
zhènɡ quàn fǎ
  • securities law;securities act
  1. 在1953年,WILKO判例认为依据《证券法》提起的请求是不可仲裁的。

    In1953 , WILKO court held claims under Securities Act was not arbitrable .

  2. 证券法中虚假陈述侵权责任研究

    Research on the Tort Liability of Misrepresentation in Securities Act

  3. SEC的信指出,此举不应被理解为阿里巴巴集团有任何过错,或者有任何违反证券法的行为。

    The SEC letter states it should in no way be construed as Alibaba Group having done anything wrong or there having been any violation of securities law .

  4. 在1999年《证券法》实施之前,我国IPO定价主要是政府主导的行政定价方式,之后逐渐向市场定价方式过渡。

    Before the Security Act put into practice , the main method of IPO pricing in China is the government leading system through administrative offering , then the method is transmitted into market offering .

  5. 新的《证券法》明确规定,IPO承销商禁止参与认购新股,因此承销商只有通过这种间接的购买行为达到其持有新股的目的。

    The new 《 Securities Law 》 specific provision , IPO underwriters is prohibited to participate in the subscription of new shares , so underwriters only through this kind of indirect purchasing behavior to achieve the purpose that it offerings new shares .

  6. 每家信誉卓著的公司和咨询机构包括投行和麦肯锡在内都必然会对此感到震惊,丹佛大学斯特姆法学院(UniversityofDenverSturmCollegeofLaw)证券法教授J小罗伯特布朗(J.RobertBrownJr)表示。

    Every reputable company and advisory entity , including investment banks and McKinsey , has got to be horrified by this , says J. Robert Brown Jr , a securities law professor at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law .

  7. SOX法案是美国公司法和证券法的新发展,强调了公司内部控制的重要性。

    The introduction of SOX Act is a new development of company laws and securities laws in the United States . This paper introduces the background of its origination , analyzes its sections on internal control .

  8. 他触犯了多个证券法,因此他被逮捕了。

    He broke several securities laws , therefore he was arrested .

  9. 证券法修改和执行的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of the Revision and Execution of the Bond Law

  10. 我国已经启动了《证券法》修改工作。

    On working China has started to amend the Security Law .

  11. 《证券法》中禁止内幕交易制度的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Insider Trading Forbiddance System in the Securities Law

  12. 我国《证券法》没有规定内幕交易的民事赔偿制度。

    Civil liabilities of insider trading are lacking in our country .

  13. 联邦证券法优先于州蓝天法。

    The federal securities laws preempt the State Blue Sky Laws .

  14. 两国在证券法理念、立法发展方式、公司法理论的不同背景和环境下形成了适合各自国情的立法模式,也为我国在相应问题上的立法提供了可资借鉴的丰富经验。

    Both of patterns provide profound experiences on our legislation .

  15. 论《证券法》的民事法律责任制度缺位

    The Defects in the System of Civil Responsibility of the Securities Law

  16. 在美国进行收买投资的证券法原则

    Consideration of the Securities Law in Acquisition Investment in the United States

  17. 关于《证券法》民事责任制度的缺陷分析

    Analyzing Drawbacks of the Civil Duty System of Security Law

  18. 美国证券法强制披露制度的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis on the Mandated Disclosure System in American Securities Law

  19. 1999年7月1日,《证券法》开始实施。

    July 1 , 1999 , the " Securities Law " implemented .

  20. 证券法连带责任限度研究

    Studies on Limitation of the Joint and Several Liability in Security Law

  21. 证券法价值的三维透视

    The Value of Securities Law in the Three dimensional Perspective

  22. 论我国证券法的六个统一

    On the " six unifications " of the securities law of China

  23. 证券法上的证券仅指资本证券。

    " Securities " on Securities Law only point the capital securities certificate .

  24. 关于运用《证券法》对上市公司进行监管的几个问题

    Some Issues on Regulating Public Company by Securities Law

  25. 论证券法规则理念和制度机制

    On the Ideas and Organism of the Securities Law

  26. 在法官看来,现行的证券法尚不足以支持她的诉讼请求。

    Because the judge thought that the securities law could support her claim .

  27. 论我国《证券法》的立法目的

    On Legal Purpose of the Securities Law of China

  28. 《中华人民共和国证券法》对短线交易归入制度的规定过于简单,可操作性不强。

    The stipulation in Securities Law is too simple and not so practical .

  29. 略论《证券法》的信息披露和民事责任制度

    On Information Disclosure and Civil Liability of Securities Law

  30. 论美国证券法的域外适用及其必然性

    The Extraterritorial Application of the Securities Laws of the USA and its Inevitability