
  • 网络csrc;the China Securities Regulatory Commission;
  1. 中国证监会否认了有关中国首次公开募股(IPO)市场关闭的谣言。

    China 's securities regulator has denied rumors that the country 's initial public offering ( IPO ) market has been shut down .

  2. 该公司目前正在进行第三次尝试。中国证监会目前正在考虑其首次公开募股(IPO)申请。

    But it is trying for a third time , and its IPO application is now under consideration of the China Securities Regulatory Commission .

  3. 除了放松中国证监会对IPO的严格管控外,预计新制度还将放宽对定价的限制。

    In addition to relaxing the CSRC 's grip on the flow of new IPOs , the new system is also expected to relax restrictions on pricing .

  4. 或者,高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根大通(JPMorganChase)的首席执行官可能会和中国证监会副主席方星海碰头。

    Or the chief executives of Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase could wind up huddling with Fang Xinghai , the vice chairman of the China securities regulatory commission .

  5. 此前被调查的官员中,还包括中国证监会(CSRC)前副主席、国泰君安的前董事长姚刚。

    One of those investigated previously was Yao Gang , former vice-chairman of the stock market regulator , the China Securities Regulatory Commission and a former head of Guotai Junan .

  6. 周四晚,中国证监会(CSRC)表示,已根据证券和期货交易所“市场监察异动报告”,启动对市场操纵行为的调查。

    The China Securities Regulatory Commission said late on Thursday that it had opened an investigation into market manipulation " based on reports of unusual movements " in securities and futures markets .

  7. 福耀玻璃在一份声明中称,中国证监会(CSRC)拒绝了高盛出资1.19亿美元收购福耀玻璃近10%股权的提议。

    Goldman 's proposal to pay $ 119m for nearly 10 per cent of Fuyao Glass Group was turned down by the China Securities Regulatory Commission , Fuyao said in a statement .

  8. 据财经新闻网站财新网周三晚报道,中国证监会(CSRC)稽查总队副总队长习龙生近日被从办公室带走。

    Financial website Caixin reported late on Wednesday that Xi Longsheng , chief inspection officer at the China Securities Regulatory Commission , had been escorted from his office by investigators in recent days .

  9. 中国证监会没有回复记者请其置评的电子邮件。

    The CSRC did not respond to an email seeking comment .

  10. 中国证监会禁止管理人员家属为躲避利益冲突而买卖股票。

    CSRC regulations prohibit family members of regulators from trading stocks to avoid conflicts of interest .

  11. 中国证监会主席易会满在上海举行的陆家嘴论坛上发表讲话。

    China Securities Regulatory Commission chairman Yi Huiman made the remarks at the Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai .

  12. 中国证监会的声明在主席宣布设立该交易所的决定之后发表。

    The statement by the China Securities Regulatory Commission came after the president announced the decision to the exchange .

  13. 中国证监会在上周五表示,中国证券金融公司将进行增资扩股,使注册资本增长三倍,增至1000亿元人民币(合160亿美元)。

    The CSRC had said on Friday that CSF 's capital would be quadrupled to Rmb100bn ( $ 16bn ) .

  14. 根据中国证监会在微博上所公布的内容,由于李志玲配偶违规买卖股票,决定开除李志玲。

    According to an announcement on the CSRC 's weibo account , she was dismissed when officials found that her husband was trading stocks .

  15. “北京爱它动物保护公益基金会”向中国证监会递交请愿书,70多位名人请愿反对上市。

    The Beijing Loving Animal Foundation sent the China Securities Regulatory Commission a petition signed by more than 70 celebrities to oppose the listing .

  16. 中国证监会一年前就表示新制度的规则已经草拟完毕,但迄今尚未落实新制度。

    The CSRC said a year ago that draft rules for the new system were already complete , but the new system has not been implemented .

  17. 因利益冲突而违反相关法规,中国证监会做出了开除发行监管部处长李志玲的决定。

    China 's securities watchdog said it has dismissed Li Zhiling , the head of its share issuance bureau , for violating rules intended to prevent conflicts of interest .

  18. 中国证监会表示,这是中国金融市场开放的关键一步,也是中英两国在金融领域合作的重要一步。

    The China Securities Regulatory Commission said this marks a crucial step in the opening up of China 's capital market and in the China-Britain cooperation in the financial sector .

  19. 中国证监会表示,与上海和深圳交易所相比,北京证券交易所将在中国资本市场发挥不同的作用,同时加强与前两个交易所的互联互通。

    The CSRC says the stock exchange will play a different role in China 's capital market compared with the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges while strengthening interconnectivity with both of them .

  20. 此外,中国证监会表示称在这之前,纪委对她进行了一年的调查,李志玲已被移送司法机关。

    Separately , the China Securities Regulatory Commission ( CSRC ) said that following a year-long investigation by the party 's anti-corruption authorities , Li 's case was handed over to the police .

  21. 据人民日报报道,放置在中国证监会北京总部对面的这两座卡通片《熊出没》的雕塑,本来是庆祝儿童节的一个标志。

    Statues of two characters from the popular Boonie Bears cartoon had been installed opposite the China Securities Regulatory Commission ( CSRC ) headquarters in Beijing , as part of an attraction marking Children 's Day , the People 's Daily newspaper reports .

  22. 据中国证监会公布的数据,这份名单共有28家公司,其中16家企业拟在上海证券交易所主板上市,4家企业拟在深圳证券交易所中小板上市,8家拟在创业板上市。

    A total of 28 companies appeared on the list , 16 for the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange , 4 for small and medium-sized enterprises board in Shenzhen and 8 for the ChiNext Board accoroding to data from China Securities Regulatory Commission .

  23. 中国证监会主席郭树清已经提出一种理念,即让中国股市的发展模式向西方靠拢,降低政府在审批首次公开募股中发挥的作用,把更多权力转移给审计师和投资银行,以促进更加透明的市场的形成。

    And China Securities Regulatory Commission Chairman Guo Shuqing has floated the idea of bringing China 's model closer to that of the West , reducing the role the government plays in approving initial public offerings and shifting more power to auditors and investment banks ,

  24. 在中国媒体中,证监会主席一职被广泛称作“火山口”。他面临的第一个考验将是如何引入新的、有争议的基于市场的首次公开招股(IPO)体系。

    The role is widely referred to in the Chinese media as " the volcano seat " and his first test will be to introduce the new - and controversial - market-based IPO system .

  25. 就在银监会这一举措之前,周三晚上中国证券监管机构证监会(CSRC)还曾出台新规定,禁止持股比例在5%以上的投资者减持股票。

    That came on the heels of a new rule imposed late on Wednesday by the securities regulator banning investors with shareholdings of more than 5 per cent in a company from selling shares .

  26. 纽约证券交易所宣布,将摘牌据称与中国军方有关联的公司,包括中国电信、中国联通和中国联通香港公司,对此,中国证监会作出了上述回应。

    The CSRC commented the New York Stock Exchange announcement that it will de-list companies said to be linked to the Chinese military - including China Telecom , China Mobile , and China Unicom Hong Kong .

  27. 上周,在有关李亦非行踪的问号出现之际,中国当局加大了对其他知名人士的调查力度,其中包括中信证券(CiticSecurities)四名高管、一位受人尊敬的财经记者、以及中国证监会(CSRC)的一名官员。

    Questions over Ms Li 's whereabouts emerged last week as Chinese authorities turned up the heat on other prominent figures including four senior executives of Citic Securities , a respected financial journalist and a China Securities Regulatory Commission official .