
  • 网络Budget of the central government;the central budget
  1. 安排中央预算稳定调节基金192亿元以备以后使用。

    A total of19.2 billion yuan was set aside for the central budget stabilization fund .

  2. 中国应建立通过中央预算引导大规模财政支出的机制。

    China should put in place mechanisms to steer large amounts of fiscal spending through the central budget .

  3. 别紧张!我们在中央预算委员会认识谁?

    Who do we know on the Senate Appropriations committee ?

  4. 中央预算内水利基建投资计划编制对策和建议

    Measures and suggestions of making investment plan for basic construction of water sector within central budget

  5. 中央预算投资安排150亿元,支持4000多个项目。

    We allocated 15 billion yuan from the central government budget to support more than 4000 projects .

  6. 政府根本没有通过中央预算实施大规模刺激的组织手段。

    The government simply did not have the organisational means to run a sizeable stimulus through the central budget .

  7. 加上调入中央预算稳定调节基金1100亿元,安排使用的收入总量62416.9亿元。

    Added to the110 billion yuan taken from the central budget stabilization fund , total revenue came to6.24169 trillion yuan .

  8. 审计署提出的加强中央预算管理的两点意见,即进一步细化预算,增加预算透明度和严格预算执行。

    The National Audit Office proposed two recommendations , i.e. to further detail the budget , improve budget transparency and tighten up budget implementation ;

  9. 属于中央预算的政府采购项目,其集中采购目录由国务院确定并公布;

    The centralized procurement catalogue for government procurement items that come under the central budget shall be determined and published by the State Council ;

  10. 预算收入划分为中央预算收入、地方预算收入、中央和地方预算共享收入。

    The budgetary revenues are divided into the central budgetary revenues , the local budgetary revenues and the budgetary revenues shared by the central and local governments .

  11. 同时,削减财政赤字450亿元;拟增加中央预算稳定调节基金1032亿元。

    In addition , the budget deficit should be reduced by45 billion yuan and the central budget stability and regulation fund should be increased by103.2 billion yuan .

  12. 2008年财政部大力推行的中央预算单位公务卡改革工作预示着无现金结算方式即将到来。

    In2008 , the national financial ministry put great effort on reform of public service card within central budget units , it indicates the arrival of non-cash balance .

  13. 根据该文件,政策性银行应该提供优惠的用于贫困人口安置的长期贷款,中央预算应支付90%的利率。

    Policy banks are supposed to provide favorable long-term loans for the relocation and the central budget should pay 90 percent of the interest , according to the document .

  14. 中央预算包括地方向中央上解的收入数额和中央对地方返还或者给予补助的数额。

    The central budget includes revenues turned over by the local governments to the central government and revenues refunded or subsidies granted by the central government to the local governments .

  15. 第十七条审计署在国务院总理领导下,对中央预算执行情况进行审计监督,向国务院总理提出审计结果报告。

    Article 17 The National Audit Administration shall , under the leadership of the Premier of the State Council , exercise supervision through auditing over the implementation of the central budget and submit audit reports thereon to the Premier .

  16. 中央预算和地方各级政府预算,应当参考上一年预算执行情况和本年度收支预测进行编制。

    The central budget and the budgets of local governments at various levels shall be compiled with reference to the actual implementation of the budget of the previous year to the estimation of revenues and expenditures for the current year .

  17. 1998年起国家电网公司申请中央预算内资金或自行投入大量资金进行电网建设,大量的电网建设资金为电力工程施工企业的发展带来了机遇。

    Since the year of 1998 , the State Grid Corporation of China applied for the central budget funds to invest a lot of money in grid construction . So much construction funds brought the development opportunities to electric power construction enterprises .

  18. 中央预算内投资拟增加到4576亿元,重点投向保障性安居工程、农业、重大水利、中西部铁路、节能环保、社会事业等领域,发挥好政府投资四两拨千斤的带动作用。

    Budgetary investment of the central government will rise to 457.6 billion yuan , which will be mainly invested in government-subsidized housing , agriculture , major water conservancy projects , railways in the central and western regions , energy conservation , environmental protection and social programs .

  19. 特别是在今年的中央预算执行审计中,审计署揭露和查处了当前财政财务收支中存在的严重违法违规问题,审计工作的质量明显提高;

    Special mention must be made that during this year 's audit of central budget implementation , the National Audit Office disclosed and sanctioned serious illegal and irregular practices in the current revenues and expenditures of the public finance and marked conspicuous improvement of audit quality .

  20. 总的考虑是,经过几年努力,在现有财政赤字规模不扩大的情况下,中央预算内经常性建设投资逐步增加到一定规模,同时逐步减少发行建设国债。

    The general idea is to appropriately increase investment from the central budget for regular construction each year for several years while systematically decreasing the issuance of Treasury bonds , and at the same time ensuring that the size of the deficit remains at the current level .

  21. 从审计法和《中央预算执行情况审计监督暂行办法》规定的审计机关的职责出发,财政收支合法性审计是加强审计监督、履行法律责任的内在需要。

    Following the responsibility of audit institution , which is set by the Audit Law and the " Provisional Practice Direction for Auditing Central Budgetary Implementation ", compliance audit of revenues and expenditures of public finance is inherently required during enhancement of audit supervision and fulfilling the law liability .

  22. 第三部分分析中央部门预算改革的背景。

    The third part analyzes the background of central Agency budget reform .

  23. 我国中央部门预算执行审计分析:特征与启示

    China 's Central Department Budget Implementation Audit Analysis : Characteristics and Its Enlightenment

  24. 在对部门收支进行探讨的基础上,论文借鉴吸收了2002年中央部门预算编制表格,设计出了地方政府预算的编制表格。

    As that finished , I design the chart of local department budget .

  25. 第四部分阐述中央部门预算改革的进展及评价。

    The fourth part describes the advance and evaluation of central Agency budget reform .

  26. 今年中央财政预算用于支持这项改革的资金将达305亿元。

    The central budget will allocate 30.5 billion Yuan to support this reform in 2003 .

  27. 它不能弥补地方和中央政府预算的不足,但能帮助缩小缺口。

    It cannot replace shortfalls in local and central government budgets , but it can help to bridge the gap .

  28. 国家预算管理制度是一个统一完整的体系,在中央部门预算改革开始后,必须进一步实施地方预算管理制度的配套改革。

    As it is a whole and united system , the local budget management system must keep up with the reform of central government department budget .

  29. 中央财政预算较大幅度地增加了“低保”资金,地方财政预算也必须增加所需资金。

    Now that the Central Government has greatly increased its budgetary funding for subsistence allowances , local governments , on their part , must do the same .

  30. 大体的框架已经明确了:政府将扮演更强有力的角色,包括加大中央财政预算和推动全民的医疗保险。

    The outline is already clear : a stronger role for government , including more money from the central budget , and a drive towards universal health insurance .