
  • 网络The Chinese Bank
  1. 不安的储户上周五从中华商业银行(TheChineseBank)提取了逾4.6亿美元的存款,约占该行存款总额的10%。

    Jittery depositors on Friday withdrew more than US $ 460m from The Chinese Bank , or roughly 10 per cent of its total deposits .

  2. 台湾政府昨日向陷于困境的中华商业银行(TheChineseBank)注资纾困,并承诺保障储蓄客户的存款,以防这家银行的流动性危机扩散。

    Taiwan 's government tried yesterday to prevent a liquidity crisis at The Chinese Bank from spreading by injecting additional funds into the ailing lender and promising to guarantee depositors ' savings .

  3. 但三天后,这一事件不但引起了力霸集团旗下中华商业银行(TheChineseBank)存款客户的恐慌,台湾政府的官员也慌了。

    But three days later , the incident has caused panic among not only depositors at the group 's banking affiliate , The Chinese Bank , but also government officials .

  4. 台湾检调机构上月起诉100余人犯有挪用公司资金和会计欺诈罪,并指控力霸所有者利用旗下的中华商业银行(TheChineseBank)骗取了股东逾700亿元新台币的资金。

    Prosecutors indicted more than 100 people on embezzlement and accounting fraud charges last month and accused the owners of using the Chinese Bank , the group 's lender , to defraud shareholders of more than T $ 70bn .

  5. 他在中国力霸、中华商业银行和力华票券金融的办公室也都遭到搜查。

    Offices of China Rebar , The Chinese Bank and Great Chinese Bills Finance were also searched .

  6. 汇丰将向中华商业银行注资3亿至4亿美元,将一些财务比率恢复到适当水平。

    HSBC will inject $ 300m - $ 400m into the bank to bring its financial ratios to " appropriate " levels .

  7. 和过去4个月中的其他3家小银行一样,中华商业银行此后已被政府接管。

    The Chinese bank has since been taken over by the government , as have three other small weak lenders over the past four months .

  8. 上周末台湾政府以其典型的快速度向中华商业银行注入了公共资金,同时,该银行的情况有其特殊性:此前它的两家长期境况不佳的关系企业(同属一母公司)申请破产。

    Taipei was characteristically quick to inject public funds into The Chinese Bank at the weekend , and the lender is something of a special case : the run came after two of its long-ailing affiliates filed for insolvency .

  9. 《中华人民共和国商业银行法》英语翻译商榷

    Errors in the English Version of the Commercial Banking Law of the People 's Republic of China

  10. 它服从《中华人民共和国商业银行法》等法律法规,受金融主管部门依法严格审查和监管,但不受政府非法律程序的干预,具有较大的经营自主性。

    It obeys the regulations of the Commercial Bank Law , and runs under the supervision of the financial supervisory department .

  11. 关系人的范围,依照《中华人民共和国商业银行法》和有关金融法规确定。

    The range of connections shall be determined in accordance with the provisions in the Law of the People 's Republic of China on Commercial Banks and the relevant regulations on banking .