
  1. 中美证券监管理念比较

    Comparision on the Stock Supervision Ideas between Chinese and American

  2. 证券监管理念的提出,是对近几年来证券监管工作的一次全面的思考。

    The proposal of securities regulation ideas is an overall thinking of recent securities regulation work .

  3. 我国证券监管理念的市场化

    The Market Ideals of the Securities Supervision of China Comparision on the Stock Supervision Ideas between Chinese and American

  4. 二是对证券市场监管理念的思考。

    And second , the thoughts on the supervision of the stock market .

  5. 同时促进证券监管部门监管理念和上市公司经营理念的转换,并引导小投资者形成正确的投资理念。

    Meanwhile , we shall promote the concept change of the department of securities regulation and supervision as well as listed companies . We also need to guide small investors to invest in a proper way .

  6. 其次,要规范我国证券监管权的行使理念。

    Thirdly , we should standardize the security supervision right of our country .

  7. 构建理性的证券监管法律模式的关键在于证券监管法理念的选择。

    The rationalization of legal mode of securities supervisal depends on critically the selection of securities supervisory ideas .

  8. 随着各项改革的不断深化,特别是证券市场本身的发展实践,中国证券市场的监管理念正处于一个不断调整并努力达到边际效应递增的过程之中。

    With the deepening of all the reforms , especially the improvement of the practice of the market itself , the idea of the regulation of the Chinese security market is in a process of continuously adjustments and efforts in reaching increasing returns in marginal utility .

  9. 通过对两个类似的证券内幕交易案例的不同结果的分析,揭示了中美不同的证券监管理念和不同的历史文化背景。

    By analyzing the results of two similar stock cases in China and America , this paper discovers the different stock supervision ideas between Chinese and American and different historical cultural background .