
  1. 惠特尼表示:证券化最初是消费者贷款发放市场无足轻重的一员,但发展到2007年第一季度的巅峰时期,则占到家庭贷款的66%。

    Securitisations evolved from a footnote in the consumer loan origination market to peaking at 66 per cent of household borrowings in the first quarter of 2007 , says Ms Whitney .

  2. 在我国证券市场的投资者中,个人投资者的数量占到了90%以上,他们是证券市场的主要参与者,也是证券产品重要的消费者。

    Individual investors accounted for more than 90 % number of the securities market in our stock market . They are mainly participants and also an important consumer products of securities .