾客的满意度,为企业赢得更多的忠诚顾客。

    Queue management by service-offering enterprises can increase customers ' satisfaction so that service-offering enterprises can attract more loyal customers .

  19. 在新的竞争环境条件下,我国企业要求得生存和发展,就必须注重保持顾客,努力造就大量忠诚顾客;

    In the new competitive conditions the enterprises in China should attract customers , and retain lots of faithful customers ;

  20. 忠诚顾客中97.04%都是对医院服务满意的顾客,而满意顾客只有31.62%是忠诚顾客。

    97.04 % loyal customers are satisfied with the health service , yet only 31.62 % satisfied customers are loyal customers .

  21. 博尔德里表示,Retency正与一些百货商店合作,以获得这些商店的忠诚顾客计划相关协议中包含的此类许可。

    Ms Bordry says Retency is working with stores to get this permission included in the agreements for store loyalty programmes .

  22. 然而忠诚顾客并不必定是满意的顾客,满意的顾客也未必直接呈现行为上的忠诚。

    Loyal customers , however , does not necessarily satisfied customers , satisfied customers also may not be directly present behavioral loyalty .

  23. 一般而言,公司50%~80%的利润来自于总数20%的忠诚顾客。

    In general , 50 % - 80 % of company profits from 20 % of the total number of loyal customers .

  24. 本文的研究成果是通过消费者行为分析以后,为培养忠诚顾客而采用的引导策略。

    The result of research is the guidance strategy for cultivating loyal customer on the basis of the analysis of consumer behavior .

  25. 研究发现满意、信任和承诺是普通顾客向忠诚顾客转化时心理变化的三个阶段。

    The findings indicate that satisfaction , trust and commitment are the three stages of psychological change from ordinary customers to loyal customers .

  26. 毋庸置疑,无论是实体环境还是虚拟环境,培养和维系忠诚顾客是企业赢利的关键途径。

    There is no doubt that creating and maintaining customer loyalty is the key to earning profit , whether under traditional or cyber circumstances .

  27. 有研究指出电子商务模式的发展在于忠诚顾客的培养。

    Studies show that the development of e-business model is to maintain customer relations . It is exact for the cultivation of loyal customers .

  28. 市场营销活动的目的就是影响消费者,使消费者做出购买决策实现购买行为成为忠诚顾客。

    The marketing goal is to affect the consumer , cause the consumer to make the purchase decision-making and make them become the loyal customer .

  29. 许多学者认为忠诚顾客提供给企业的价值主要体现在重复购买行为给企业带来的利润。

    A lot of scholars think that the value brought by the loyal customers to the company is the profit made by their repeating purchase .

  30. 企业在千方百计地培育忠诚顾客,但是他们却对顾客做出许多不忠诚的行为。

    The enterprise always try to cultivate the loyal customer by any possible means , but they actually make many deceptive behaviors to the customer .